(I.C) Cleaning Up the Band

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Walks Through Walls

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« on: <09-14-10/2143:47> »
@Joker Your comlink buzzes and it is Otto. "Hey chummer round up the team. I've got bizz that I'm sending your way. The guy wants to meet you at the Mogul in two hours if you can make it that fast." a quick glance at the time stamp shows it's just afternoon. what is it with everyone getting me up when the sun is still high in the sky? "He says that time is of the essence. Isn't it always. Anyhow I didn't have any problems with his cred, and he had a good vibe to me. He said he is willing to pay top nuyen for top talent so naturally I thought of you guys."

"Let me know how things go and if I can be of help. You have calls to make so I'll let you get to them."
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #1 on: <09-14-10/2307:31> »
Joker groans and finally lifts his commlink to view the screen.
"Zanks, mon ami. I'll hit you up after."

After ending the call he sighs and lets his arm flop down into his bed of random pillows. A few minutes later he sighs yet again and begins to text his crew.

@Team:"Elo chumz. Comment ça va? Iv got a job n you are cordialee envited. Plase & time be low. Gud nuyen"

He sits up, rubs his eyes, and finally rolls forward to his knees to stand.

"So gaz... I need a vacation.", he mutters to himself at he makes his way to the bathroom, rubbing his forehead.

After a long shower in which he nearly falls asleep standing up, he begins to get dressed. Form-fitting armor with armored plates. Sexy, wiz, and damn good protection. He straps on his heavy gunbelt and his arm slides, then tops it off with a snazzy neo-tokyo style jacket (also stopping to pat down his messy hair).

Staring into his cracked bathroom mirror, he winks at himself, smirking mirthlessly and straitening his jacket. He finally feels ready.
« Last Edit: <09-17-10/1550:35> by Joker »


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« Reply #2 on: <09-15-10/0009:21> »
The chapel was quiet today, the way Dinivin liked it. No loud teenagers acting out their rebellious tendency against their parents by disturbing the house of the Lord, no businessmen brokering deals in whispers in the back of the chapel, just silence. He knelt in the front pew, praying for guidance perhaps, but mainly just finding his center in these familiar surroundings which had been forbidden to him by the prejudice of others. When suddenly, his AR blipped on and a message appeared.

"Elo chumz. Como ce va? Iv got a job n you are cordialee envited. Plase & time be low. Gud nuyen"

The Lord grant me strength, that man will eventually remember I don't speak that doggerel, maybe I should buy him a spellchecker, if nothing else it would save me having to resist the urge to take the Holy Fathers name in vain every time he texts me. As he finishes the thought he stands up, and making the stations of the cross says quietly,"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen"

As he walks out the door into the chilled, windswept streets a splatter of rain burst upon his face. Yes, this was going to be another one of those days. He began texting as he began walking down the stairs.

@Joker"Headed there now, will find a quiet spot and investigate from the heavenly perspective to make certain all is on the up and up. And get a spellchecker already."

As he finished typing he headed for the target location, keeping his eyes open for safe places to slip into the astral and scout the scene to ensure no double cross was waiting for them.

((OOC: intention is to fidn a place to do astral recon before entering meeting place and check for anyone whose emotions don't fit the scene))

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #3 on: <09-15-10/1837:29> »
You find an out of the way bench a block or two away not ideal, but desperate times desperate measures and all. You go astral and recon the Mogul. All is quiet like you would expect in the early afternoon. Four no wait five patron in the bar. All peaceful and tranquil except the last guy in the corner. His aura is a bundle of nervous energy and raw emotions.
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #4 on: <09-15-10/1856:36> »
As Dinivin returned to his body he shook his head as though awakening from a nap and discreetly surveyed his surroundings to make certain no one had taken an inordinate amount of interest in him while he was away. As he did so he messaged Joker.

@Joker"Quiet scene, 5 signatures in the bar, the one in the corner is either the one we want or a potential risk. Either way he sticks out from a heavenly view as a disturbed soul."

With this done Dinivin returned to the task at hand, keeping his eyes open for the rest of the team and watching to see if any of them were tailed. He routinely switched his perspective back and forth from normal to astral perspectives, getting a feel for anyone who may enter the bar or linger nearby. Once the whole team was inside and he was certain no one had followed, he would enter the building himself. In this business one could never be too careful.

