[characters] Out of the Frying Pan

  • 11 Replies


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« on: <05-07-11/1242:18> »
Here is the location to start posting character sheets and backgrounds. Please refrain from other things in this thread so I can see it better.

Cleared for play:
Teyl_Iliar- Slip
Ethan- Nadir
Dashifen- Jace
Triggvi- Korbin McNaulty
Sichr- Nina
Operator- Operator

Optional rules used:
1. Cap dice pools at 20 or twice natural Attribute + Skill, whichever is higher. typically 20.
2. Increase DV of all weapons by 2. I conceder attack programs and spells to be weapons. Drain and static damage like falling are not.
3. Glitches on damage resistance tests cause critical wounds, something that requires more than a midkit to fix.
4. Total hits can be no more than Skill x 2. For agents and spirits it is rating and force respectively.
5. Sometimes you just get lucky, Edge can buy hits or reduce extended test intervals by half. limited to one edge spent only.
6. Each roll on an extended test reduces the dice pool by 1, cumulatively.

1.You may build your character using the optional karma build at 750 karma.
2. Up to 15 Karma can be gained by giving a detailed background and notes on your equipment like Fake SINs, matrix sculpting, and lifestyles.
3. Metavarients are rare and only one character per game may have one.
4. A character may choose a Code of conduct.
5. Maintaining contacts, basically if you have a contact with a loyalty higher than 3, you must spend some non-work time with them or the loyalty could drop.
6. Advanced lifestyles

--Street Magic--
1. Acquiring Geasa during play, if you critically glitch on an important magic roll you may gain one.
2. Adepts and Geasa, you may take one for one of your powers and reduce its cost by 25%.
3. Magic Loss, glitches on damage resistance, action while on a stim patch or when being treated medically can cause the loss of magic.
4. Learning Metamagic, you can learn techniques outside of initiation.
5. Aid Enchanting, spirits may help you with your enchanting attempts.
6. Exotic Reagent Requisites, enchanting sometimes needs special reagents.
7. Corps Cadavers and Living Dolls, possession traditions gain watchers that have possession.

1. Full immersion Lifestyle is allowed.
2. forging SINs and IDs
3. Freeware and open source programs are both limited to rating 4 or less and require an appropriate contact. In addition Freeware can not have program options.
4. Software bugs and programming
5. there is a +1 initiative bonus to characters using a tacnet with a DNI
6. Just for clarification Program options are not an optional rule, so they are allowable.

More to follow.
« Last Edit: <06-04-11/0322:33> by Redwulfe »
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't


*Play-by-Post color guide*


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« Reply #1 on: <05-07-11/1757:09> »
Name: Emma Uisge
Alias: Slip, also known as OT or old timer in the ork underground.
Race: Elf (Caucasian)
Sex: Female
Nationality: UCAS
Lifestyle: Low x2
comforts 2 (full size bed, a table, some chairs and a sofa near the west facing window and a working bath/shower)
entertainment 1 (occasionally goes to drink with friends, still reads Paper back books, and enjoys the occasion Trid program. > matrix signal is horrible though, so if you want to surf the matrix head to the nearest soy-kaf joint or provide your own.)
necessities 2 (>>Rationed power and water supply, SPU is old but works, Roof doesn't leak, walls are fairly sound proof, community laundry in the basement, has a nice window view in living room.)
neighborhood 2 (It's Everett, KE's around, but they aren't trying to piss anyone off. Her building is made up of orks, humans and a few trolls. *Everyone know's each other and watches out for their friends. Just about everyone works in the industrial sector and uses public transportion.)
security 3 (@ Mac the land lord lives in the building and keeps an eye on things. He doesn't take tenants that sell drugs and isn't afraid to use his Shotgun on anyone foolish enough to break in. Neighbors all check on each other if something goes wrong in the building and would call KE for help if Mac can't handle what's happening)
total 10 points at 2,000 nuyen per month
positive qualites 2
friendly neighbors +1*
easy going landlord+1@
negative qualites -2
Network Bottle Neck-1 >
Green Plan-1 >>
Karma Spent: 15
Physical Description: Height:5'8" Weight: 134
Age:60  Short cut Chocolate Brown hair and Dark Hazel eyes Emma's features are strikingly elven and beatuiful, Her Build is trim and strong with well defined muscles, that you'd expect from someone that works out for a living. (between free running as a courier, and as a shadow runner she gets plenty of exercise, and she isn't the type to get fat on the couch.)
Personality:Slip is easy to get along with. She's seen and lived through some of the worst times Seattle's seen since the 6th age began, She's been around long enough to know how things work in the world and experienced prejudice and hatred Having seen the worst of what people are capable of she's learned that there's a time to be merciless, but that time doesn't have to be all the time. There are plenty of good things to enjoy in the world and while she's had to kill more than once to save herself or someone else, it isn't something to do lightly.
Backround:born in January of 2012 as an elf she was one of the first elves born. She was so young she doesn't remember the histeria assocated with her birth, but her parents did. Her parents (worked for federated boeing) eventually learned to accept that their child was never going to be accepted by the general population so they kept her at home as much as possble. Her parents home schooled her to a middle school level before allowing her to go to the school on Federated Boeing's campus. She spent her teens free running around the compound. At the age of 14 she started High school, placed in segregated classes with the other non human kids. she had a fairly mixed bag reaction from her class mates, (to pretty hang with the orks, not normal enough for the humans.)She did her best to fit in though, and it paid off with a few human and ork friends. During her High school years she worked in one of the soy kaf bars at the Everett FBAF. After she graduated, Federated Boeing hired her as a techinal design assistant where she worked until the night of rage. 

During the night of rage her family was targeted and killed by hand of five members that had broken into the facility, but her family wasn't alone that night... many other metahumans and their parents where killed before the compound's security forces could gather up the survivors and "protect them." She escaped, but just barely. after the fires had died down she was on her own.

She quickly went into hiding, using her savings to stay out of sight, after things calmmed down she made her way back to the home she'd lost. After days of questioning and paperwork, Federated Boeing paid her,the sum of her parents combined life insurance policy. (around 680,000 nuyen) She left immdeately afterward with the intention of starting over for herself. She moved out of Everett down to the downtown's westside to the elven district and settled into a co-op with other elves. while living there she learned about the ork underground and became fast friends with some of it's members by teaching them how to free run. Over time as she bonded with them they taught her things too, like how to fight, and shoot. Meanwhile she started work as a courier, Using free running she learned that she could she could to avoid the gangers and the numberious metahaters and gain a working knowledge of how to evade people that didn't like her as well as a fast methiod of moving around seattle without aid of car.

By 2045 (age 33) She was working closely with the ork underground to help metahumans in need. her tasks with the
underground tied in with her main job, while she was going everywhere across the city, she was helping the underground pass Intel they didn't want sent over the matrix, and warning safe houses in specific areas about Lone Star raids. (and getting paid extra in addition to her other jobs.) She had learned a little or'zet and Hand signals and taken up a new hobby, sketching. she took to sketching scenes of an ever changing seattle, and the faces of it's new metahumanity.

