Here's what I've got. It's my first run at a character, so let me know if anything seems off or needs fixed.
Name: Yuki Takanori
Alias: Y-Chan
Race: Ork
Sex: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Lifestyle: Low(2 Months Paid)
Karma Spent: 0
Starting Nuyen: 13x50 Description: Yuki is about 5'1" with shoulder length black hair with blue and purple highlights. She appears to be in her early 20's, and has a very outgoing and energetic personality. She is an action junkie that is fascinated by guns and swords.
Body: 5
Agility: 5
Reaction: 5(7)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 3
Logic: 4
Willpower: 3
Edge: 4
Magic: 5
Essence: 6
Initiative: 8(10)
Init Passes: 1(3)
Positive Qualities:
Adept (5 BP)
Ambidextrous (5 BP)
Negative Qualities:
SINner (+5 BP)
Sensitive System (+15BP)
Active Skills:
Athletics Skill Group: 3
Etiquette (Street +2): 2
Firearms Skill Group
(Pistols Improved Ability): 4(6)
Perception: 1
Pilot Ground Craft (Car +2): 1
Unarmed Combat: 1
Blades(Katana +2): 2
Knowledge Skills:
Firearms Design: 4
Firearms History: 3
Seattle Street Gangs: 3
Security Procedures: 3
Language Skills:
Japanese: N
English: 4
Or'zet: 4
Adept Powers:
Attribute Boost (Agility): 2
Combat Sense: 2
Improved Ability (Pistols): 2
Improved Reflexes: 2
Savalette Guardian x2
Regular Ammo x200
Quickdraw holster x2
Yamaha Pulsar
Colt M22A3
Regular Ammo x200
Gel Rounds x30
Flashbangs x5
Form Fitting Full Body Suit
Securitech PPP: Forearm Guards, Shin Guards, Arm Casings,
and Vitals Protector
Novatech Airware Comlink
Lined Coat
SIN(R4) Mizuki Yoshita
SIN(R4) Megumi Hirohita
Driver License(R4)
Concealed Carry License(R4)
Savalette Guardian License(R4)
Colt M22A3 License(R4)
Standard Ammo License(R4)
Gel Rounds License(R4)
Katana License(R4)
Rover 2068 SUV
Arms Dealer: 2/2
Fixer: 3/3
Knight Errant Officer: 2/2