I was reading that, and was wondering if you thought the poop swim fell into that catagory. Glad to see what you thought.
As a new GM, but long time player, I followed the rule of cool. Even when I did something so badass that even though there was a lot of stupid stuff involved, I still got out.
Example. My very first SR1 character. Looking through shadowtech, I saw the hydraulic jack for cyber legs. But I did not notice that it was for cyber legs only... So I got some in my meat legs. We started, and after a few hours of playing, my GM noticed what I did. His response was "Um... Okay, those are for cyber legs.... But eff it, I'll figure it out."
So... that resulted in me being able to bound over walls, and take damage from such. And it augmented my kicking ability. Mainly kicking a cybered gangers head off, but me taking a Serious wound from that.
So... It didn't follow the rules, except for the Rule Of Cool.