By 2056 (age 44) She was looking for a change, Dunkelzahn's election had inspired her to move past where she found herself now, and to see what else she was capable of. Having given almost 16 years to the underground she told her friends that she needed the change One suggested a life in the shadows, He knew a few orks that had taken to the life and would see if he could get her an in. She continued her job working at the courier company and started training with shaker, a veteran shadowrunner. They came to an arrangement. she the apprenace gave him a roof, food, and some basic comforts. He as the sensei would teach her the skills he knew. It was a start of a good relationship. He taught her Krav maga, how to disguise
herself with make up, how corporate security was designed and what procedures their personnel used and how to use those things to her advatage.

2058 age (46) She and shaker moved back to Everett and setup in a poor neighborhood with ties to the ork underground that bring a protion of the community together. She spent her time equally between helping the underground gather connections, working as a courier, and training.

During the 2nd crash of the matrix in 2063 (51) she managed to save the majority of the money she had saved over the 30+ years of her life. She and Shaker rode out the 2.0 doing what they could to help the less fortunate in her community. During this time Her skills improved to the point where Shaker had confidence she was ready for the shadows and he was ready to retire, and become a fixer. Using the majority of her invested savings from her parents life ensurance policies with the money she earned she used it to get gear and bioware to upgrade herself, and make herself more survivible against new and improving corpsec threats.

In 2065 feeling like her skills were ready she entered the shadows and got the start of her field experence hooding in Everett and moving/retreving confidenatal data, over time she made her mark as a competent and disaplined covert ops specailist who could get in and out of places by way of routes most unexpected.

Misc Details
She lost her SIN after the crash 2.0 so she Got a fake rating 6. she has a fake license rating 4 for her firearm and to conceal carry her (colt 2066) when carrying valuable goods and another rating 4 license as a certified courier giving her a fast track at check points and rights against search and seizure and expedited wait time at checkpoints. (listed in her gear with her commlink)


4/6 (4/9)5/7 (7/10)5/6 (6/9)3/6 (5/9)
3/8 (3/12)5/6 (5/9)3/6 (5/9)*3/6 (3/9)
4/60/04.1511 IP's 2

Positive Qualities
Common sense 5
Martial arts        5 -Take aim is a free action
Negative Qualities
Allergy (uncommon Severe) -15 (Promethium)
Day job medium -10 (20hours a week 2,500)
sensitive neural structure-5 (-2DP to resist simsense damage)
Data shadow -5 (+2 to data searches for her, linked to her work history, and activism)

Active Skills (112)
Athletics Skill Group2/4
Stealth Skill Group2/4
Unarmed Combat 5/6 (Martial Arts 7/8)
Dodge 3/6
Perception 4/6
Pistols 3/6
Con 2/6 (fast talk 4/8)
Knowledge Skills ( [3 + 5] x3= 24 free points)
Security Procedures3/6
Security Design4/6
Seattle Street Gangs3/6
Regional Seattle knowledge3/6
Language Skills
Hand Signals3/6

Cyber/Bioware 140,000
Synaptic Booster Rating 1 Grade S Avail 6R(+)0.5
Muscle Toner Rating 2 Grade S Avail 10R(+)0.4
Muscle Augmentation Rating 2 Grade S Avail 10R(+)0.4
Cerebral Booster 2 Grade S Avail 12 0.4
Sleep Regulator Avail 8.15CostNotes

Sleep regulator: PC only requires 3 hours of sleep to be well rested.
Cerebral Booster: + rating to logic
Muscle Toner: + rating to agility
Muscle augmentation: + rating to strength
Synaptic Booster:rating= IP's and + to Reaction

Gear (68,125¥)

Weapons (9,110¥)

Ranged Weapons
Defiance EX shocker150¥
Accessories: Spare clips x10 50¥ avail 4, Quick Draw Holster100¥ avail 4, Guncam 375¥ avail 5(mounted front of the trigger guard, tasked to take a picture when fired)
Colt Govt 2066150¥
Accessories: Spare clips x4 20¥ avail 4, Concealable holster 75¥ avail 2, external smartgun 450¥ avail 4R(+)

Defiance EX Shocker Modded with
Modified with Gecko Grip 100¥ avail6(+6DP to hold on to the weapon during a disarm test)
Chameleon coating 1000¥ avail10R(+)(paired for use with the Urban Explorer Jumpsuit)
Melee Hardening 300¥ avail 4(weapon can be used in melee without damage and will not fire unless shot)
Smartgun internal 150¥ avail 6R(+)(+2DP to shoot)
Skinlink 50¥ avail 6(No wireless signal required to use Smartgun. defense against hacking the weapon.)
Colt govt 2066 modded with
Chameleon coating 1000¥ avail 10R(+)(paired for use with the Urban Explorer Jumpsuit)
Integral Silencer 400¥ avail 8F(++)(-6 to perception tests to locate the weapon by sound)
Electronic firing avail 10R(+)(-1 to perception tests to locate the weapon by sound)
Melee Hardening 300¥ avail 4(weapon can be used in melee without damage and will not fire unless shot)
Skinlink 50¥ avail 6(No wireless signal required to use Smartgun. defense against hacking the weapon.)
Ammo 70, Taser darts
Ammo 70, Stick and shock
Ammo 70 APDS

Melee Weapons
Shock gloves x22600¥
Survival Knife150¥

Shock gloves Modded with
Modified with Gecko Grip 100¥ avail6(allowing for use as gecko grip climbing gloves, and gripping people)
Chameleon coating 1000¥ avail10R(+) (paired for use with the Urban Explorer Jumpsuit)
Survival Knife modded with
Personalized grip 100¥ avail2 (plus 1 DP to melee combat)

Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (6/6) Avail 8500¥
Nonconductivity Rating 6 Avail 6 1200¥
Chemical ProtectionRating 6 Avail 81500¥
Fire ResistanceRating 6 Avail 4600¥
Combat load vest (built in) Avail 8300¥
Ruthenium Polymer Coating Rating 6 Avail 12R(+)7500¥
Skinlink Avail 650¥
Radio Signal Scanner Rating 6 Avail 4R(+)150¥
securetech PPP Leg and Arm casings (1/1) Avail 6350¥
Securetech PPP Vitals protection (1/1) Avail 4200¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (6/6) (Day Job) Avail 8500¥
Urban Explorer helmet50¥
Leather Jacket (2/2)200¥
Actioneer business clothes (5/3)1,500¥

