Guns, guns, and more guns in Gun Heaven--out now!

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« Reply #75 on: <06-21-11/0329:03> »
Scaring the squares (Who are the majority, and vote.) is how they show that "Something is being done.".
Logically, I know you're right. But at the same time I was so frustrated (even though this was the status quo when I graduated and left DC in 2002) I was bitching about it the whole time. That and the fact that there really is a Capitol Hill Exclusion Zone now. Chalk another one up for Shadowrun's prescience.
Never said I liked the issue either.  But, let's face it, most people are fraggin' sheep, they hear about new technology being put into place and see police shoes on the ground and think things are being done while in reality it's just smoke, mirrors, and varnish.

And I should probably shut up now as I'm overtired and likely to get my foot all the way to the knee in my mouth.  *Deletes rant about microwave ovens and being fondled at the airports*
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« Reply #76 on: <06-21-11/0342:46> »
I just did the scanner. But I didn't appreciate the TSA rifling through my comics and the book on ancient Persian warfare when I came back from New York.


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« Reply #77 on: <06-21-11/1017:42> »
I just did the scanner. But I didn't appreciate the TSA rifling through my comics and the book on ancient Persian warfare when I came back from New York.
I didn't appreciate being treated like a gun runner when I showed them the unconcealed and unloaded dollar-store cap gun at the US Border.  :P
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« Reply #78 on: <06-21-11/1309:14> »
Speaking of, does Gun Haven have any more accessories?
It has the red dot sight, rules wise it's same as laser sight(Doesn't actually say that those 2 dont stack), but IMO it's a lot more stylish option for most guns that aren't pistols ;)
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« Reply #79 on: <06-21-11/1314:17> »
Many of the weapons in Gun Haven list a powered slide mount as a standard modification, but the descriptions don't give a slot capacity for them. Is this an oversight, or can it be taken as read that a powered slide mount as standard can hold the normal 6 slots worth allowed a weapon?
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« Reply #80 on: <06-22-11/0023:38> »
@Mystic and CanRay

I'm the same way with gear choice and placement.  I've done it with 3 separate characters now that I've created for our current campaign, one of whom has yet to even see play other than as an off camera NPC.  To be fair, for all three it makes sense.  My main character is a stealth focused street sam and I figured that the best way to store all his gear was in pouches and a backpack, all of which use separate padded sections for his gear and attach to his chameleon suit with gecko tape (and are chameleon coated themselves)  The layout was one that made sense to me without ever being able to try it physically.  The second one was a pixie that had some gear to carry so I had to figure out somehow where she'd put it on a run, and the last one was a former corpsec high threat response troop that again did the pouches thing (or not, depending on his armour at the time) and had all of his weapons gecko gripped to just be able to stick them to his armour rather than using a holster that might get in the way.  (He also has heavy milspec and an HMG.... but mostly wouldn't be using them)

Of course I've also gone with the sloppy route with some characters, generally when that would be the personality for that particular character (My samurai themed ganger for example).  But even then I generally have a decent idea about where there gear is on the body.


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« Reply #81 on: <06-22-11/1024:21> »
Trying to remember where I read the rule about:  "When in the dark, always be sure you can find your pants and your rifle by touch alone."...
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« Reply #82 on: <07-07-11/1829:07> »
With such good advice, the source has likely been long forgotten as it has disseminated throughout so many other sources and has become somewhat of a universal truth.

Or something like that.

Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

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« Reply #83 on: <07-07-11/2019:00> »
With such good advice, the source has likely been long forgotten as it has disseminated throughout so many other sources and has become somewhat of a universal truth.

Or something like that.

It had to be a Marine NCO  ;)
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"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #84 on: <07-07-11/2105:20> »
Yeah, but which Marine Corps?   ;D
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« Reply #85 on: <07-07-11/2122:16> »
Yeah, but which Marine Corps?   ;D
Definitely not an OZ.  Who needs pants anyway?
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« Reply #86 on: <07-08-11/0007:53> »
Yeah, but which Marine Corps?   ;D

Doesn't matter - Marine > all, nation is immaterial.
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
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« Reply #87 on: <07-08-11/1546:03> »
Yeah, but which Marine Corps?   ;D
Doesn't matter - Marine > all, nation is immaterial.
True that.

I know I read it years ago and it clicked with me.  I wouldn't put it past some Roman NCO who made sure that the command was, "When in the dark, always be sure you can find your leather skirt and your spear by touch alone."
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« Reply #88 on: <07-10-11/1930:57> »
True that.

I know I read it years ago and it clicked with me.  I wouldn't put it past some Roman NCO who made sure that the command was, "When in the dark, always be sure you can find your leather skirt and your spear by touch alone."
Geez I hope you're not talking in Euphamisms  :o

Finding a 'skirt' and a 'spear' in the dark sounds like the opening line to a Vivid movie....  :-X
'Too much is never enough'

Current PC: Free Spirit (Norse Shamanic)
'Names are irrelevant. Which fake ID do you want me to quote from?'

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« Reply #89 on: <07-10-11/1936:40> »
Well, considering how some of the Greek and Roman Militaries were set up...  *Wink-Wink-Nudge-Nudge*
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