((OOC: If the spot he did astral recon from cannot see the bar, he will move to a better vantage point.

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #5 on: <09-15-10/1941:48> »
Everyone shows up about 15 minutes before the meet time and no one is being followed. After a minute of confiding you head inside. A middle aged Indian woman meets you at the door and looks you over quickly and says, "You must be here to meet Daniel. Right this way."

She leads you to the back corner (this is the one who was upset). He rises to meet you as you walk up. He offers a hand and says, "Thank you for meeting me on such short notice." He motions for everyone to sit down.

"I'm Daniel McCleer." With that he flicks his thumb and fingers like he is flipping a card and your AR display shows a gaudy card that makes you instantly think of show biz.

"I'm with Tridtainment Inc. We have a small problem that we would like to take care of quietly, and hope you can assist us with. We need you to help us find Josh Williams." he pauses for a couple beats for dramatic effect you assume. "yes Josh Williams of Wounded Needle. As you may or may not know Josh has a bit of a drug and BTL problem. Doesn't it seem like all musical geniuses since before the turn of the century have. Anyhow it didn't seem too bad at first, but about a month ago it started to affect his music. So Pete Anderson, the drummer, ad I helped Josh check into a rehab clinic."

He takes a drink and continues, "I can pay you 10,000 nuyen each and backstage passes to the Wounded Needles tour opening concert next month."

He looks at you all expectantly
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #6 on: <09-15-10/2025:37> »
@Father Twilight: "I dont like masheens that tell me wat to du."
@Father Twilight: "Dont we oll. Gud goin, chummer. Il be thare sune. I promiss."
Joker stops and looks the mature, but attractive, Indian woman over before following. "Heaven help me, father", he mutters with a smile, loud enough for Father Twilight to hear.
Joker firmly returns the handshake, offering a nod.
"Our pleasure, misure. Shall we get down to business?"
He puts out his cigarette in the table's ashtray and glances to his team members, a little worried that they may attract the wrong kind of attention.
After staring back at the fellow for a moment, he begins to reply.
"Well zat all sounds well and good, misure, but you 'aven't been clear on what you're wanting us to do."
He offers bit of smile, trying not to be insulting.
"We would be happy to help, of course, but perhaps you could be a bit more specific about this problem?"
Because he is doing his best to speak like a suit, he talks somewhat slowly and deliberately.
« Last Edit: <09-16-10/1405:45> by Joker »

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #7 on: <09-15-10/2136:38> »
After getting your agreement he continues, "Good. Glad you can help me. Three weeks ago Pete and I checked Josh into  a rehab clinic in Renton called the New Hope Hospice under the alias of Sid Vicious. He seemed to be doing real well and his Doctor, Dr. Anders, said that Josh was making great progress. Then yesterday Pete went to visit Josh and he was gone. No one in the clinic could tell us where he was or where he might have gone."

"I need you to find Josh and get him to finish the program or get him enrolled in another that he can finish in a couple of weeks so Wounded Needle has a couple weeks to practice before the tour starts."

He passes you a publicity photo of Josh saying, "Here is a picture of him in case you need it to show around or something."

"Any other questions I can help you with right now?"
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #8 on: <09-15-10/2157:59> »
As Father Twilight listened to the description of this newest job he couldn't help but feel a welling surge of disgust. Of course, another celebrity with an addiction. Can none of them resist the clarion call of sins of the flesh? With a sigh he pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose and spoke in his quiet, soothing voice.

"The names and locations of his primary dealers would be helpful, since odds are fair he left the clinic due to a weakness of the flesh. Beginning our search with his known vice dealers would be a logical start point, aside from the exact location of this clinic."

Why was he constantly having to deal with weak reeds that broke beneath the devils temptations?


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« Reply #9 on: <09-16-10/1326:12> »
Axe’s head slowly cleared as the music ended.  The red flag was still waving at him.

"Elo chumz. Como ce va? Iv got a job n you are cordialee envited. Plase & time be low. Gud nuyen", it repeated.  The voice and icon was commlink standard, and needed to be updated.  Something sultry in brunette would be much better…

Axe logged out of the spent BTL and blinked at the harsh coffin light.  He ran his fingers through his oily black hair, climbed out of the mattress cell, and pulled on his flats.  A day’s growth of beard shadowed his face.  No time for a shower though.

