"Reality" check on campaign

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« on: <08-17-11/1928:48> »
I could do this in a heartbeat if I had local players. I don't have local players (well, there are, but both groups are "full"), so if I want to fix my SRJones I'll need to go online.

I've got the rough outline of a short list of missions, but before I fully develop them I need to see if I'd get players.

See, while the players would nominally be in Atlanta, most missions would be north of Atlanta0 (North of the Chattahoochee, most urban stuff on 75, 400, and 85 sprawl-fingers). Simple reason -- I live way north of Atlanta and it's easier to work on the area in which I live.

Current 'first' mission, rough opening, is a simple retrieval of misappropriated goods. The runners just need to take a quick trip to Chattanooga, get the goods from the improper holder, and bring them to their rightful owner. And if you think it's really that straightforward I've got this little deal you can invest in...

I'm not asking for players yet. I'm asking if as a reality check it's the sort of thing beginning runners would expect to be able to do. If not I'll tuck it into a later position. Thing is, again, they're going to spend time in North and North North Atlanta (up 75/575, 400, and 85 mostly, if that helps).

Onion Man

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« Reply #1 on: <08-17-11/2301:54> »
Well, you really need to decide how active you'd want players to be, what media you'd use to make the game happen (PbP, skype and a virtual tabletop, skype alone, etc.), and how important Atlanta area knowledge would be for your players.
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Text over commlinkOrson "Pig" Fletcher


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« Reply #2 on: <08-18-11/0737:14> »
Well, you really need to decide how active you'd want players to be, what media you'd use to make the game happen (PbP, skype and a virtual tabletop, skype alone, etc.), and how important Atlanta area knowledge would be for your players.
Not in order:

Atlanta area knowledge would not be important. Neither would north Georgia/Tennessee. Existing material (NeoAnarchist, almanac, etc) and moderate use of online maps will be supplemented by material I provide. If they need to know of an oddball piece of info that "only locals would know" I'll feed it to them.

PBP. My current time constraints are peculiar and that would allow the appearance of smooth play even when we couldn't normally "get together".

Rate of play: at this point I'm thinking every other day, but that's subject to change. Moderate speed, with time to doublecheck rules if necessary (I'm an experienced GM, new to SR4, it's been such a time since I played SR1 I can't even count on it as background.)