white wolf games..

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« Reply #30 on: <11-17-11/1821:05> »
I miss my Street Racing, Sci-Fi Addicted Son of Ęther.  His '69 Lincoln Continental Four-Door Convertible had the highest Intimidation ability of anyone in the group.  Including the vampires and werewolves combined.  Nobody messed with the car.

I was also well on my way to getting an AI put into her, too, when I had to move.   :'(
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« Reply #31 on: <11-17-11/2121:08> »
Let's face it.  Mage (in every incarnation) flat out slaps the other supernaturals (and WoD games) in the face with their "I make up the rules now" approach to mage powers.

One of my favorite toons was my Euthanatos who could "teleport" using Entropy 3.  Enchanted a business card for a taxi company in town.  Every time he raised the card near the road and called "TAXI" one of that company's cabs just happened to be there to take him wherever he wanted.

Not to mention all the times vampires "accidentally" staked themselves when he was nearby.  Priceless.
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« Reply #32 on: <11-17-11/2258:00> »
A vampire made the mistake of trying to steal my character's car.

After the car intimidated him badly, I dropped him into the oil pit, and he raised up encased in carbonite.  So I made him a decoration behind the drum set of the character's heavy metal/magical community neutral zone club.
Si vis pacem, para bellum


Blond Goth Girl

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« Reply #33 on: <11-19-11/1328:00> »
I personally like oWoD with the in-depth detail that they have for their world and many types of characters.  The other thing I like is how the system is set up like SR with attribute + skill.

Never bothered with nWoD since the old one isn't broken so to speak.  Plus I have just about every supplement for oWoD.  My frugality prevents me from investing more money.

After a 1.5 year campaign of SR4, our group is gearing up for a Dark Ages and beyond game.


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« Reply #34 on: <11-21-11/1236:15> »
NWoD does have a few advantages over the old one.  Notably:

- regular people can be more than just fodder

- powers and abilities of all supernaturals are a bit more balanced and do not immediately destroy versimilitude (could happen often)

- world not coming to an end because of goofy crap

- NPC's do things that make more sense (see "goofy crap" above)

Most importantly

- vampires are not cursed by god to be UberSuperAwesomesauce (bwa?)

- werewolves are not chumps whining about the end of days and doing nothing concrete about it

- mages are not as INSTANT WIN vs. other supernaturals as they were (though, honestly, they are still pretty WIN)

- wraiths are NPC's ("I'm dead and can't affect anything real?  I'm playing this why?")

- changelings ULTIMATE COSMIC POWAA gone (mages actually get a run for their money from these guys)
There is no overkill.

Only "Open fire" and "I need to reload."


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« Reply #35 on: <11-23-11/1119:44> »
Does it still attract emo whiny goth players though?



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« Reply #36 on: <11-23-11/1129:50> »
Does it still attract emo whiny goth players though?

*Shakes Magic 8-Ball*  Signs point to "Yes"  *Looks around, throws 8-Ball at random person, hitting them in the head, and runs off laughing*
Si vis pacem, para bellum



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« Reply #37 on: <12-29-11/1323:36> »
Wraiths are now sort of remade as Geists although compared to the other settings it's fairly bad.


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« Reply #38 on: <12-30-11/0538:43> »
After a 1.5 year campaign of SR4, our group is gearing up for a Dark Ages and beyond game.

We're currently doing the transylvanian cronicles.  It's quite fun, especially since the group has the following members:
-Capadocian (going to be hunted by the Giovanni soon): Saracen Vizier
-Salubri (already hunted by the Tremere): Danish noble in the order of Shanticleer
-Liahnan (going to be extinct by 1400 or so): druid
-Gangrel (me): ex-monk turned crusader

We've also done some Mage: the awakening and that was a lot of fun too, although that could also have been because we tend to make what I call disfunctional parties.
And I really like the Lunars from exalted.  Maybe I have a think for shapeshifters (gangrel, lunars, thyrsus mages).

"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"