We had a request to set up something for players to be able to "add" Shadowtalk to the Shadowrun books being published. Specifically Street legends, but it could easily apply to any book where there's In Character discussion and Shadowtalk. So, here's the rules...
1. To keep with VU93's fiction of being an old style Shadowland style BBS, be sure to use the old Time/Date stamp style for posting. Please continue to follow the
original VU93 posting guidelines and rules.
2. We'll have one thread for each book. keep commentary contained in teh proper thread. If enough commentary/discussion/whatever is generated by a single plot/section/concept, we may open a new thread, but please do not start a new thread yourself. Post here in this OOC thread requesting one, and it will be considered (and likely approved, but...

This is primarily to help keep the conversations and postings "collected" ina single location. better to have one busy thread than 20 threads that no one uses.
3. Be sure to read the ENTIRE thread before posting, so you don't step on anyone else's toes.
4. Be considerate toward the contributions of your fellow posters. You can contradict or even say someone else is wrong, but do it for story reasons, not to be a jerk.
5. Bull (and one or two others) will moderate if necessary. You remember those "5.2 MP deleted" references? yeah, we'll use those, especially if we feel anyone stepped out of line in character. Out of Character stepping out of line is a matter for the actual board mods and the Terms of Service.
IMPORTANT! And this is an addition and change to the normal VU93 rule... Since some of the books are very large, we can't cut n paste large swaths of text, and it can be problematic keeping track of what your Shadowtalk comment might be replying to, all posts should have a header at the top in
Bolded Red Text listing the Topic Title, the Page Number, the Column, and the paragraph Number or Shadowtalk Poster you are replying to (and maybe a phrase or reference from the paragraph to help identify it). Be as specific as possible to help your fellow contributors look up references quickly and easily
Street Legends
Hans Brackhaus, p. 96, 1st Column, 7th Paragraph (the Lucky Strike cigarettes)or
Other Corporate Interests, Ares Macrotechnology, p. 68, 2nd Column, Reply to Mr. BondsWe'll kick things off with Street Legends, and open it up to other books. And while I can't promise anything, I'll encourage the other freelancers and authors to check in on books they worked on. Which leads to:
7. Freelancers who have a "claim" to certain Jackpoint characters may post freely as those characters. So I have Bull, Crimsondude has thorn, and Robyn King would have Winterhawk, for example. Further, an author that worked on a specific section may freely add in Shadowtalk from any Jackpointer to their section, so taht they can add additional information or reply or add rebuttals to the VU93 replies. (Jackpointers all have open invitations to join and post on VU93 if they like). However, they need to use the correct posting formats, since taht's a software thing. Sorry guys, Bull's old fashioned and misss the old Shadowland