Image Tax due:By iNSOMN14 on dA.
Holy crap, that's me? Sorry to just spout off, but it's nice to see yourself turn up in the oddest places (or the likeliest places given the topic).
"Tell Knight to Frag off, and Lofwyr to go slot himself with something spiked. I'm busy pwning this crowd of Low Level Newbs that wandered into the PvP area.""When you're done that, you want to rev up your Harley? Vroom, vroom?""Um, yeah!"Quote from: CanRay on <12-31-11/2117:21>Cyber-Harley Q, assistant to our Harley, perhaps?By: Cyber-Revenge on dA.
Cyber-Harley Q, assistant to our Harley, perhaps?By: Cyber-Revenge on dA.
Daft Punk showing me why you shouldn't trust those AIs.
Damnit Canray......... Thaks for the nightmare fuel.......... I hate dolls and aniemotronics like that. Time to put the .45 under my pillow.
Looks like it, yeah. Though I was referring to the tattoo, not the gun, re: the Wyrm.