Guns, guns, and more guns in Gun Heaven--out now!

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« Reply #90 on: <07-10-11/2025:59> »
And that, folks, is why 300 (book and movie) is hilarious.


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« Reply #91 on: <07-10-11/2029:48> »
And that, folks, is why 300 (book and movie) is hilarious.
Indeed.... however the lines between myth, folklore, historical fact and literary license are crossed, re-interpreted and outright ignored on a regular basis in cinema.

But that's off-topic.

Back to bang-bang-gun-guns... I still think an Underbarrel shotgun plus dual-30-clips is pure gold :)

'Too much is never enough'

Current PC: Free Spirit (Norse Shamanic)
'Names are irrelevant. Which fake ID do you want me to quote from?'

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« Reply #92 on: <07-10-11/2054:57> »
Just Drum Mag the AR.  And use a shotgun that's magazine (Ugh, "Clip") fed and mod it for Drums as well.  ;D
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« Reply #93 on: <07-11-11/0134:29> »
Back to bang-bang-gun-guns... I still think an Underbarrel shotgun plus dual-30-clips is pure gold :)

If it was only smartlinked by default it would be perfect.  Ahh well, in the short term I can stick a top mount Smartgun System on it and replace my (pre game) Nitama Optiimum II.  I'll have to drop the melee hardening for it to keep the cost down though.


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« Reply #94 on: <07-11-11/0327:38> »
One of the few things I liked about War!

The Ares Beta Assault Rifle.
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« Reply #95 on: <07-11-11/0529:51> »
As Im not native english, im trying to keep my posts as short as possible to avouid misunderstandings...well, I end up with posts that are saying exactly what I need to say,well, they can be, IMO, considered rude by some people who are telling the same things more diplomatic way...

So, something to smite me for...

Yesterday Ive finaly found some time to read throught this PDF. Nice piece of nostalgia, maybe better title for if should be: "This Old Gun"...welll I understand that there is a need to bring previous editions stuff up to SRA standards..
Brings one Shadowtalk quote from SSC to my mind:

Now we have more light ammo to waste against body armor...

(translating back to english from czech translation, so sorry for differences from original)

An updated version:

"Now we have more obsolette light ammo to waste against body armor..."

Im really looking for the book that bring really 2073 Up-to-Date stuff.

/Troll off  ;)

I understand that this books should work as an Arsenal DLC... And Arsenal was awesome. You won`t believe how happy I was when I found errata for Gauss Rifle and finally found the argument why this gun is so great- halving AP before applying mod is much better than what was originaly stated in the sourcebook...and my combat type players finaly got something they wanted to lay their hands on. But this were details, that book as a whole was I hope that in the future some futuristic sourcebook will be pushing that Sci-Fi feeling further, so we dont need to create GerontoRunner characters to enjoy the "new" stuff

