Vague 'run idea needs help.

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« on: <08-17-11/2301:51> »
So. Vague run idea, and I need help.
2nd Edition... So I hope to get general ideas. I know most here play SR4.
Main plot. Simple break into some rich guys house and steal something. Maybe a statue that's large. Something (ideas?)

The catch. Said rich old dude is very eccentric. He doesn't hire street sams or troll body guards to guard his compound.

He prefers... unorthadox measures.

Dogs enhanced by cyberware, then having Invisibility quickened on them.

Elaborate Indiana Jones style traps, like the rolling boulder, and a mono tripwire or twelve.

An elemental adept.

A practitioner of voodoo.

And..... I need more things, or people saying my ideas suck.

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« Reply #1 on: <08-17-11/2304:24> »
The laser trap in Resident Evil

Any kind of rigged house horror movie contraptions with buzzsaws and spike pits

a house who's walls shift on its own timetable making navigation excessively difficult
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« Reply #2 on: <08-17-11/2310:18> »
Here's a whole idea for a "Shadowrun".

A beer run for the 'Runners local bar.  In the deepest, darkest barrens.

Think about that for a second.  Carrying a few kegs of beer through multiple gang territories.  It'd be like "The Warriors" at best.
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« Reply #3 on: <08-17-11/2313:53> »
Don't forget the age old, thief killer trap.
At the statue (preferably tied into the system anchoring it) first time the mess with it, Dart Rifles fire darts angled to hit right at the feet of the statue on all sides (should hit anyone at the statue).

Next, anyone who messes with it again causes a trap spew fire from the five to ten feet away marks from the statue.

Also, think of interesting "guard" animals.
Cybered dogs are good, but how about releasing an entire horde of angry wasps into  the room?
Hungry squirrels? (Seriously, I've seen a guy mauled by them, they're vicious when angry)
Harry the awakened Bear?


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« Reply #4 on: <08-17-11/2318:39> »
You could always then add in the "nice old people". Have old people just sitting in a rocking chair. If they come in with guns and stuff have them be like. "Now sonny, put that down, your going to hurt yourself!" <.< If they can't tell somethings off with those old people than they are in for a surprise. A GM that introduced me to the game had us break into a house. Was supposed to be an enemy compound and we found two old people by a fire, rocking chairs and all. My friend broke through the window and was pointing a pistol. The old people didn't seem much alarmed which alarmed me. <.< Ironic? Maybe I'm just paranoid of nice people. Anyways they were insisting he put his 'toy' down and come have some nice 'soup.'

>.> Turns out the soup had some chemical to knock you out, and the old people were robots. It's ok however, because before that plan could be hatched, I jumped through the other window and lit up the old man. (luckily it was a robot otherwise i would have commited my first murder. The grandma wasn't too happy tho... she nearly killed my friend. xD)
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #5 on: <08-17-11/2320:08> »
Or go full blown 13 Ghosts.
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« Reply #6 on: <08-17-11/2324:44> »
Don't forget the age old, thief killer trap.
At the statue (preferably tied into the system anchoring it) first time the mess with it, Dart Rifles fire darts angled to hit right at the feet of the statue on all sides (should hit anyone at the statue).

Next, anyone who messes with it again causes a trap spew fire from the five to ten feet away marks from the statue.

Also, think of interesting "guard" animals.
Cybered dogs are good, but how about releasing an entire horde of angry wasps into  the room?
Hungry squirrels? (Seriously, I've seen a guy mauled by them, they're vicious when angry)
Harry the awakened Bear?
You could always then add in the "nice old people". Have old people just sitting in a rocking chair. If they come in with guns and stuff have them be like. "Now sonny, put that down, your going to hurt yourself!" <.< If they can't tell somethings off with those old people than they are in for a surprise. A GM that introduced me to the game had us break into a house. Was supposed to be an enemy compound and we found two old people by a fire, rocking chairs and all. My friend broke through the window and was pointing a pistol. The old people didn't seem much alarmed which alarmed me. <.< Ironic? Maybe I'm just paranoid of nice people. Anyways they were insisting he put his 'toy' down and come have some nice 'soup.'

