Article on RFID tracking of people.

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« Reply #30 on: <09-18-10/1112:36> »
Did you see Zombieland? It's going to mutate from Mad Cow disease (which is probably a result of all the hormones we're pumping into the animals to get our McDonald's burgers quicker).


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« Reply #31 on: <09-18-10/1250:49> »
Last time I got a Flu shot. I got the Flu. Bad! Normally I get ache & pains and I just bull my way through the 2-3 days. When I got the shot... I walked as far as my daughters bedroom (about 25') and crashed there for 3 days. I'd swore off flu shots since without any incidents in around 12 years.
Well, the kicker about innoculations is that your body goes through the whole process of fighting an infection, which it doesn't have, but doesn't know that.  So your symptoms are supposed to show up as your body figures out how to deal with the virus.

But, ya, I agree with you.  I stopped getting flu shots after I left the military.  Hated getting them every year, since I got sick from them (over the weekends, natch).  I can count on one hand, with 3 fingers cut off, the number of times I've had the flu after leaving the military 10+ years ago.
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« Reply #32 on: <09-19-10/1538:57> »
Did you see Zombieland? It's going to mutate from Mad Cow disease (which is probably a result of all the hormones we're pumping into the animals to get our McDonald's burgers quicker).

And to keep them from decomposing longer.
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning


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« Reply #33 on: <09-19-10/1747:11> »
Did you see Zombieland? It's going to mutate from Mad Cow disease (which is probably a result of all the hormones we're pumping into the animals to get our McDonald's burgers quicker).

And to keep them from decomposing longer.
*shudder* Now it becomes clear...


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« Reply #34 on: <09-19-10/1752:27> »
That's what I was referring to when I said they can't even get flu shots straight. XD They play guess-and-check for which strain is going to be the big one this year, give it to thousands of people, and hope for the best. And don't even get me started on the SNAFU that was the whole swine flu incident. A couple people die in a few months from swine flu and everyone's wearing face masks. A couple million people die each day from HIV/AIDS and no one wants to use a condom.

I've got a couple friends just sitting back and waiting for the zombies to come with as fast as they pumped out that swine flu vaccine. My money's on it coming out of the cervical cancer one. Pharmaceutical companies are disgusting.

Yes.  They are.


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« Reply #35 on: <09-19-10/1755:45> »
To keep them from decomposing longer is right.  That's why the average american has enough preservatives to keep a body from decomposing quickly.  It's all the stupid drek they put in our food.


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« Reply #36 on: <09-20-10/0001:02> »
Show of hands...anyone like eating rotten meat or vegetables?  Anyone?


No?  You can thank the chemists for coming up with the stuff that keeps your food from MAKING YOU SICK and staying fresh long enough to make it to your house.  You're welcome.
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« Reply #37 on: <09-20-10/0034:12> »
Um... I'd still rather buy organic and local whenever I can afford it and it's available. Most of the time, I can taste the difference too...


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« Reply #38 on: <09-20-10/0709:31> »
Organic is a complete scam.  Along the same lines as the preservatives argument, do you know how many people in the world could be fed by organic growing means?  Go ahead and pick 2.7 BILLION people you don't like to starve to death.  That's right, organic can only feed about 4 billion people.  Mainly because they don't have the means of controlling pests and lose a lot of their harvest to them.  Or they can't grow them as fast, so their harvest can only occur in specific, narrow growing months.

Organic = super scam.  If you are really burning for that "au naturale" food, then grow your own garden and save your money.

Sorry, organic foods and recycling (anything but metal) are big pet peeves of mine.
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Usda Beph

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« Reply #39 on: <09-20-10/0727:52> »
Thank the maker there is another person out there that sees things like I do!
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
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« Reply #40 on: <09-20-10/0941:59> »
#1) Yes, I've watched those episodes of Penn & Teller's Bullshit and I wholeheartedly agree that we cannot feed the world on organic growing styles. And that most recycling is BS.

#2) HOWEVER, I also think there's a HUGE difference between wanting food that isn't so full of chemicals and preservatives that it's not as healthy to eat. Unfortunately, the only way you can try to get that is buying overpriced organic-labeled foods.

#3) Watch Food Inc.. Also, watch the previously mentioned episode of Bullshit. Understand both sides of the argument, then decide for yourself how to live your life.

Do I buy nothing but organic? Hell no. I still buy frozen veggies and potato chips and only go into the organic section of the supermarket when I can afford to and usually only for meat. What I did learn from Food Inc./Bullshit and other subjects is that almost everything you eat (from ketchup to hot dogs to soda to cereal to white bread and peanut butter) has corn products in it. And the number one thing they use to fatten up cattle & such quickly is feeding them corn instead of grass. Corn = "Fatter Quicker". And most foods have corn in them. And there's an obesity problem in the U.S. Gee, I wonder if there's a connection. I know that when I began making informed choices when buying groceries and checking the ingredients of my food for corn by-products, and worked to avoid them, I lost weight.

Sorry 'bout that, but my pet peeve is people making assumptions or decisions based only on one part of an argument. That and jumping on decisions I make that they don't agree with thinking that I'm an uninformed idiot that doesn't investigate all avenues before coming to a decision. If more people looked into both sides of a debate instead of picking one side and ignoring the opposite side's argument because they "didn't like it", we'd be better off in this world.

A great debate teacher taught me that the best way to truly understand a subject is to argue AGAINST your assumed position. By forcing yourself to argue the opposing side, it forces you to see the flaws in your position, so that you are making an educated choice instead of simply believing in a "company line".


Usda Beph

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« Reply #41 on: <09-20-10/0948:45> »
I'm just against buying "Organic" food that cost an arm and a leg over the grown from the ground, fed normal food type. If I wanted really healthy food again I'd pick it from my dad's garden. I'm just against slapping a label of this is better for you & then charging more cause you used less stuff to grow/raise it.
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #42 on: <09-20-10/0953:16> »
I'm just against buying "Organic" food that cost an arm and a leg over the grown from the ground, fed normal food type. If I wanted really healthy food again I'd pick it from my dad's garden. I'm just against slapping a label of this is better for you & then charging more cause you used less stuff to grow/raise it.
Yeah, that's a peeve I share. It just sucks that there's little middle ground: it's either grown the corporate way or grown in the backyard type of deal. :P

Usda Beph

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« Reply #43 on: <09-20-10/0955:53> »
So when do you think Coprate America/Europe will make it manditory for us to have RFIDs?
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #44 on: <09-20-10/1003:02> »
I wasn't picking on you, specifically.  I was cautioning that the Organic craze is a huge scam.  I have also found that many people who buy Organic mistakenly think that it is somehow "better" for the environment and/or better for them.  It isn't, really, and I am continually frustrated by folks who want to "save the world" by throwing money at their grocer.  Sorry if you got too much heat off of that.

I saw those episodes of "Bullshit" as well.  While they didn't cover everything (how could they, in a single episode?) they did provide a starting point for asking questions.

My grandparents used to keep a good sized garden on their one acre lot in the suburbs (before it really became the suburbs, cursed sprawl).  Fresh vegetables beat store bought every time.  But they didn't use "organic" methods, because they couldn't afford to throw away crops due to pests.  If you asked gramma what she thinks of this organic stuff, you will actually get an eye roll from an 80+ year old woman.  That, in itself, is telling (and also hilarious).
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