Smart Pack (strong/flexshell)Avail 4500¥
Durable clothes x2 Avail2,000¥
clothes x4 Avail400¥
Tool Kit 500¥
Tag Eraser Avail 6F(++)150¥
Auto Picker Rating 6 Avail8R(+)1,200¥
Maglock Passkey Rating 4 Avail12F(++)8,000¥
Sequencer  Rating 4 Avail 12F(++)800¥
Stealth Rope X2 (200m)Avail 8F(++)175¥
Catylist Stick Avail 8F(++)120¥
Subvocal Microphone Avail 650¥
Earbuds Avail10¥
Select Sound Filter Rating 3 Avail 8600¥
Audio Enhancement Rating 3 Avail 2300¥
Spatial Recognizer Avail 6100¥
contact lenses Avail 650¥
Flare compensation Avail 250¥
Smartlink vision enhancement Avail 4R(+) 500¥
Thermographic Avail 6100¥
Vision enhancement Rating 3 Avail4 300¥
Vision Magnification Avail 2100¥
sleeping bag XXX¥
Survival Kit avail4 XXX¥
Respirator rating 6 avail12 600¥
climbing gear  avail 200¥
Flashlights x2 avail 50¥
thermal smoke grenades X3 avail 105¥
Mapsofts X4 (Everett, Downtown, Tocoma, Redmond) Rating 6 avail 120¥
plasteel restraints x5 avail 6R(+) XXX¥
Medkit Rating 6 avail 600¥
nanopaste disguise small container X2 avail 121,000¥
Laser pointer (green beam)avail 25¥
Laes` perfume avail 10F(++)500¥
Certified Credstick 12,145¥

CMT clip Response 1 Signal 1300¥
System R3 600¥
Firewall R3600¥
Response R42,000¥
Signal R51,000¥
Pocket Hacker avail 10F (unwired P.127)4,920¥
Black Hammer1,500¥
ECCM (ergonomic) 1,800¥
Common use suite: Basic+400¥
Fake SIN Rating 6 Avail 18F(++)6,000¥
Fake LicenseX2 Rating 4 avail 12F(++)800¥

Contact C/L
Shaker (Fixer)5/5
Seattle Ork Underground (Group)5/10(13)

Build Point totals:  190 Stats + 112 Skills + 30 Race + 30 Edge +10 qualities -35 qualites +44 Resources +19 contacts = 400

Quick Reference table
Condition: 10P/10S 
Perception 9 (12 if visual / 16 hearing)
Passive Defense: 6 (Ranged) 9 (Parry) 13 (Block) 9 (Dodge)
Full defense: 9 (Ranged) 12 (Melee)
Armor: Custom Urban Explorer Jumpsuit "Infiltrator suit" (w/Securetech PPP 8/8*)
base spare: 6/8
leather coat 2/2 (-2 conceal)
Armor modifiers: *6 non conductivity, 6 Fire resist, 6 chem protection, -4 perception (sight) while cloaked.
Base Combat Pool (Unarmed martial arts 7+ agility 7=14) (Pistols: agility 7 + pistols 3 + smart link 2 =12)
Initiative: 11 Passes 2

Code: [Select]
{[u]Health[/u]: [color=red][b]0 / 10P[/b][/color] and [color=green][b]0 / 10S[/b][/color] damage, [b][color=purple]no Wound[/color][/b] penalty.} | {[u]Edge[/u]: [color=red][b]4 / 4[/b][/color]}
{[u]Defense[/u]:[color=red]6 (Ranged) 9 (Parry) 13 (Block) 9 (Dodge)[/color]; [u]Initiative[/u]: [color=red]11[/color]; [u]IP's[/u]: [color=red]2[/color]} | {[u]Ballistic Armor[/u]: 6+2=[color=red]8[/color]; [u]Impact Armor[/u]: 6+2=[color=red]8[/color]}  | {[u]Ammo[/u]: Taser [color=red]4 / 4[/color] Colt 2066 [color=red]18/18[/color]}

Karma spent will be indicated by a * and detailed here.
(Starting karma: Attribute Willpower raised to 3 for 15 karma.)

current nuyen: 403¥
current savings: 12,145¥

*connection to Operator Via Past work for the Underground and our interest in martial arts.*
« Last Edit: <07-14-11/0254:34> by Teyl_Iliar »


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« Reply #2 on: <05-07-11/1811:43> »
Karma Generation (750)
Breakdown: Stats 360, Active 278, Knowledge 56, Gear 56, Contacts 30, Positive qualities 40, Negative Qualities (-70).

A former security officer and native-born citizen of the Japanese empire. During his history of employment within one of Japan’s top megacorporations, Toshiro worked hard to reinforce the safety of what he believed was his company's most valuable assets - its people. While his tour of duty within the armed forces was helpful in securing an initial foothold, Toshiro's work ethic and mannerisms allowed him to not only retain his job, but to excel and even earn a promotion.
Unfortunately, this would not last forever. Disgraced in April 2061 through internal politics and coworker jealousy, Toshiro drafted a letter of resignation. He signed the document with his name in blood, using a letter opener to draw out precious red ink from his finger. Having completed his jihyo, Toshiro quickly departed his Kyoto office and sought out passage to North America through Yakuza channels. If nothing else, they were understanding of his reasons to leave.
Under the alias of Wraith, Toshiro has worked in the shadows for at least a decade, scraping together what nuyen he could to make a living. While familiar with the Seattle shadow scene, he made a few enemies while learning the ropes; recent harassment from the Halloweeners prompted Wraith to destroy his old identity and start anew as Operator.

Operator is currently holed up in Auburn with the working stiffs of Seattle, having the dubious honor of calling a sparsely decorated warehouse his home.

Points of Interest
Racial Moderate:
For a native-born Jap, Operator has not a single racist bone in his body. (Clean-ist, however..)
While he can't always afford to be picky with jobs, he does not enjoy the thought of working with anti- or pro-metahuman policlubs. He refuses to perform wetwork targeted at either side of the great race debate.

Character Link - Slip:
Operator was hired to steal medical supplies from a Seattle hospital at one point, funneling them through Slip to the Ork Underground. They also share a common interest in martial arts.

Operator is.. obsessive with the desire to attain and maintain cleanliness. A large portion of his life was spent in the service of the JIS military and to Mitsuhama, where he was expected to look his best at all times. Dirty and messy things/people/places tend to bother him and he isn't afraid of using subtle language to communicate that concept.

Name: Toshiro Takahashi
Alias: Mamoru Yamamoto (SIN rating 6)
Nicknames: Operator, Toshi, Wraith (old)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Lifestyle: Low (Advanced: Auburn warehouse), 2 months paid
Nuyen: 400¥ 3d6*50¥ (1d6=1, 1d6=3, 1d6=4)
Physical Description: Average human height. Short, neatly kempt black hair and piercing brown eyes. Might look like a suit if he had no soul.

Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Street Cred: 2

5 5(7) 4(5) 3
4 4 3 3
EdgeMagic EssenceInitiative
4 - 5.1 9

Positive Qualities
Bilingual (10)
Guts (10)
Latent Awakening (10)
Martial Arts (10)
 - Krav Maga: Take Aim as a free action
Negative Qualities
Mild Allergy: Silver (-10)
Poor Self Control: Compulsion (Tidiness) (-10)
Reduced Taste (-10)
Sensitive System (-30)
SINner (Imperial Japan, Standard) (-10)

Active Skills
Firearms Skill Group4
Influence Skill Group4
Stealth Skill Group2
Armorer (Firearms)4 (6)
Demolitions (Defusing)3 (5)
First Aid 3
Gymnastics 4
Perception (Visual)5 (7)
Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled)2 (4)
Throwing Weapons (Grenades)1 (3)
Unarmed Combat 4
Knowledge Skills
Corporate Politics 5
Military History 3
Security Design 3
Security Procedures (Corporate)4 (6)
Small Unit Tactics3
Language Skills
English N
Mandarin 3

Gear (34,050¥)
Advanced Lifestyle: Downtown Warehouse (2 months)5,200¥
Fake SIN rating 6 (Mamoru Yamamoto) (++)6,000¥
Fake Licenses (Mamoru Yamamoto) (++) (2,100¥ total)
- Concealed carry (Rating 3)300¥
- Firearms (Rating 3)300¥
- Muscle toner (Rating 3)300¥
- Personal defense (Rating 3)300¥
- Security License (Rating 3)300¥
- Smartlink (Rating 3)300¥
- Synaptic booster (Rating 3)300¥
Ares Predator IV(+)350¥ (1,150¥ total)
- Quick draw holster 100¥
- Silencer(++)200¥
- 4 spare clips20¥
- 60 rounds explosive ammo(++)300¥
- 90 rounds regular ammo(+)180¥
*Browning Max Power(+)300¥ (500¥ total)
- Concealable holster 75¥
- 5 spare clips25¥
- 50 rounds regular ammo(+)100¥
HK-227x(+)800¥ (2,070¥ total)
- Underbarrel weight (auto adjusting)150¥
- Gas Vent 3(+)400¥
- 4 spare clips20¥
- 140 rounds gel ammo(+)420¥
- 140 rounds regular ammo(+)280¥
Remington 990(+)550¥ (1,455¥ total)
- Sling15¥
- Internal smartlink(+)550¥
- 20 rounds shot ammo(+)200¥
- 20 rounds Shock Lock ammo(++)140¥
Walther Secura Kompakt(+)400¥ (875¥ total)
- Internal smartlink option(+)200¥
- Concealable holster75¥
- 4 spare clips20¥
- 36 rounds gel ammo(+)108¥
- 36 rounds regular ammo(+)72¥
10 Flash-Bang grenades(+) 300¥
Shock gloves(+) 200¥
Actioneer business clothes (5/3)1,500¥
Form fitting body armor, full suit (6/2)1,600¥
Lined coat (6/4)700¥
Securetech PPP Forearm guards (+0/+1)200¥
Securetech PPP Helmet (+0/+2)100¥
Securetech PPP Leg and arm casings (+1/+1)350¥
Securetech PPP Shin guards (+0/+1)150¥
Securetech PPP Vitals protector (+1/+1)200¥
Armorer's shop5,000¥
Certified credstick (blank)25¥
Contact lenses (flare compensation, image link, smartlink) (+) 725¥
Goggles (flare compensation, image link, smartlink, thermographic, vision magnification) (+) 1,025¥
Medkit rating 6 600¥
Micro-transceiver rating 5 1,000¥
Respirator rating 6150¥
Survival kit100¥
Tag eraser(++)150¥
White noise generator rating 6300¥

* Other than its lack of a laser sight, the Browning Max Power is functionally equivalent to the Browning Ultra-Power. (Arsenal p.22-23)

Augmentations (96,000¥)
Muscle Toner rating 2 (+)0.416,000¥+2 Agility
Synaptic Booster rating 1 (+)0.580,000¥+1 Reaction, +1 IPs

Matrix Gear (3,450¥)
Novatech Airware Commlink1,250¥Response 3, Signal 3
Iris Orb OS1,000¥Firewall 3, System 3
Pro User suite600¥
-Analyze 4
-Browse 4
-Command 2
-Edit 4
AR Gloves250¥
Sim Module100¥
Subvocal Microphone50¥
VR Games (3)150¥

Vehicles (6,500¥)
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)

Hisoka Yamaguchi (Male Human Yakuza Enforcer)2/1
Mark Hans (Male Human Simsense Producer)4/3
Muzvel (Male Human Fixer)3/2

Advanced Lifestyle (11 LP / 2,600¥ per month)
Downtown Warehouse
2606 R Street SE (between 25th and 28th St SE)

This warehouse lies on the edge of Mitch Stuck's six-block fiefdom. Decades ago, a small church occupied this property. Suffering from the ravages of time, it was eventually bought up by Stuck and used as cheap, convenient storage space in the mid 40s. Much like the nearby Auburn courthouse and district hall, this warehouse's security needs some close attention to be brought back up to speed.

+ While the church has moved on to other places, echoes of its positive karma continue to persist.
+ No shortage of space. If you need to hide a car or three here, you're in luck.

- Comforts are pretty sparse here. An upstairs 'office' serves as Operator's quarters, boasting a loose mattress with a pillow and bedsheets he found at an opportunity store. The warehouse floor itself is almost strictly business, offering only a few crates and a handful of metal folding chairs as furniture. If you're looking to crash the night, bring your car here and sleep in it.
- The warehouse's strongest selling point was its security systems, and even these are outdated.
- Faulty insulation and lack of heating ensures that the warehouse becomes a very cold place in the winter. Rev up those space heaters, because I'm sure hungry for one white Christmas.
- Small items are easy to lose in this place, so be careful! You can at least be assured Operator will find those missing items. Eventually.

Comforts1 (Squatter)
Entertainment2 (Low)
Necessities2 (Low)
Neighborhood2 (Low)
Security3 (Middle)

Lifestyle Qualities:
 (Positive) Feng Shui [5], Workplace [1]
 (Negative) Black Hole [-2], Lax Security [-2], Poor Condition [-1]

Code: [Select]
{[u]Health[/u]: [color=red][b]0 / 11P[/b][/color] and [color=green][b]0 / 10S[/b][/color] damage, [b][color=purple]no Wound[/color][/b] penalty, | {[u]Edge[/u]: [color=red][b]4 / 4[/b][/color]}
{[u]Defense[/u]: [color=red]5[/color]; [u]Initiative[/u]: [color=red]9[/color]; [u]IPs[/u]: [color=red]2[/color]} | {[u]Ballistic Armor[/u]: [color=red]13[/color]; [u]Impact Armor[/u]: [color=red]11[/color]}

Primary armor: Lined coat(7/9, -2 Conceal) with Securetech PPP helmet, vitals protector, forearm and shin guards. Full suit of form fitting body armor (6/2) underneath for total 13 ballistic and 11 impact armor.
Secondary armor: Lined coat (6/4, -2 Conceal) or Actioneer business clothes (5/3) as dictated by situation. 'Light' armor setup for negotiations and generally not looking like hired muscle that's itching for action.

