Just a background.

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« on: <01-09-12/0227:49> »
This is a background for a hacker adept I have been messing with.  Just putting it up for fun.

MDD is a adult male ork.  He is 23, which in ork terms is physiically and emotionally similar to 30 in a human.  Real name Martin Bane, MDD is his most commonly used online name, which stands for "Moar Dakka Dakka".  He is physically fit, although a bit on the clumsy side.  He has slightly Amerindian features with long straight black hair and redisht tan skin, although he has not been able to establish tribal ancestry.  He usually wears his hair in a pony tail, shaves his scruffy beard, and dresses in casual urban utilitarian clothing, sturdy shoes, and a long armored coat coming past his knees, and some PPP elements worn under the clothing.  Due to his sunlight alergy he is never without his glasses.

MDD was born to a family with regular jobs and a SINs, but not much else to their name.  His parents were both orks and lived in Everett in the Seattle area.  He is one of five children (from two litters).  His father was a skillwire worker, often underemployed, and his mother cooked in a local noodle shack, although the cooking involved little more than pouring measured ingredients into the autocook and moping the floor at the end of the shift.  He ate regularly as a child, but space, privacy, and spending money was at an extreme premium in their two bedroom apartment.  At least he was sleeping inside and going to school, which was more than alot of kids in Everett. 

At school he demonstrated an extrodinary talent for computers and technology, and was put into a vocational training track after finishing 5th grade.  He aced every computer related class he took, and by the time he was 13 he was taking college level computer courses.  By 16 he was done with school, working rebuilding electronics at a local shop, and shopping his resume around to corporations.  But despite having more skills than most of the systadmins he interviewed with, as a non-corp citizen, a tusker on top, and having more than a little bit of an arrogent streak, he could get no job offers.  And he knew he wanted more out of life than the appartment and soy bars that fixing comlinks down at Honest Donny's Signal Shack would bring him.  He started to gravitate to hacking matrix sites, and soon was running with a local gang, boosting cars and defeating security while they cleaned out local shops at night.  They didn't pay him what he was worth, but over four years and after a few lucky hijacking scores he had earned enough for his implants and was upgrading his software library.  Then just after his 20th birthday eveything came appart.

In what seemed like a living horror film, a visit to his family to see his aging father, now too frail to work manual skillwire jobs, ended in chaos as a pack of feral ghouls, dislodged from thier barrens lair by unknown parties, attacked the Everett Tavern where the entire family was celbrating his father's 44th birthday.  It took the police over fourty minutes to respond to numerous paniced calls for help, and when they finally did more than 30 people, including both MDD's parents and one of his sisters were dead, and his brother was infected.  His brother went on to commit suicide rather than allow himself to change into a ghoul.  The battle had ranged over several city blocks and had only really turned after most of the local street gang had been turned into ghoul chow.  It was widely suspected in the neighborhood that the rampage had been staged as part of a power play between gangs, and that the police watch commander had been paid off to delay the arrival of the Knight Errant combat teams.  It was never proven, as such things never are, but the trama of the night and the idea that help was intentionally withheld left MDD deeply angry, cynical, and bitter.  To this day he hates and somewhat fears the infected, feral or not, and will buy a round for anyone brining in a bounty on a ghoul.

MDD was dangerously close to spiraling in after the death of his parents.  He was drinking hard and for the most part not working.  He would have probably eneded up eventually pulling the cyberware out of his head for rent money, but a completely unexpected event changed, and probably saved, his life.  He Awakened.  MDD began to be able to see and maniupulate code apart from his comlink.  Just in small ways, and he still needed programs to actually get anything done, but he was seeing data and code in ways he never had.  He was making massive intuitive leaps, working at an incredible pace, doing things in literally half the time in AR than he had ever been able to do before.  He was finding flaws in security walls just by looking at them and breaking encryption so easily that sometimes he thought the decrypt program was just confirming what he already knew.

At first he though he might be a technomancer, but after searching out a technoshaman for training he was told that he definitely had not emerged or connected with the resonance.  The techoshaman suggested that MDD have a magician check his Aura.  MDD arranged for this, and sure enough the assensing showed that he was in fact an Adpet of the Artisan's Way.  He had emerged very late, and the implants that he already possesed had most likely blunted the full mainfestation of his powers, but the synergy of the two, his enhanced brain backed up by his magic, was incredibly effective.  Particularly in areas such as hacking, decryption, and electronic warefare, MDD was hell on jets.  Things had moved way beyond boosting cars and trid players.  MDD was heading for the big time.

In the three years since MDD has moved into full blown shadow ops.  He has expanded his skills to included the basics of drone use and piloting.  He has been in enough dustups to learn how to hit the floor and get to cover when needed, and his survival insticts have been developed to the point that he is a canny obsever and light on his feet.  He has continued to plow all his profits back into the business, so to speak, and at this point he has multiple drones, a van, and a large library of restricted software of the best quality one can get without getting into military grade icebreakers.  He has set up a base of operations in a  small rented industrial space where he has room to work on his drones and has set up a secure net connection to do matrix work over, although he makes it a rule never to do a full blown hack from base on the small chance he may be traced back.  He is for hire through a well connnect fixer, although his repuation has not spread beyond Seattle.  Although the outright trama of the ghoul attack has faded over time MDD is still a cynic and skeptic at heart when it comes to human nature.  If you have work that fits his skill set, he's interested,  He doesn't much care what it is.


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« Reply #1 on: <01-09-12/1956:18> »
I like it. How does the evolving world around him affect him? When was he born? Does he have any specific criminal connections?
His story is very compelling. Very compelling.
Current campaign WIP.