(I.C) Cleaning Up the Band

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« Reply #45 on: <09-21-10/2038:06> »
Father Twilight watches the receptionist with a look of polite interest while his companion chats her up, all the while switching to an astral perception and looking for any clues of nervousness, aggression, or any other markers that would lead him to believe the girl is misleading him with her information. At the same time he sweeps his gaze across everything he can see, keeping himself attuned to the astral in order to hopefully get advance warning if anyone approaches who is more then they seem, as he waits for whomever would be providing their tour.

((OOC: 2 hits on Assenssing receptionist))


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« Reply #46 on: <09-21-10/2251:57> »
"We're looking for an...'associate'...of ours...Josh Williams. Have you heard of him?"

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #47 on: <09-22-10/2114:44> »
Father Twilight senses that the receptionist is telling the truth as she makes small talk with Joker. It seems like she is trying to subtly steer the conversation away from certain things and topics.
He senses nothing magical or out of place in the clinic waiting room.

Outside the guys face lights up when Monky mentions Josh. "Chummer, you are friends of Josh Williams, the Josh Williams of Wounded Needle? No way you are trying to kid me right?" He seems to physically relax even more as he looks at the two of you
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #48 on: <09-23-10/1558:05> »
Axe finishes his VR search of the Hospice node, stretches, and swallows some more of his soykaf (which wasn't half bad).

A smile crosses Axe's face. Well, as long as I'm here...

His scan of the AR dessert menu yielded several options, but the choice was clear: Ahhh, chocolate.  Why yes, I believe I shall.


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« Reply #49 on: <09-23-10/1809:54> »
Y-Chan smiles at him as reassuringly as an Ork girl can..."No kidding, guy. That Josh Williams. I see you've heard of him. You happen to see him around of late? Maybe somewhere near here on the streets?"

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #50 on: <09-23-10/2132:38> »
"No chummer sorry I haven't. I'll keep an eye out and let you know. Some of my friends hang out in the area a lot. I'm going to go try and catch up with them and see if they have. That would be so frosty if they had."

He has a big grin on his face as he walks past Y-Chan and down the alley
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #51 on: <09-24-10/0739:34> »
After a few minutes of chatting Kathy the receptionist up, Joker asks,"So what time do you get off work?"

((00C: Previously he had been trying to get her to say something about the people she works with. Also, I'm ready for things to move forward when you are.))


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« Reply #52 on: <09-24-10/1509:58> »
Y-Chan texts the rest of the crew as she heads back towards the SUV..."The target in the alley didn't have anything too useful to say. He didn't seem 'bad', but was very elusive. Supposedly he's going to keep an eye out for Josh".


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« Reply #53 on: <09-24-10/1535:08> »
Axe's commlink competes for attention against the dessert and wins by a narrow margin.

The target in the alley didn't have anything too useful to say. He didn't seem 'bad', but was very elusive. Supposedly he's going to keep an eye out for Josh.

Axe frowns at the message, and responds, "Y-Chan, take a video shot of the guy now if you can without him knowing it, and send it to me, or at least describe him."

Axe commands the Fly-Spy microdrone to maneuver laterally to the ally (OOC: using Chan's commlink location if possible) while sending the video feed to my commlink.

I will try to locate the man with the video feed, and have the drone shadow him.  If successful, I'll inform the group of my actions and follow 100-200 meters behind the drone.

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #54 on: <09-25-10/1239:30> »
As the person in the alley starts off he turns back and says, "Chummer I almost forgot. How can I contact you if I find out something about Josh?"

The fly spy gets in position to tale him no problem while he is waiting for Y-Chan or Monky to answer him
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #55 on: <09-25-10/1327:39> »
Y-Chan jogs back over to him..."Let me give you my commcode, in case you come up with anything. By the way...what's your name, guy?"

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #56 on: <09-25-10/1417:25> »
"People call me Timithy. Yeah I'll be sure to let you know if I find out anything."

He walks off down the alley. The fly spy following behind him. Axe has to hurry after paying his tab at the bistro to get into position to follow behind the fly spy. He is able to parallel the route staying one block over. "Timithy" goes about 10 blocks straight and then after looking around to be sure he isn't being followed (at least you assume that is why he looked all around and paused at the door.) he ducks into a warehouse building.

Kathy "I get off at 8PM." She says with a broad smile, "But if your brother might be coming here I can't see you. It is against policy to get involved with any of the patients or their families so that there isn't a conflict of interest."  She waits a second bats her eyelashes at him and continues, "and your brother's health is the most important thing isn't it?"

Joker is about to reply when the door on into the building opens and a 7 foot tall female ork wallks out (at least you think she is female) when the nurse says, "Hi, I'm Linda. You wanted a tour? It will have to be a quick one I have rounds in 15 minutes, but I'm free until then. Can't be late because our patients well being is what is most important."

She smiles a big toothy grin and says, "Right this way."

The three of you head down a short hall that intersects another going off in either direction. She ambles on saying, "The patients rooms are down the two corridors here with the private treatment areas beyond them." Without really breaking stride she continues straight ahead. After another 10 meters the hallway ends in double doors. "Here we have the lounge. I need to ask you to please not to rile up any of the patients when we go inside."

She pushes open the door and it is a fairly large room with a long table at one end that has several people sitting around it playing some kind of card game with real cards. Wow you didn't know they still made actual cards still. In the far corner there are 7 seats in a semi-circle around the trid which is currently showing one of the daytime soaps.
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #57 on: <09-25-10/1525:06> »
Y-Chan sends a text off to Axe..."Our guy is going by the name 'Timithy'. Can you do anything with that?"


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« Reply #58 on: <09-27-10/1245:45> »
Father Twilight moves away from his tour guide to the table of people playing cards, activating his astral perception as he does so.

"Greetings my children. I am Father Gabriel, and I am looking at this establishment for a member of my parish. Would you say this place is helping you with your problems? Is it lightening your load and helping you move past your troubles?"

((OOC:Watching their auras for any signs of tension, or for the nurse to become nervous about me talking to them.))


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« Reply #59 on: <09-27-10/1859:19> »
Joker casts a wink and a sly smile to the receptionist as he turns, following a few paces behind the two. He pays close attention to each detail of the building as the walk. When they get to the recreation room he lets Father Twilight do the talking, an air of awkward reassurance about him.

