Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign Discussion

Data Search & Legwork

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A.A. Salati:
Cap legwork successes for Data Searches at 1 below maximum for anything not directly related to the Matrix.

If you can learn things about a company's IPO for example with 0-4 successes (with 4 giving you the best, most secretive tidbits), Data Search can only potentially yield 3 successes worth of info.

This increases dependence on contacts, makes contacts more valuable, and spreads out legwork so that a hacker with a huge Data Search dice pool doesn't become the sole source of research.  This also deals with players who want to take advantage of earning free contacts in game to spend those BP on other things and skip starting with contacts.

I will have to say that in all the many many tables of Shadowrun I've played, I've had maybe two that saw a character with a Data Search dice pool of more than 6.


OK, had this split off, as this is something that won;t be covered in teh FAQ specifically...

Have you seen the Legwork test charts from the Dawn of the Artifacts adventures?  They use a new style of Legwork chart.  They have Contacts hit results, and Data Search hit results.  Since Data Searches are both free, and you can do them automated via agents as an extended test very easily, but you're sifting through a lot more extraneous data, you need more hits via Data Search than you do via straight Contact work.  Plus, yes, it's possible that some of the highest level of data you cannot find in the Matrix.

We're copying that format for Season 4.  When possible, we use the official style and rules :)



--- Quote from: KarmaInferno on ---I will have to say that in all the many many tables of Shadowrun I've played, I've had maybe two that saw a character with a Data Search dice pool of more than 6.


--- End quote ---

On the other hand, if you have a hacker of any sort in your group (And I've actually run with more hackers that full time faces), they're throwing 12+ dice.  It's not unusual for our current hacker to get 15+ hits on his extended data search tests.

And even with 6 dice, if you're rolling at the table, you're averaging 4-5 hits on the extended test, before you're out of dice.  Which is enough to cap out most Legwork tests in the current format (Which treats Data Search and normal Contact Legwork the same).


A.A. Salati:
Exactly, and I took this private.  It's an extended test so even a non-hacker can get a big dice pool.  Excellent news about the DOTA style.


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