Karma Earned: 25
Unspent Karma: 0

* [5/11/11] Spent 25 Karma to increase Body from 4 to 5.
« Last Edit: <07-11-12/1159:32> by Operator »


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« Reply #3 on: <05-07-11/2206:07> »
Name: James Carmichael
Alias: Jace
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: UCAS/Tir
Lifestyle: Low (2 months)
Karma Spent: 15/15
Nuyen: 540

Physical Description:
Jace is a little short for a man, standing only 1.6m (5’5”) tall.  He’s light, too, weighing in at 60kg (about 135lbs).  He frequently wears casual clothing with his armored vest in plain sight.  His eyes are a light blue – lighter than average for humans – and his hair is a mousey brown.

Jace is a realist.  He tends to think about situations logically and doesn’t rush into decisions lightly.  His anti-authoritarian nature leaves him somewhat aloof and he’s passive-aggressive when it comes to his small rebellions.  He doesn’t seem to like Elves much, but does his best to keep his feelings to himself only making them apparent passive/aggressively.  See other thread for background.



Positive Qualities
Artisan's Way Adept

Negative Qualities
Biased: Elves

Active Skills
Electronics Skill Group4 (+2 from PuSHed, Encephalon)
Cracking Skill Group4 (+2 from PuSHed, Encephalon)
First Aid2 (+2 from PuSHed, Encephalon; +medkit rating)
Perception1 (+3 Visual Enhance, +2 Audio Enhance with appropriate gear)
Pilot Ground Craft1

Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Tir Politics2
Seattle Fences4
Local Hackers3
Matrix Cafés3

Language Skills

Adept Powers
Improved Reflexes 22.5 (1.875) Cost Reduced via Artisan's Way
Improved Hacking 2.5 (.375) Cost Reduced via Artisan's Way
Mind Over Matter1.5Logic Attribute replaces Agility in all tests
Cool Resolve.25Adds 1 die when defending in Social Tests

Encephalon.75+1 to Logic Linked Skill Tests
PuSHed.1+1 to Logic Linked Skill Tests
Cerebral Booster 2.4+2 to Logic



  • Response degrades when running agent (below) in combat mode.
  • Runs in passive mode almost all the time.
  • Broadcasts the Lester McGuigan identity.


  • Runs in hidden mode almost all the time.
  • Has skinlink modifications
  • HotSIM capable

Analyze 3Tweedle-DumErgonomic
Armor 3 (+)Tweedle-DumLicensed to Lester
Attack 3 (+)Tweedle-DumLicensed to Lester
Agent 3Tweedle-Dum
Homeground Autosoft 3Tweedle-Dum
Cascading Autosoft 3Tweedle-Dum
Analyze 6Tweedle-DeeErgonomic
Browse 6Tweedle-Dee
Command 4Tweedle-Dee
Edit 4Tweedle-Dee
Encrypt 6Tweedle-Dee
Lie Detection 6Tweedle-DeeRoll as a Judge Intentions test for true/false; requires goggles
Scan 6Tweedle-Dee
Armor 3 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Attack 6 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Biofeedback Filters 6 (+)Tweedle-DeeErgonomic
Decrypt 5 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Defuse 5 (+)Tweedle-Dee
ECCM 3 (+)Tweedle-DeeErgonomic
Exploit 5 (+)Tweedle-DeeMute - Alerts are delayed by 1 Combat Turn
Medic 5 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Sniffer 3 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Spoof 6 (+)Tweedle-Dee
Stealth 5 (+)Tweedle-DeeErgonomic
Track 4 (+)Tweedle-Dee

  • Vision Enhancement 3
  • Low Light Vision
  • Image Link
  • Smartlink (+)
  • Audio Enhancement 2
  • Select Sound Filter
Quick Draw Holster
Weapon Modifications
  • Personalized Grip
  • Internal Sound Suppressor (++)
  • Skinlink
Medkit 6
  • Vision Enhancement 3
  • Low Light Vision
  • Image Link
  • Smartlink (+)
5x Medkit SuppliesIncluding inhaler for Asthma
10x Stim Patches 6
2x Small Nanopaste Disguise
  • Vision Enhancement 1
  • Low Light Vision
  • Thermographic Vision
  • Low Light Vision
  • Thermographic Vision
Handheld Sensor
  • Directional Microphone
  • Laser Microphone 6
Handheld Sensor (+)
  • Radio Signal Scanner 6
  • Cyberware Scanner 3
  • MAD Scanner 3
6x Micro SensorsMotion Sensors
Smart Area Jammer 4Configured to leave Jace's Signal alone
Directional Jammer 6
White Noise Generator 6
Tag Eraser (++)
Mage Cuffs
Camera NeutralizerArsenal page 59
Smart Pack
Combat Load Vest
10x Laés Cigarettes
5x Cluster Grenades

Indian Pathfinder Racing Bike (unmodified)

Fixer (Luna)31
Electronic Technician (Jax)12
Prison Guard (Officer Decker)21
« Last Edit: <05-24-11/1855:28> by dashifen »
Kotori (PDF, Vehicles, Chummer)


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« Reply #4 on: <05-16-11/1546:10> »
Name: Nina Fourleaf
Alias: Doc
Race: Ork
Sex: Female
Nationality: NAN

Lifestyle: Carnation-Seattle Ranch
ComfortsEntertainmentNecesitiesNeighborhoodSecurityTotal LPRent / Months payed
3233335500¥ / 2

Lifestyle positive qualities
Concerned Neighbors
Easy-going Landlord
Privacy Screen 3 - Physical

Lifestyle negative qualities
Crash Pad
Living by Commitee
Green plan
Network Bottleneck

