After a 1.5 year campaign of SR4, our group is gearing up for a Dark Ages and beyond game.
We're currently doing the transylvanian cronicles. It's quite fun, especially since the group has the following members:
-Capadocian (going to be hunted by the Giovanni soon): Saracen Vizier
-Salubri (already hunted by the Tremere): Danish noble in the order of Shanticleer
-Liahnan (going to be extinct by 1400 or so): druid
-Gangrel (me): ex-monk turned crusader
We've also done some Mage: the awakening and that was a lot of fun too, although that could also have been because we tend to make what I call disfunctional parties.
And I really like the Lunars from exalted. Maybe I have a think for shapeshifters (gangrel, lunars, thyrsus mages).