Much better (I found your dices pools in combat too low in the previous version.)
Not really convinced by the penetrating strike. -3AP = +1DV = -1Dice in your attack pool. Cant' you instead increase your dice pool, with the basic power enhancing your skill ? it'll cost 0,5 instead of 0,75, so you still have 0,25 points free.
Or isn't there something like an elemental strike which allows you to make electricity damages (since we saw that electric damages effects are really overpowered) ?
EDIT : found it ; 0,5, you must have killing hand, you add an elemental effect to your attack, which means, with electricity, that you just divide the armor by two, if I'm correct.
Elemental Strike
Cost: .5
This power can only be developed by characters who already possess the Killing Hands power (p. 188, SR4). Elemental Strike enhances the effects of Killing Hands with an elemental effect (see pp. 164–165 of this book and pp. 154–155, SR4). The specific elemental effect must be chosen at the time the power is bought, though an adept may take this power more than once to achieve different elemental effects (only one elemental effect may be applied per strike). While active, the power wreathes the adept’s hands with a visible effect appropriate to the chosen element. Activating Elemental Strike is a Simple Action, after which the effect lasts for (Magic attribute) Combat Turns. Given the focus it demands, Elemental Strike may not be combined with Distance Strike.