Karma Spent: 24
Karma Total: 25

Physical Description: Not so tall for an ork, just something about 7 feets, Nina looks almost innocent. She is wearing her tribal tatoos and colours proudly, but without arrogance. The history teaches that pride will have a fall...and Nina doesnt want anything like that happen to her people. The history teaches those who listen. Those who dont...those are condemned to repeat it.
Well there are many of those seconds...and Nina never planned to be an easy prey.
She was always living close to the borders. Watching the sprawling Emerald City down to the coast...dawns, when the Sun first disappeared from the view in poluted clouds above the city...and transforms itself in thousands and millions sparkling lights throught nights. When she was a child, she thought that the Sun fell from the sky at the evening and break itself like a fragile ball to myriads of shining shards...but the sun keep waking again and again on the other side of the mountains...
The same with the people living there. Her grandfather was wise and respected warrior of the tribe, who danced the dance of war with Thunder Tyee. He told her, that not too many city dwellers are honest, brave and clever enought to be allowed to pass throught the tribal woods. Her parents tought her a lot about to track them, how to hunt them down...or how to stay hidden once there is too many of them.
Mother and father...They were both mighty warriors, protecting their people, patrolling the borders, because times were crazy back then and not the month passed without large group of smugglers, desperate squatters or gangers or some hate militias tried to cross the borders and take, what doesnt belong to them. Not that it ever changed.
Once on the patrol they run across the Dead...and the Dead take them. It was the year of the new star...year of the Commet.
When the new star ffades away, a new life began for Nina. Practicing, traiining every single day, she tried to become strong enought to make her ancestors proud. Her grandfather teaches her a lot of things, and under his wise lead she began to learn a lot not just about how to hurt people, but also how to help them. She signed for molitias when she was 14, and after she broke some arms, noses and egos, she became part of regullar border units as a field medic. Investing every fortune into improving herself, she tried to keep the track with gifted warriors...and slowly loosing herself and her bond to the land. With every new augmentation she travels to the Emerald city...and with every piece of ware, returning back to woods was more and more difficult.
Her Grand father was an Elder now, and since she was the only relative to him, she didnt wan`t to cut her ties to him.
When Carnation-Seattle ranch was founded, she saw the oportunity. Talking her way to the right people, she managed to become the part of NAN unit moved to the Carnation and settle down to maintain the tribal order in the tribal land, protecting both the NAN borders and the fragile cultural balance in Carnation territory.
Well things moved forward, and Ninas contract expired. Her grandfather became too old, and she rather have him located here than back in the wilderness, because this was a land of piece for now, and he deserved peace at the end of his life. Yet, for the continuing residence she need to pay. She quickly realizes that her reserves wont last forever, and she tried to find the place when she can use her skills. It wasnt easy search. She began with helping charity shelters, working as a doctor most of the time. She saw it all. Crash zone, Glow City, even plastic jungles at the north. She worked in Supermall for a short time, but this place is no longer the option for her. Finally, she found the place at Hollywood hospital. Working there for a small amount of money, rest of her time spent outthere in the urban wilderness, providing help to those who need it, she made more contacts, both Ork underground and Metroplex representatives.
Grandfather was living in safety now, speaking most of time with his old frins and spirits, he is slowly fading out...but he still have his beautifull smile, the sense of humour, wise advice and the trust in his eyes the she is doing well.
Neverthless, resources began to dry, and with only a few months of rent paid, Nina needs to find more lucrative, and maybe also more dangerous work to cover their expenses.
Hopefully, some of her friends would have the right idea..


3---0,3759 / 3IP

Positive Qualities
Martial arts (3) - Wildcat
     +1DV Unarmed, +1 Called shots vs Armor, +1 Called shots for damage
     Disarm, Throw, Kick Atack, Riposte, Set-up, Finishing Move
Quick healer

Negative Qualities
Dependend (Hard)
SINner (Standard, NAN)
Day Job (2500Y/20hrs) - Holywood hospital, Redmont
Active Skills
Athletics Skill Group2
Biotech Skill Group3
Outdoorsman Skill Group2
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts)4(6)
LongArms(Sport Rifles)5(7)
Knowledge Skills
Seattle Gangs3
Border Patrol Procedures4
NAN Politics2
Hangouts: Charity shelters4
Hospital routes (Street Clinics)3(5)
Chemistry (Toxins)4(6)
Language Skills
Attention Coprocesor 30,39000¥+3 Perception
Radar Sensor 40,312000¥UWB Radar
Olfactory booster 30,23000¥+3 Sniffing
Taster Booster 30,24500¥+3 Tasting
Wired Reflexes 2332000¥+2 re/+2IP
Bone Density Augmentation 30,960000¥+3 Damage resistance, Str/2+2P Unarmed
Muscle Toner 20,416000¥+2 AG
Sleep Reglator0,1510000¥3hr/Day or 48hrs awake
CyberEyes r40,511150¥Flare Comp, Image Link, recorder, Smartlink, Vision Enhancement 3, Microscopic vision, Low Light, Thermographic vision, Protective covers
CyberEars r30,411000¥Audio Enhancer 3, Damper, Select sound filter 4, Spatial recognizer, Soundlink, Recorder


Gear (20000¥)
Commlink 2/1
1x Medkit R6
10x Medkit Supplies            
5x Olfactory Camouflage            
2x Naga Venom            
5x Breathtaker            
3x Flash-Bang Grenade            
2x Certified Credstick            
2x Lae's              
2x Deepweed            
6x Neuro-Stun            
3x Atropine            
Chemsuit R6
Ghillie Suit            
Glue Sprayer            
Sleeping Bag            
Holo Projector            
5x Antibiotics 5
4x Antiparasitics 5
2x Stimulant Patch  4
2x Trauma Patch            
5x Antidote Patch            

Camouflage Suit 8/6
Industrious line Jumpsuit - Medic
Urban Explorer Suit + Helmet

Weapons (4650¥)
Ares predator IV: Smartgun, Additional Clip, Gecko grip, Personalized grip, Silencer
50(c) regular ammo
Remington 950 : Smartgun, Personalized Grip, Extended clip, Firing selection change SA, Improved range Finder, Gecko Grip, 50(c) regular ammo

Ameridian Tribesperson2/3
Beat Cop2/1
Ork Nation Organizer3/2
« Last Edit: <05-17-11/1514:14> by Sichr »


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« Reply #5 on: <05-19-11/0016:48> »


Real Name: Calvin Morris
Birthdate: 7/18/2045
Nationality: UCAS (Toronto)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Metatype: Homo sapiens sapiens
Languages: English (Native); French; Japanese;
Known Aliases: Nadir (current), Ides, Kurotora, Numbers / Numbs (earliest known)
Known IDs (Nationality): Calvin Morris (UCAS), Kelvin Morrison (UCAS), Vincent Marsters (Hong Kong, British descent);
Awakened: Magician (Chaos Mage turned "Explorer")
Prominent Features: None
Augmentations: None
Habits / Quirks: Self-assured to a fault. Thinks he's more charming than he is. Loyal to those that prove competent to him, otherwise "professional courtesy" extends only so far.
Primary Interests: Spell Design, Unified Magical Theory,  Ares Macrotechnology (Cross Allied Technologies), Garden Farming, Talisleggers (Seattle), Hideouts (Toronto), Hideouts (Seattle)
Affiliations: Chaos Magicians Association, The Explorers (Matrix magician group)
Whereabouts: Seattle
Residences: Seattle, Toronto, Hong Kong

Calvin Morris was born to Marshal and Joan Morris, both employees and citizens of Cross Allied Technologies, in Toronto. His parents were given a hefty bonus once Calvin Awakened at the age of 9, and since then he had received early magical training from corp-sponsored tutors. Calvin was entrolled in thaumaturgical studies in the University of Toronto when Crash 2.0 hit. With the crash and the takeover process, his file was rendered inaccessible though his parents' were left relatively untouched. His UCAS citizenship was unaffected, and though Cross Allied Technologies' records of him (and their investments in his education) remain in the corporate headquarters in Quebec, Calvin chose not to pursue further education.

To support his family, it is believed the young Mr. Morris sold a spell sequence (a part of a spell's formula) to a criminal hermetic mage. Impressed, the hermetic mage hired him on as a paid "intern" though the position didn't last due to Calvin's attitude regarding certain activities. Evidence suggests that this was to be a temporary measure to keep his parents from worrying about his dropping out. To this day, they still believe that their son is an independent consultant for magical research institutions. That his clients are mages running the shadows at the employ of a corporation usually involved in magic in some form or another is the thin justification Mr. Morris might be using to justify these lies.

