Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign and Conventions

Question for the LARPers and a general Origins question

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Onion Man:
How seriously do people in these LARP events take costumes?  I've never played a LARP event, not even in my D&D heyday back in the 90s, and the character I'm prepping for Origins wears a Mortimer of London Greatcoat.  I don't own a long coat, and I'm not willing to get one at the start of summer just for Origins.  I assume this isn't a problem, but I figured I'd ask first.

Also, I'm only prepping one character for at Origins.  Is that going to come back to bite me?  Should I come with 2 or more prepped and ready to go?

In previous Shadowrun LARPs I've seen costumes haven't been an issue.  If you've got it, great, if not just describe your character and his kit-out when you run into someone.  This year I'm -- personally! -- going out of my way to have a costume and a gear list that mesh up, but that's just because I stumbled across a few good deals and want to have some fun with it.  I don't think anyone's going to demand you walk around in a greatcoat in the middle of summer, y'know?  ;)

Well, *I* will have a big leather duster for my costu,e (Though I expect it will come off for periods, because the bugger is heavy.  It's a belongs to a buddy who, thankfully, is Troll-sized, so it actually fits me. :))

But here, let me give you an example...  We have folks who show up in full costume...  Fake ears and tusks, a mohawk, leather jacket, pacepaint, the works.  Or guys who wear full military kit with airsoft replica guns.

Then we have guys like Drew at Gen Con, who always does an interesting costume, but it's never his actual Shadowrun character (He had an interesting gargoyle costume one year, and a satyr costume the next).

Then we have the 7 Dwarves (Though only 3-4 of them usually make it to Gen Con and play in the scramble, on average).  They all have Dwarf characters for Missions, named after the 7 dwarves in Snow White.  Their costumes, however, are T-Shirts with their names on the back :)

And plenty of folks don't wear costumes at all.

We encourage costuming, we love it, and I try to take pictures to post and show off.  There's also usually at least one prize for costumes.  BUT..  No, it's not mandatory, and there will likely be plenty others there not in costume either.  So don' sweat it.  If you have something to throw together, awesome.  Otherwise, we can manage.  LARPing may be Live-Action, but's it's also still Role-PLaying.  :)


Onion Man:
Well, if I can find the pieces I'll be coming in costume... at the very least I'll show up in a cheap mockup of a costume, the bare minimum will be the Baron Samedi skullmask that Jolly Man will wear when he's "on the job", whether that's as a Houngan or a 'runner.

To be fair, some of the folks you think aren't in costume just play low key characters. :)


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