Catalyst Game Labs > Official Announcements
State of the Art: 2073 PDF-only product now available!
Just in time for your last-minute holiday shopping, we've released a new PDF-only product, State of the Art: 2073 (Battleshop, DrivethruRPG). Here's the rundown:
Some people think that being state-of-the-art means being on the bleeding-edge of technology. That’s part of it, but only a small part. If you really want to be current, if you want to know what’s going on in the world and how it might affect you, you need to know about a lot more than new tech. You need to know about current events—like the speech Hestaby gave to the United Nations that put the dragons of the Sixth World into an uproar. You need to know what you’ll see on the roads, from new vehicles to re-purposed classics. You need to know about the latest research on Awakened plants and the exceedingly creative uses scientists are putting them to.
Take those elements and stir in up-to-date information on important people and places—like cagey intelligence ace Samantha Roth and the tumultuous nation of Thailand—and you have a dossier that can help runners stay current and make sure they know what’s happening now in the Sixth World. Because the runner caught up in yesterday is a runner that’s been left behind.
State of the Art: 2073 is for use with Shadowrun,Twentieth Anniversary Edition.
Xmas present for me? YAY!
Heh, the preview actually makes me more exited about the fact that Eurowar Antiques is still incoming, thought it might have been crapped, as there's been no mention since the intro page of Unfriendly Skies 8)
*Looks at empty budget and cries manly tears* :'(
For those interested, here's a run down on what's in the book:
1) Hestaby's Speech to the UN, Atzlan's official response, and Jackpoint discussing it.
2) Ares Arms Catalog December 2073 Supplement
[*]Vodianoi Assault Hovercraft
[*]Nizhinyi BMV-2 Vectored Thrust Armored Personnel Carrier
[*]Ruhrmetall Falkner Heavy Air Defense Vehicle
[*]Ruhrmetall KM 4 Keiller A5 Assault Tank
[*]Ares PLD Light Machine Gun
3) Character Corner featuring Col. Samantha Roth
4) Aetherpedia -- Thailand
5) 2073 Street Legal (Vehicle Write-Ups)
[*]Nassan Coda (Food Truck)
[*]Dodge Ram Industrial (Construction/Service Vehicle with varients for Garbage truck, Ladder & Bucket Ultity Service, Sewage Pumper, or Water Tanker)
[*]Evo DSV-Mariana (Mini-Sub)
[*]Galactic Knight (Orbital/Suborbital Plane)
[*]Krupp-Icarus (High Altitude Plane)
[*]Nissan EZ Eco (Forklift)
[*]Espirit Le Four (Tugboat)
[*]Krupp-Thyssen Airdox (Mining Vehicle)
[*]Mercury Oort (Station Wagon!)
[*]Leyland-Rovert Transport (Taxi)
6) 2073 Awakened Flora -- Chicago Flora
[*]Caldwell Lily
[*]Chicago grey
[*]Ghoul Caps
[*]Helhounds Tongue
[*]Magnus Kudzu
[*]Prairie Smite
A nice mix of stuff. I've been really excited by the "Street Legal" stuff since I saw an early draft of the material about a year ago. I've been wanting to see stuff like dump trucks and the like for a while, so these "every day" vehicles are a nice touch.
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