His early runs were with a crew of runners obsessed with anonymity. He was given a number, fifteen, and was called that throughout his years of operation with that team. He gained some renown as a custom spell designer for those willing to pay (and put up with his demanding personality). He acts as part tutor, part designer: there's a period of getting to know the magician (or mystic adept) and their fundamental beliefs before he customizes or crafts the spell they request. When the group dissolved he joined a group of former members and had been promoted to number thirteen.

This would later explain his adoption of "Ides" as a callsign: in certain months of the ancient Roman calendar, ides referred to the 15th or the 13th day. He attempted to parlay this mode of operation following the second group's dissolution, earning him the nickname "Mr. Numbers" then "Numbers" and finally just "Numbs" with an emphasis on the 'b'.

He disappeared from Toronto in mid 2068 and resurfaced in early 2069 in Seattle sporting new combat skills. Proficiency with unarmed combat, defensive in nature, as well as the use of handguns and automatics were carefully demonstrated to the shadows in Seattle in a few early runs. It was in 2070 that he adopted "Nadir" as his name though older contacts and associates refer to him as Ides or Numbs.

There are persistent rumours that Mr. Morris is pursuing something or someone. His ex team members could not further elaborate but did confirm that some seemingly random bit of news would set him on a personal mission. More than once he had taken a professional "leave of absence" and called in a few favours. Once, in 2066, he even hired several other runners and paid a flat rate for the operations, costing him most of his accumulated fortune. They succeeded but it seemed his objectives, whatever they may be, have not been completed.

(Reports are sketchy at best, but it is believed that Calvin Morris may have had a younger female sibling that disappeared after Crash 2.0 hit. The timing of her disappearance ties with his rather quick submergence to the shadows. Perhaps he believes she was 'acquired' by Ares Macrotechnology for her unique capabilities. This is all hearsay and extrapolations from much fragmented Matrix records pre-Crash.)

Calvin Morris stands roughly 5'10" and has a medium build. His resurfacing in 2069 in Seattle was with a more fit body than what his associates remember him having. It's not excessive, though his natural fitness may now stand out from the wageslave crowd he once so easily blended in with. Chestnut brown hair and green eyes are his natural colours, though like almost all runners he dies his hair frequently and wears coloured contacts. No facial hair or markings out of personal preference, though he applies faux facial hair and tattoos when assuming a different identity.

His Matrix icon is one of the constellations' forms, though always in the negative. He seems to be favouring the leo constellation form at the moment, an upright, cartoonized lion with a negative image of a starscape as its skin. The icons were apparently a gift from a contact in Toronto.

Nadir is a superlative spellslinger, however very few combat spells are known to be in his repertoire. His forte appears to be in Manipulation, and his spell designs reflect that. His most used are mental manipulation spells, mostly to alter the memory of any corpsec. They're most often used to avoid combat and unnecessary loss of life. Calvin takes great care in not over-using these spells lest he gain a reputation as a brainwasher and have his jobs and contacts dry up.

He has polished conversational skills to complement these spells, or vice versa, and despite his self-assured personality he fits in well with most social groups.

A decade in the shadows has taught him stealth skills and his recent focused training in combat gives him adequate self-defense capabilities. Like most runners he relies on handguns for most of his firepower, and has learned a smattering of defensive maneuvers meant to keep him safe should it come to fisticuffs. Lately, Nadir has been observed wielding larger firearms. At this point it's unknown if he's merely displaying heavier weaponry in some parts of the city as a purely visual deterrent or whether it reflects a skill so far unobserved.

His relative newness to the city has only given him a few regular contacts, mostly though one fixer. Gary, an "entry level" fixer that Calvin has taken a liking to: in one of his first jobs here, the Johnson, as they are wont to do sometimes, turned on Nadir and his assembled team. Gary drove a truck over that Johnson a few days later when word got out, though most believed Nadir to have done it (or arranged it) earning him some respect. Out of gratitude, Calvin goes through Gary for most of his purchases and sales.

There are no known contacts from his hometown of Toronto. Mr. Morris may have severed professional ties before his disappearance.

As a (suspected) Dragon magician, Calvin Morris' demeanour switches from self-assured to downright cocky depending on the situation. He is secretive about his past, even long-time associates only know the basic outline of his life and very few other details. Whatever his interests may have been in his previous life he has forsaken it to pursue his obsession.

Willfull would be the most polite word people would use to describe Nadir. Thankfully, his highly logical mind often allows him to step back from a situation. When not in a situation where his opinions are being challenged, he is polite, even warm. Thoughtful, was one word a former lover used, amongst other less complimentary ones regarding his attitude.

4    3    3    3   
3    5    4    5   
2    5    6    8   

Positive Qualities
Mentor Spirit (Dragon)
Martial Arts (Krav Maga: Advantage - Take Aim as a Free Action)
Negative Qualities
Day Job (10 hrs/week - Magical Consultant)
Lost Loved One
Records on File (Cross Allied Technologies former holdings--Ares Macrotechnology)
SINner (UCAS - Toronto)
Spirit Bane (Beast - Explorers often encounter hostile beasts in the wild)

Active Skills
Automatics (Assault Rifles)2 (+2)
Dodge (Ranged Combat)4 (+2)
Infiltration (Urban)3 (+2)
Perception (Visual)3 (+2)
Pistols (Semi-Automatics)3 (+2)
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts)3 (+2)
Knowledge Skills (27 free points)
Astral Security Design2
Magical Theory4
Spell Design4
Ares Macrotechnology3
Area Knowledge (Toronto)3
Area Knowledge (Seattle)3
Local Talisleggers2
Garden Farming1
Language Skills

Alter Memory
Control Thoughts
Improved Invisibility
Increase Reflexes
Mana Static
Mob Mind
Trid Phantasm
5 Karma - Laser
5 Karma - Demolish Sensors

15 Karma - Masking

Gary (Fixer)3/2
Calvin Morris (UCAS SIN; Legal Magical Consultant Business License, Fake License 4: Ares Predator IV, Concealed Carry, Magical Foci)
James Lewis (Fake SIN 4; Fake License 4: Security Contractor, Ingram Smartgun X, Concealed Carry)
Kelvin Norris (Fake SIN 6-Unloaded)

