[Resource] [Quality] Man About Town

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« on: <03-06-12/0949:40> »
Needs some tweaking... Thoughts?

(Wo)Man About Town

15/20 BP Positive Quality

Some people just seem to make friends wherever they go. Your character tends to spend their free time socializing, and almost always leaves a good impression. For 15 BP, the player is awarded a fresh contact at the end of every session without paying karma or cash for them. The player must explain who they are and how they met to the satisfaction of the GM. Alternatively, the GM may assign an appropriate contact to the player's growing little black book.

For 20 BP, there is a chance at any given time that a person the character bumps into might be an old friend or otherwise friendly. While this is unlikely to include NPCs of specific import to the game (Mr Johnson, the target, etc) it may include the janitor who works at the building they are infiltrating, the first Knight Errant officer on the scene, the bartender, and so on. Once per session the player may roll their Edge. Success indicates there is someone present who can offer some help in the moment. At the GM's discretion, the player may keep this low-level contact.
"My writing is more akin to a cook than a farmer: give me the pieces, and what comes out of it is greater than the sum of it's parts. Give me nothing, and I just stare dumbly. It's a failing, but then, it's also a living."

ShadowSea, for my players.


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« Reply #1 on: <03-06-12/1000:32> »
Make the successes equal the loyalty of the contact, IMO. Also, require the character to spend 20hrs a,week in AR clubs, bars, or knitting circles


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« Reply #2 on: <03-06-12/1012:14> »
I was wonderig if there should be a Hit-to-Loyalty-and/or-Connection ratio. I like it. And definitely like the required hours. Maybe factor into lifestyle?
"My writing is more akin to a cook than a farmer: give me the pieces, and what comes out of it is greater than the sum of it's parts. Give me nothing, and I just stare dumbly. It's a failing, but then, it's also a living."

ShadowSea, for my players.


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« Reply #3 on: <03-06-12/1039:24> »
Possibly. Maybe hitsx2 to divide between loyalty and connection. Not sure how to incorporate the hours into lifestyle without gimping the quality witg a nuyen cost. Maybe require at least Medium Entertainment on lifestyle?


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« Reply #4 on: <03-06-12/1052:21> »
I'd just give it a set number of hours a week like made man and leave it at that. After all, the GM is probably going to be insisting you take contacts from places you've actually been, so a low entertainment guy is going to be getting the guys running dogfights and dive bar bookies while high entertainment guys would be knowing high class valets and the like.


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  • Omae
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  • Good plans load the dice. Good stories trump them.
« Reply #5 on: <03-06-12/1209:14> »
I was thinking the same thing regarding Lifestyle determining the level/style of the contact. A squatter is going to make soup kitchen workers, hobos, bus drivers, maybe beat cops. High will make club goers, entertainers, execs, or at least have more options.

I had forgotten about the hours requirement for Made Men. That's an excellent precedent. Good eyes, Crash. :) And the GM has the option to have the many, many friends of the character call at inopportune times, much like the Mob needing favors at inconvenient times.
"My writing is more akin to a cook than a farmer: give me the pieces, and what comes out of it is greater than the sum of it's parts. Give me nothing, and I just stare dumbly. It's a failing, but then, it's also a living."

ShadowSea, for my players.