What would you like to see in a gm tool?

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« Reply #15 on: <09-30-10/1240:14> »
Thanks for all the input...

An NPC-Generator is already in development, at the moment I was thinking along the lines of Templates, for example: Choose Template "Gang", choose Professionality "2", choose Count "5" and it will generate five apropriate npcs (from the template) who can be transfered into the NPC manager or the combat tracker with one click.
Adding names sounds like a good idea, random statistics (height, weight, "lisps", "stinks", etc.) aren't really "my" thing (I tend to improvise here), but could be generated from a list, too. With an apropriate template, let's say "Norm" you could also generate simple NPCs on the fly, but I tend to work out more important npcs myself.
The main "problem" I see here is to make the whole thing usable very quickly, because I would hate having to click around for a minute before being able to say "His name is Jimmy and he's fat." :-)

A calendar plugin sounds like a nice idea, but nothing that's on my list in the near future, but the whole thing is Open Source and it will be pretty easy to develop plugins, if you know Java, of course, so there's always a (small) change that someone else will write it :-)

Testing on other platforms would be pretty nice, but I'm optimistic, as I don't use any platform-dependent libraries for the core and most of the plugins (only the video plugin will probably neet the OS-specific JMF, but this plugin is highly optional). In any way, you'll simply be able to download the latest release (or the source code) from sourceforge and test it, for which I would be really gratefull :-)

I don't mind being a Beta tester.  I will try it out when I get home.
Some people call me crazy...  Maybe they are right.


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« Reply #16 on: <09-30-10/1353:00> »
As there isn't even an alpha version yet (I'm planning to be done with a first alpha release somewhere around late october or november, at the moment the source code is available, but there are still many, many features missing) you have enough time to get home :-) But thanks in advance for testing!
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« Reply #17 on: <10-05-10/1027:44> »
That is definitely a question I ve posed myself yesterday. Because of lot of things I decided to create some helpful tool using Excel. My first image was something like NPC/moving targets/critter database or generator with the tool to keep track of those in use in combat situations and mabe with some dicepool modificators smart help.
But then I recognized, that it would not be enought. This would be suitable for on-the-fly made runs because it would alow you to generate some fast or random threats.
What would be more usefull is a tool that would allow you to build the run from the first scene to the finale. Not just oposition ant combat tracking system, but the tool that helps you to keep tracking of situations on some algorithm/ decision making diagram, with avery path mapped not just in the meaning of NPCs and loot, but also equiped with the database of pictures and maps for the right atmosphere and little help for imagination. I`d also like to have some links there and videos, maybe best fit in the GUI with the possibility of second monitor (or a projector, like someone said before) and maybe some online chat or skype connection for off-table players. I will think about this a bit more and mybe get some more ideas.
First, we do not need character generator, what we need is much more similar to some movie director or story making hand tool (of course with that combat tracking features, and maybe dice roller incorporated... ;D


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« Reply #18 on: <10-05-10/1427:12> »
A GM can potentially need almost everything, I fear. Sometimes random threats are called for, another time the GM needs a very detailed timeline to keep track of events. Depends on the GM, the style of his (her) gming and of course, the adventure. I tend to agree, that a character generator isn't needed - I never use one for NPCs and I don't normally build characters for my players, so I need something to display the stats, but not something that helps me create the stats :-) A functionality to import/convert files from different character generates would be nice, though (and is already prepared), but that depends very much on the knowlegde how a certain character generator stores the characters.

As I normaly tend to improvise very much, I don't have a big need for a very sophisticaed, almost computer-rpg like system to keep track of scenes and story (only one to keep track of my notes&pictures), so unfortunately, I will not have time to do it, but of course, nothing stops other people (including you) to write such a plugin :-)
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« Reply #19 on: <10-06-10/0337:48> »
A GM can potentially need almost everything, I fear. Sometimes random threats are called for, another time the GM needs a very detailed timeline to keep track of events. Depends on the GM, the style of his (her) gming and of course, the adventure. I tend to agree, that a character generator isn't needed - I never use one for NPCs and I don't normally build characters for my players, so I need something to display the stats, but not something that helps me create the stats :-) A functionality to import/convert files from different character generates would be nice, though (and is already prepared), but that depends very much on the knowlegde how a certain character generator stores the characters.

As I normaly tend to improvise very much, I don't have a big need for a very sophisticaed, almost computer-rpg like system to keep track of scenes and story (only one to keep track of my notes&pictures), so unfortunately, I will not have time to do it, but of course, nothing stops other people (including you) to write such a plugin :-)

In other words, the same :) I agree. Add some encounter tracking tool including predefined NPCs oro oposition and you have it. Maybe random encounter generator, based on actual area (urban, jungle, arcology....) and thats it.
I also usualy dont draw algorithms for the simple run, mybe sometimes for complex campaign to distinguish conditions of some events (finding contact for NPC, recognizing NPCs existence, for example..)