Group contact help

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Frankie the Fomori

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« on: <09-13-10/1551:36> »
Working on Laesa as a group contact, do you agree with these numbers? My biggest concern is the sprawl area of influence, it is like they need one in between the sprawl and national?

Laesa (Group contact; Connection 5, Loyalty 4; 500 members (+4), Sprawl area of influence (+2), Magic active (+4) [19],

Thankls for any feed back and have a good day.

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #2 on: <09-13-10/1608:22> »
See i do not agree to that though, maybe the local..which is a great idea, but as the group they are considered a magical power house.

Territory: Pacific Northwest (Tír Tairngire, Salish-Sidhe, Seattle)
Colors/Symbol: None
Resources: (Firepower) 3; (Magic) 4; (Personnel) 1
Threat Rating: 2
Numbers: > 500
Professionalism: 5
Training: 2+

Looking at that, we see +4 membership (we agree on that), Area would be less then national, between +2 and +3 max, though +4 magic maybe much, they are on par with Ancients, and the cutters, double the First nation. Matrix i agree with (+2)

Just thought of something, maybe the 4 magic rating is due to a couple members with loads of magic, and not the amount of users in the group?
« Last Edit: <09-13-10/1611:14> by Frankie the Fomori »


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« Reply #3 on: <09-13-10/1617:05> »
Interesting. Where's that from? We were basing it off the Laésa entry in the Seattle 3072 book and it didn't have that detail.

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #4 on: <09-13-10/1617:42> »
10 gangs it is a great write up on them


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« Reply #5 on: <09-13-10/1620:18> »
Y'know... sometimes I'm an idiot (see? I admit it Critias!). The fact that I have that and never even looked in there for info...

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #6 on: <09-13-10/1622:10> »
LOL, well you may make the mistake a once or twice....but i'm the person that posted about used cars...just not bothering to read the whole section in Arsenal :)

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #7 on: <09-13-10/1634:05> »
Laesa (Group contact; Connection 5, Loyalty 4; 500 members (+4), Sprawl area of influence (+2), Magic active (+3), Matrix (+1) [19],

K i think i am good with this, I will explain it part by part and then you can agree/ or suggest changes :)
Connection: I see them being able to reach out to not only several syndicates in the sprawl but also touch into the Tir.
Loyalty: though they are have lost their political radicalism, they will still contain that tight community that you will find in such groups.
Members: pretty basic with 500 members
Area of influence: Though they touch into the Salish and the Tir I would think to keep this sprawl level due to the majority of their resources maintained there.
Magic active: if not a +4 it would definitely be higher than a +1. I am saying +3 even though that number does not appear in the book it really fits here...maybe not as many magic active members but the ones they have draw on either a Tir background or the Salish shamans, both potent groups
Matrix: I think there resources here would not be considered far reaching, enough for security, and then out sourcing any further needs as they arise. (They have the Seattle shadow market to draw on, as well as a matrix gang within the same area)
« Last Edit: <09-13-10/1639:38> by Frankie the Fomori »


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« Reply #8 on: <09-13-10/1648:05> »
The magic adjuster would probably vary among local chapters as well, since not every chapter will be magic-heavy.

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #9 on: <09-13-10/1809:10> »
I get the sense that there are no little chapters, they absorbed the gangs (for the most part) in the Tarislar and control that area to a point that other gangs are hesitant to come in. Their relationship has improved with the ancients so there internal make up is very stable. They have a contract with Night Errant to patrol there local area making Tarislar into a “A” rating neighborhood (for security mostly).

 I see them as one gang in Tarislar, with lots of members hidden among several different locals, from government, police, Tir, and Salish. You won’t see any ranks among the group, but they hold social position in high regards, so they are not like any gang/syndicate Seattle has seen yet. Very fluid, very selective initiation, and allot of their services within the city rely on their drug of choice laes. It is an organization that is made for Shadowrunners, allowing them to maintain a regular life maybe among the elven District, or even among the Salish population (those incorporating Sinsearach)


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« Reply #10 on: <09-13-10/1838:25> »
Well, with 500+ members, I figure you don't know everyone in the organization unless you deal with them on a regular basis. Kinda like how you can know the local mob group that hangs out in a club/bar, without knowing everyone in the mafia.

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #11 on: <09-13-10/1936:39> »
Your right, I see taking the big group as a contact opens up allot of the resources that the gang offers. Like a in house fixer, mechanic/ armorer, a street doc, safehouses and smuggler information. You get a large arrange of services but only within there local.

Great for starting players, and the allowing them to build up sprawl and national contacts through gaming

