Fantastic Non-SR Shadowrunesque Art Thread

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« Reply #2145 on: <09-19-16/1605:08> »
Shadowrunner versus some kind of paracritter? Drake, maybe?

Unfortunately, I can't figure out who did this piece.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #2146 on: <09-28-16/1956:39> »
Photo courtesy of

It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #2147 on: <10-05-16/2116:05> »

--Is today the day you thought about doing something, or the day you did something?--

--We cheat Death from his rightful victory. No one can defeat us we are glad to plunge feet first into hell in the knowledge that we will rise.--


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« Reply #2148 on: <10-10-16/1450:22> »
In a traumatic twist of fate, a Troll girl discovers she's actually a Drake.

(Ive seen this being shared on social networks but unfortunately I don't know where it comes from originally.)
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
(Groucho Marx)


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« Last Edit: <10-11-16/1631:47> by DarkLloyd »
Runing the shadows since '90
If you can't Dazzle them with STYLE, Riddle them with BULLETS.
"Sometimes we do the right thing.  Sometimes we shoot people in the face for money."-CanRay
"Sometimes those are the same thing."-Mirikon

Missions Characters:
ChromeMonger - Sam
Blanco Diablo - Adept

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #2150 on: <10-11-16/2337:24> »
The polished-up colored version:
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.


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« Reply #2151 on: <10-12-16/0334:53> »
Here ya go Marzhin. Googlefu to the rescue! A guy named Brushtale.

Thanks :) The guy is very good.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
(Groucho Marx)


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« Reply #2152 on: <10-14-16/0844:38> »
A bunch of Blade Runner concept arts and matte paintings. These never get old.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
(Groucho Marx)


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« Reply #2153 on: <10-15-16/0502:09> »
I posted on my website a gallery of concept arts from the video game Shadow Warrior 2, which has been released a few days ago.

Some of these characters would make great shadowrunners, trolls and even ghouls :)

Not to mention some very cool environments:

Absolutely awesome game by the way :)
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
(Groucho Marx)


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« Reply #2154 on: <10-20-16/1004:02> »
Shadow Warrior 2

Absolutely awesome game by the way :)
Hoji made the first game for me. Wang is still amusing, but 2 feels less complete & holds up better as a 'killing stuff' game than a game with a story.

Some of these characters would make great shadowrunners, trolls and even ghouls :)
I like Infected characters that are less restricted to sewers and abandoned tenements, and also everyone else that lives near industrial zones of the sixth world to look a little peaky.


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« Reply #2155 on: <10-29-16/1052:13> »
Hoji made the first game for me. Wang is still amusing, but 2 feels less complete & holds up better as a 'killing stuff' game than a game with a story.

I agree that the story in SW2, while still interesting if you look at the big picture (awakened drug, ancient spirits from the shadow realm making in cahoots with the yakuza, twisted family dynamics, biotech experiments...) is not as well told as the story of SW1 was (in terms of delivery and pacing, not to mention the lack of beautiful 2D cutscenes). And while I do like Kamiko and find she's a good foil to Lo Wang, she's definitely not as compelling a companion as Hoji was.

What I think is missing in SW2 is some focus on Lo Wang himself: in SW1 the backstory was tied to Hoji, but the actual story told by the game was Lo Wang's, showcasing his growth as a character, from sarcastic thug to honourable (if reluctant) hero. I haven't reached the end yet, but SW2 never quite manages to tie Lo Wang as a character to the stuff going on around him, you know what I mean? Lo Wang is essentially there to advance Kamiko's story. I think they should have played his vendetta against Zilla more, that would have given him a stronger motivation as well as a story arc of his own. They're keeping that for Shadow Warrior 3, I guess...

But I believe the gameplay is generally better, although I miss the marks awarded for style at the end of battles, and the "randomized" environments, while they look pretty cool, do become redundant after 20+ hours.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
(Groucho Marx)


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« Reply #2156 on: <10-31-16/1539:49> »
The picture that inspired my character, Maisie. Courtesy of Greysun-D on DeviantArt.

It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #2157 on: <10-31-16/2130:09> »
The picture that inspired my character, Maisie. Courtesy of Greysun-D on DeviantArt.

An excellent choice! That was the inspiration for my first Shadowrun Missions character that I actually played; a 4th Edition Face/Rigger/Decker (much easier to do then, as rigging and decking both worked from a commlink).
« Last Edit: <10-31-16/2132:44> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #2158 on: <11-01-16/0053:16> »
The picture that inspired my character, Maisie. Courtesy of Greysun-D on DeviantArt.

An excellent choice! That was the inspiration for my first Shadowrun Missions character that I actually played; a 4th Edition Face/Rigger/Decker (much easier to do then, as rigging and decking both worked from a commlink).

Maisie is an elf wolf shaman that has existed in my head since I first started playing eighteen years ago. It wasn't until SR5 that I finally put her on paper and played her. She has been modified for my stories, but many of her qualities, skills, and personality are very similar. The biggest difference is that for the PC version of Maisie, that wasn't her original name or alias. She changed her name to that when she became a Lightbearer after the Harlequin's Back adventure (My GM at the time wove a LOT of ED references into his games). Maisie means "Child of Light".

She is now firmly and irrevocably in NPC territory.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #2159 on: <11-02-16/2041:41> »
Hacked a 40k meme...

Runing the shadows since '90
If you can't Dazzle them with STYLE, Riddle them with BULLETS.
"Sometimes we do the right thing.  Sometimes we shoot people in the face for money."-CanRay
"Sometimes those are the same thing."-Mirikon

Missions Characters:
ChromeMonger - Sam
Blanco Diablo - Adept

