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Fantastic Non-SR Shadowrunesque Art Thread

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--- Quote from: bigity on ---
--- Quote from: Valashar on ---Y'know... I seem to remember a past Shadowrun book mentioning that there were these VR arcades characters could go to in order to play this political space opera giant walking battle machines MMO. Battle... somethingorother.  8)

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Those actually existed in real life too.  Never got to visit one in person though  :'(

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I knew a guy who had Tesla II pods in his basement after they VR World outfit he was with went under. He took donations and let you play as long as you wanted. Made for a terrific bachelor party for Outrider. Alas, the economy hit him hard and he had to sell off the pods. :(


--- Quote from: FastJack on ---
--- Quote from: bigity on ---
--- Quote from: Valashar on ---Y'know... I seem to remember a past Shadowrun book mentioning that there were these VR arcades characters could go to in order to play this political space opera giant walking battle machines MMO. Battle... somethingorother.  8)

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Those actually existed in real life too.  Never got to visit one in person though  :'(

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I knew a guy who had Tesla II pods in his basement after they VR World outfit he was with went under. He took donations and let you play as long as you wanted. Made for a terrific bachelor party for Outrider. Alas, the economy hit him hard and he had to sell off the pods. :(

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they are still around, 1 location in WA (lucky me!) apparently there are somewhere about 42 Tesla pods in private hands. that could a hell of a time sink.

It would be a shortcut to a quick divorce if I ever got my hands on one, that's for sure.


--- Quote from: bigity on ---
--- Quote from: Valashar on ---Y'know... I seem to remember a past Shadowrun book mentioning that there were these VR arcades characters could go to in order to play this political space opera giant walking battle machines MMO. Battle... somethingorother.  8)

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Those actually existed in real life too.  Never got to visit one in person though  :'(

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Ahhh the Battletech Center.. I went to the one in Chicago as a kid. It was the ultimate place to have your birthday party. I saw that they had upgraded 'Mech pods at GenCon this year, didn't get a chance to play though.

Moar images!

I'm digging this arcology design, I could see it in some city with a stong elven influence.

This arcology I could easily see in Detroit (which I am working on an update from Target:UCAS). Though I'll need to check out some geophysical maps of the region and see if it could support something like this.


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