Contacts at Character Creation for Missions

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« on: <09-23-10/1819:19> »
As every Mission starts with someone contacting the characters and people you interact with in the mission can become contacts is it at all nessarry to have contacts bought at creation?
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Joel "Casazil" Rogers
Catalyst Demo Team Shadowrun Special Agent #251


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« Reply #1 on: <09-23-10/1950:23> »
Split this off, since it's discussion and not necessarily an FAQ point.  And something I'm planning to address anyway! :)

Yes.  For a couple reasons...

First off, Season 4 will be much more tightly contained.  You shouldn;t count on new contacts every mission, as we plan tor reuse contacts throughout the season.  If you play teh season in order (Which is HIGHLY recommended), you'll get a whole bunch of contacts right off, but then you won't get that many afterward.  But if you work with your contacts, you should be able to build up their loyalty.

That said... 

First off...There are an infinite amount of contact types out there, and they all have uses.  In my current group, my fellow players all looked at me like I was on crack when I wanted to get a Taxi Driver contact...  Until they realized I basically had a vehicle on demand, and taxi drivers are a great source of street rumors and info.  So contacts you buy can still be very useful in game.

Second... I plan to do something like the old Commando Quarterly for Missions, and one thing we'll be releasing is a list of some of the contacts you can get in game.  So that you can buy them at character creation if you like.  Meaning you can get a jump start on things like Loyalty Scores and the like.

Contacts are a fantastic resource, and players are encouraged to bring their own to guarantee they have certain niches covered and the like.



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« Reply #2 on: <09-24-10/0447:56> »
While it all sounds well and good Bull it still says to me ok heres a bunch of free contacts for your new season 4 character ready set go.

Which means I have no need to buy them at creation thus giveing me more BP to make my character with.

This is not an issue for me this is a bonus so now I know.

I made an adept he has his gear an needs very little in game other than find a group (Fight Club if your still going to allow it) to join to initiate for less so other contacts not entirely necessary for me.

As for leg work contacts yeah thats the faces job  ;D .

As to the Cabbie heh I introduced one to the players of my home group cabbies are usefull.
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
Catalyst Demo Team Shadowrun Special Agent #251


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« Reply #3 on: <09-24-10/1307:02> »
<shrug>  I find I like to be useful during a game, and that means talking with my contacts during legwork steps, even though my characters not a face in the least.  I also don't like to (and never do) rely on a face to do my shopping for me.  I feel that's some seriously lazy gaming.

But hey, if you're cool with kicking back for large portions of adventures and not contributing and making the face waste months of downtime looking for gear for you, hey, more power to you :)

Hopefully you never end up playing in a group without a Face character.  Because it happens.


Usda Beph

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« Reply #4 on: <09-24-10/1445:55> »
OK Stupid question Time. You are saying Season4. I am assuming (at own risk) that you are discussing pregen Canon scenarios that are part of a pending storyline. Am I correct? ???
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« Reply #5 on: <09-24-10/1451:14> »
Well since it IS the Offical Missions forum, one assumes that he is talking of the impending Missions Season 4,not open gaming
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« Reply #6 on: <09-24-10/1505:14> »
Yes, that's correct, Beph :)


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« Reply #7 on: <09-24-10/1840:30> »
I agree if I needed gear or what ever contacts have a use but technically my characer needs no gear his armor, sword, and gun are a dime a dozen in most shops his clothes are cheap so getting these is just a matter of walking in an buying them.

His main weapons are his hands I think right now he's at a 10p or 11p with a  -3ap punch the only down side is getting to melee range a little stealth maybe some spirit concealment he can get there.

I did build him to go in first I do like the whole idea of a shadowrun going down with out a gun ever being used.
"If at first you don't succeed blame someone else"
Joel "Casazil" Rogers
Catalyst Demo Team Shadowrun Special Agent #251


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« Reply #8 on: <01-04-11/1910:55> »

Your Taxi Driver contact, does he happen to be named Cabbie?  I recall the old Escape from New York movie (Yes, I am dating myself) where Ernest Borgnine played "Cabbie"-I myself have a NPC ork who goes by that name.  An Emerald City Cabs driver who drives a converted Ares Roadmaster-and WILL take you to the Barrens if you have him at loyalty 4+


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« Reply #9 on: <01-04-11/1936:07> »
on Cabbie contacts, in preying for keeps the main contact was a gypsy taxi driver. can't remember his name, but half of the time he operated out of his cab: "fixed" jobs, did background checks, laundried money, etc. and he had a solid link with the main character who had saved his life.