Vigor Campaign Critique

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« on: <06-14-11/1821:53> »
I'm starting a new campaign in my group, and I wanted some feedback on what I have so far. The entire thing is inspired by Fallout DLC. I will limit their items, vehicles, and contacts, and place them on an island that they cannot leave until they are finished with the campaign. There is a high chance that they will die. The three players in the group are a combat mage and two combat monsters. None of them rely on contacts or vehicles, so limiting those things will not have the detriment that it will have on other characters.

A corporation located in Pittsburgh wanted to research illegal drugs and weapons, so they formed a secret section known as Contrive. The CEO actually put his best runner in charge of contrive, a man by the name of Hale. The corporation owned a large hotel on a small tourist island, and set the base in an underground tunnel that they built under the hotel.

Contrive at the time was developing drugs, and the drug they created was called Vigor. It's a drug that makes you feel alive, it heightens everything you do and gives you an energetic aptitude. However, it is highly addictive and its side-effect is that it drives the user either completely mad or dead, as it eats away at their brain tissue. Hale found the drug had a great use, so he took it regularly to increase his work productivity. After years of abuse, Vigor had driven him mad. He now feels as though the only way to be truly alive is to be on the drug, and lives to get others hooked on it.

At the same time, Contrive needed more and more room, so they dug down. They found a cave of wondrous horrors, and it turned the entire crew into blood thirsty beasts. They ravaged the island, while at the same time Hale attempted to corrupt the island and a huge hurricane was devastating the buildings. To contain the incident, Contrive did the only thing a corporation can do to save its own ass: locked off the island and took it off of the map.

And now, the leader of the corporation (Abdul Zaid) has hired runners to put a stop to whatever is going on at the island.

As you can see, I have a lot going on here. Average people are splitting off into factions spread across the island. Hale is corrupting the island one-by-one with Vigor (I plan to have the players get addicted to it). There are monsters ravaging the island that are mysterious at first, but slowly reveal that they are connected to the cave. I'm not 100% on the cave yet, but it will be connected to the Awakening and a Satan-like being.

Also, supplies are scarce. They will be scavenging for food and ammo, while scavengers are hunting them down. The island is in a sham, because of the huge hurricane that decimated it beforehand. And what do they get for all of this? Why, the prize of 500,000 nuyen if they follow what contrive orders them to. Of course, they will have to work for this money. Contrive will be asking them to do horrible things that will test their morality, and there is a huge chance of character death.

Sp what do you guys think? I think there is a lot for me to work with, and I've got a lot of neat ideas to play around with. Such as having them help out people down-on-their luck in the island, scavenging for supplies, fighting monsters, and eventually leading up to the final show-down with Hale or Contrive at the underground cave.
« Last Edit: <06-14-11/1823:56> by Sliver »
"Those who restrain their desires do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained."


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« Reply #1 on: <06-14-11/1849:13> »
Do the PC's know the likely planned outcome is death? It's one thing when you KNOW it(Cthulhu comes to mind) and quite another to find out at the finale that the characters you've spent karma, time, and effort on, are MEANT to probably die, barring chance.


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« Reply #2 on: <06-14-11/1907:41> »
Oh no, please let me clarify. When I say there is a huge threat of death, I mean if they significantly screw up. I figure the chances that any of them die are about 20%

However, the Johnson will inform them that they will be scavenging and that it will not be easy. The fact that I'm offering 500k nuyen should be an indicator of how tough it will be.
"Those who restrain their desires do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained."


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« Reply #3 on: <06-15-11/2054:32> »
The entire campaign seems like they are forced to be on a rail road. It hedges the PCs on this island that they are not allowed to leave.
I wouldn't bare such a thing for more than three sessions before I became frustrated. It reminds me of Lost + Limitless more than Fallout DLC.


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« Reply #4 on: <06-15-11/2212:44> »
No, I'm not railroading them at all. If anything, I'm trying to do the exact opposite. I'm creating the key factions and characters and dumping them into an open-world.

To get the story going, Contrive is going to leave them letters that they will find and that will start everything off. But ultimately, I'm leaving everything that happens up to the players. My whole purpose is for it to be more open-world, which is why I put them on a small island. It allows me to make it detailed while its small size makes it possible for me to handle.
"Those who restrain their desires do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained."