The vending machines were conveniently located at the coffin hotel’s entrance.  Somebody had a real sense of humor.  Axe paid the nuyen for new flats, threw his grimy set into the recycle bin, and donned the fresh pair on his way to the bus stop.

- - - -

(At The Mogul, after the group accepts the job):

Axe nods at Father Twilight.  “Yeah, good thinkin’ F.T.”

(OOC: I record an image of the woman and Daniel McCleer.  I will perform a data search on Daniel, Josh Williams, Pete Anderson, Wounded Needle, and all names Daniel subsequently provides.)
« Last Edit: <09-16-10/1336:12> by Maelstrom »

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #10 on: <09-16-10/2055:09> »
Josh Williams is the lead singer of the rising star Goblin/techno rock fusion band Wounded Needle. Four songs off their triple platinum debut album shows that they are one of the hottest bands in North America right now. Pete Anderson is the drummer for the band. The band's roots are in the Seattle area though no one is exactly sure where.
The Trid label that is carrying the band is Tridtainment Inc.

Daniel is a low level exec who handles several bands that are up and coming. Wounded Needle being the biggest name currently.

New Hope Hospice is a rehab clinic in the Bellevue area on Seattle. It specializes in BTL addiction.

Daniel doesn't know the names of any of Josh's vice dealers.

"I think the clinic is the place to start. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but something just didn't feel right the last time I was there."
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #11 on: <09-17-10/0615:59> »
“Mister McCleer, we need all ID info you have for Josh Williams: commcodes, SIN, access ID, MSP (Matrix Service Provider), and anything else.  Your 'link will have Josh's commcode if he called you.  Give us a commcode to reach you and Pete Anderson too.  If Tridtainment paid for Josh's MSP and ‘link, we need your authorization for the MSP to give us his commlink usage logs.”

After meeting, to group: “Prolly none of this will help, but don’t hurt to try.  Oh yeah, first thing, I gotta hit a Stuffer Shack for a super soda and box of Twinkies.”


Save visual image of Josh's picture.

Software-spoof my access ID (again).

Data search on Dr. Anders, to include a picture.

Verify data search picture of Daniel McCleer matches the Daniel we met (easy place to obtain should be Tridtainment corporate bio.)

If information was provided, attempt to trace the data trail for Josh’s commcode and access ID, using his MSP usage logs if obtained, otherwise with public access records.

If information was not provided, data search to locate Josh’s MSP(s) and access ID(s) using his commcode(s), and then attempt to trace data trail.
« Last Edit: <09-17-10/0757:00> by Maelstrom »


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« Reply #12 on: <09-17-10/0939:01> »
Joker stared off at a couple at another table for a long moment while Axe got technical. "Yes, we will need all of that if you have it, as well as payment for one additional crew who isn't here, making the total fifty thousand Nuyen. We will contact you for an exchange as soon as we've located him. Square?"

(After meeting)
"Ten thou'... Not bad, ay? I could take a vacation... and eat some real meat for a change."
He lights up a smoke, looking to Axe.
"Whatever you need, mon ami, but the first thing is a vehicle to get there. I'm in that Horseman still."
He motions accross the street at a silver PMV with robotic arms. It looks as if you may be able to fit two people in it, but they would be uncomfortably close.
"While I still remember, If possible we should also see if Knight Errant has this guy before we do too much else. Could be he got himself picked up."
« Last Edit: <09-17-10/1828:53> by Joker »


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« Reply #13 on: <09-17-10/1548:13> »
*After meeting*

"Some of us should go investigate this clinic, those of us who are less ostentatious in the daylight hours. Perhaps pose as friends hoping to place an associate of ours in their establishment?" Father Twilight suggested softly as they got outside the building, looking about to ensure that no one was paying attention to them talking.

"As far as transportation, don't look at me. God gifted me with legs to walk and eyes to see, I have never bothered to become particularly skilled in acquiring or navigating vehicles of any sort. But if we need transportation, no doubt the Lord will provide."


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« Reply #14 on: <09-17-10/1632:54> »
Joker flashed a goofy smile when referred to as ostentatious.

He looked up at the sky, then looked around them at their surroundings, as if expecting divine intervention.
"Well in case he don't, we should probably have a backup plan."