>.> Turns out the soup had some chemical to knock you out, and the old people were robots. It's ok however, because before that plan could be hatched, I jumped through the other window and lit up the old man. (luckily it was a robot otherwise i would have commited my first murder. The grandma wasn't too happy tho... she nearly killed my friend. xD)
Here's a whole idea for a "Shadowrun".

A beer run for the 'Runners local bar.  In the deepest, darkest barrens.

Think about that for a second.  Carrying a few kegs of beer through multiple gang territories.  It'd be like "The Warriors" at best.
The laser trap in Resident Evil

Any kind of rigged house horror movie contraptions with buzzsaws and spike pits

a house who's walls shift on its own timetable making navigation excessively difficult

I love you guys and/or girls... All very good ideas. Most shall be used.
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« Reply #7 on: <08-17-11/2329:38> »
.Glad we could help? :D
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #8 on: <08-17-11/2353:38> »
Another quick idea for a "triggering" device on your traps. You can have tiles in the house dispense gecko coated RFIDs (So that unsuspecting travelers will pick them up on the soles of their shoes). Use those RFIDs to trigger certain traps as the player passes by accepting the signal rather than pressure plates or tripwires.  8)

Another idea you can use, just to make the characters sweat a little more, are AR dangers. While your traps are going off you can also have false traps (only visible in AR but looking real enough) also go off to take away the players attention.

Deadly Example:
Players are coming down a hallway that has a scything blade hidden in he ceiling that swings down on the left side of the hall at X point. As the players pass sensor Y it picks up the RFID signal and triggers the AR stimulus of shruikens, darts, balls of fire launching from the ceiling to the floor just feet ahead of the runners. Runners move left to avoid the danger just in time to get smackedy with the blade.  ;D


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« Reply #9 on: <08-17-11/2357:28> »
I'm more in this for personal lols and "WTF" and paranoia from my players.

One example of a "trap" I really like.

In a warehouse, there is a gang. Players dispatch said gang, but there is a large box that's obvious and out of place. At a random time... A troll with a machine gun pops out of the box!

I like that trap. Gets my players paranoid of boxes...
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« Reply #10 on: <08-18-11/0001:55> »
Awe, well in that case do not forget the age old Gnome (not Gnomish) Cockpunch trap.


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« Reply #11 on: <08-18-11/0107:11> »
Look up the Winchester House (i think thats it) stair ways that lead to nowhere doors that open to 300+ft drops or the house on the rock. now cyber it so the rooms move like a puzzle box. that would make for a bad day.


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« Reply #12 on: <08-18-11/0248:45> »
The catch. Said rich old dude is very eccentric. He doesn't hire street sams or troll body guards to guard his compound.

For some odd reason, most of my "eccentric" ideas tend to revolve around the un-augmented.  I find that, to really spook players?  Having a very well-organized group of mundanes who think fast on their feet, stay in constant communication, organize intelligent surveillance and security rounds, have set up alternate routes of retreat -- people who really plan for a potential invasion?  Yeah, those people freak the hell out of players.

Using unorthodox, for me, sometimes means tossing in a whole lot of misdirection.  Like micro-speakers Kleen-tacked by potted plants, on a fireplace mantel, in the frickin' toilet; the odd drone that comes around, all blinking lights and weird sound effects that I'll hope they follow instead of shooting down (and which invariably leads them into a damp, cold, cell); the kid or woman's faint voice heard sobbing over there that turns out to be a recording and leads into a booby-trapped cellar (landmines, or concussive grenades, or stuff that's a lot of flash and bang without necessarily being deadly, but whose detonation will trigger an alarm); a corridor that gets pumped full of Nitrous oxide (laughing gas), just to kill away their stealth and turn them into a riot of easily-detectable hilarity.

Why?  Just so Eccentric Man's security can get the drop on the Runners.  It's fun, keeps everyone on their toes, and really doesn't need to be exceedingly expensive (even if, we assume, Eccentric Man ought to have enough nuyen to hire a SWAT team or two).
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

