SRM 03-10 - Spin Control - Now Available!

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« on: <09-20-10/1911:44> »
SRM 03-10 Spin Control

Runners may not have recovered from the art happening of Something Completely Different (Mission 03-09) yet, but it’s time to suit up and get back to work! Mission 03-10, Spin Control, has been released (Battleshop, Drivethru.rpg)! Manhattan hides some dark secrets, but this one’s a doozy. If runners want to survive the secret buried at the heart of this Mission, they’ll need to be tough, determined, and perhaps willing to partner with the unlikeliest of allies.

Woot, 10 finally out, and counting down to the Season Finale, 03-12!  Also, check it out!  We have original cover art!  We're not just recycling SR TCG card art anymore! :)



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« Reply #1 on: <09-20-10/1921:29> »
Heh...  Looks great! It's in my cart, just waiting for payday.

(And I beat ya to the punch...)