Gear (87500¥)
Armour (Modifications) (Ballistic/Impact)Cost
Lined Coat (Securetech Forearm and Shin Guards) (6/6)1050¥
Chameleon Suit (Thermal Dampening 6, Fire Resistance 6) (6/4)11600¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (Black and Grey)500¥
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit (Nonconductivity 6, Chem Protection 6) (6/2)4300¥
Butt Pack80¥
Vashon Island: Synergist (Longcoat, Slacks, High Collar Shirt, Suit Jacket)2800¥
Firearms (Modifications) (Accessories)Cost
Ares Predator IV (Skinlink, Personalized Grip, Melee Hardening) (Silencer, Concealable Holster, 4 Spare Clips)1095¥
Colt Government 2066 (Easy Breakdown-Manual, Smartgun, Skinlink, Gecko Grip, Melee Hardening) (Silencer, Concealable Holster, 4 Spare Clips)2245¥
Defiance EX Shocker (None) (Laser Sight, Hidden Gun Arm Slide)600¥
Ares Alpha (No Grenade Launcher, Foregrip, Personalized Grip, Sling, Chameleon Coating, Skinlink) (Sound Suppressor, 6 Spare Clips3240¥
Ingram Smartgun X (Skinlink, Sling, Foregrip, Personalized Grip) (4 Spare Clips)860¥
Ammunition (Caseless)Cost
60 Stick-n-Shock (Heavy Pistols)480¥
60 EX-Explosive (Heavy Pistols)600¥
90 Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles)720¥
90 EX-Explosive (Assault Rifles)900¥
60 Stick-n-Shock (SMG)480¥
60 EX-Explosive (SMG)600¥
Commlinks (Software) (Upgrades) (Identity)Cost
Meta Link (Vector Xim) (Skinlink) (Legal SIN: Calvin Morris)300¥
Meta Link (Vector Xim) (Skinlink) (Fake SIN 4: James Lewis)4300¥
Novatech Airwave (Iris Orb) (Skinlink, Wireless Off) (No identities, all Smartguns subscribed to this Commlink only)2250¥
Novatech Airwave (Novatech Navi, FTL Matrixware Power Suite) (Skinlink, Signal 5) (No loaded IDs or licenses) (4990¥
Electronics and SensorsCost
AR Gloves 250¥
Nanopaste Trodes100¥
Subvocal Mic50¥
Bowler Hat Accessory: Small Drone Sensor (Camera Neutralizer)250¥
Button: Micro Sensor (Directional Mic)50¥
Belt Buckle: Minidrone Sensor (Laser Mic 1, MAD Scanner 3)275¥
Ring: Micro Sensor (Non-Linear Junction Detector 6)600¥
Bubble gum wrapper: Micro Sensor (Motion Sensor)50¥
Contact Lenses 3 (Smartlink, Image Link, Flare Compensation)725¥
Goggles 3 (Low Light, Thermographic, Vision Magnification)450¥
Monocle 1 (Vision Enhancement 3, Image Link)450¥
Earbuds 3 (Audio Enhancement 3, Select Sound Filter 3)930¥
Earbuds 1 (Spatial Recognizer) 110¥
Magical ItemsCost
Talislegger Kit100¥
Health Sustaining Focus 2 (Bonded)20000¥
Magical Lodge 55000¥
Tag Eraser150¥
White Noise Generator 6 (Installed at Home)300¥
Grapple Gun500¥
Standard Rope (100m)50¥
Trauma Patch500¥
Survival Kit100¥
Glue Sprayer (In survival kit)150¥
Respirator 6150¥
Gecko Tape Gloves250¥
Rapelling Gloves70¥
Medkit 6 (2 Refills)700¥

Advanced Lifestyles


Comforts - Low: 2
Entertainment - Low: 2
Necessities - Low: 2
Neighbourhood - Low: 2
Security - Low: 2

Workplace: +1
Homegrown Farming: +1
Network Bottleneck: -1
Green Power: +1 (Supplementary solar power activated during blackouts.)

LP: 12 / 3200 ¥ a month

It's a nice enough place to live, for a wageslave. The apartment even has a view, though the neighbourhood isn't tops it is decent. Wireless is spotty, but I'm no hacker so I don't need it much. And it pays to not be so easily traceable thanks to the unreliability of it all.

Best thing about this place is the space. My apartment was supposed to be one of the many small businesses the building was supposed to house; a software studio if you could believe it. Took some doing, but I converted it into a what some mages call a "Magical Lodge". Costs extra, but I got room to breathe... and live.

This building's all green, runs on solar power mostly but that's just in case of a rolling brownout. The corp that built it thought the neighbourhood was on the way up. That didn't pan out, and it cost less to sell the thing than demolish it. We even get our own gardens, fresh tomatoes and peppers whenever I want: and whenever I don't want, I trade it with the neighbours for other produce.

Neighbours are nice, and there's a sense of community here. Heh, once I even joined in a "garden market" where we gathered all the apartments' produce and sold them to the well-to-do. My tomatoes fetched 10 nuyen each, proud to say. All to raise funds for one of the families in the apartment whose kid got hit by a delivery van and weren't awarded a cent by the court or the corp.

I had fun setting that van (and the building it was parked under) on fire.


Redmond, Bargain Basement District

Comforts - Low: 1
Entertainment - Street: 0
Necessities - Low: 2
Neighbourhood - Low: 2
Security - Low: 2

Free Access +1
Hasty Exit +2
Defective CHN -1
Trigger Happy Landlord -1

LP: 8 / 1400 ¥ a month

This is the "hole". I don't bring friends over, that defeats the purpose of it. I come by once in a while to make sure my face is still well known in the building, stay a few hours, maybe sleep then leave. This is where I keep the stuff I can't keep at my home. This is my other office, I guess you can say.

Paid a fixer to get me a secure line to the matrix from here but he can't do anything about the CHN, so I gotta use my own 'link. Or, the link I keep around to use from here.

Only real downside is the landlady. Crazy old ork grandma with a custom shotgun has absolutely zero tolerance for anything other than getting paid. The way she looks at me sometimes, as she sights me down the barrel, I think she knows I'm in the shadows and something tells me she used to be like me too. Once, I paid three months' worth at the same time when she shot a burglar at 2:17 am while I was inside dozing. Saved me the trouble (and the questions) of splattering the poor fool myself.

She charged me extra for the clean up.

« Last Edit: <05-21-11/1746:44> by Ethan »


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« Reply #6 on: <06-01-11/1616:04> »
Posting here to keep the IC thread more clear of OOC problems.  I'm pretty much screwed this week and this weekend from posting.  Work is kicking my ass and I have to drive to Washington DC and back this weekend (from Illinois) so I also have to prepare for that (car rental, hotels, etc.) so it's a bad week.  Also, looking forward, I'm away June 19-26 so Jace might just be unavailable for this one.  Maybe he walks or something, I don't know.

Sorry, all.
Kotori (PDF, Vehicles, Chummer)


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  • Professionals, Don't cross them.
« Reply #7 on: <06-01-11/1710:43> »
Don't worry about it, just get back to us when you can. 8)


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« Reply #8 on: <06-01-11/2106:32> »
It's all good man, when you can rejoin the group.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't


*Play-by-Post color guide*


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« Reply #9 on: <06-03-11/0627:23> »
I built some muscle since it looked like Nina was going to pass on the job, but I've also got a hacker ready from Inca's game if you need a part-timer until Jace gets back into the fray.  Dunno how well he'd do with this rule set, but he's a good 2nd-line combatant as well.


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« Reply #10 on: <06-04-11/0328:48> »
Dash has informed me that his time currently is very limited. He does not feel that he can post regularly for a while. So Kontact, if you can play a hacker your in. We will write Jace in and have Kontact come in for the interim. When Dash comes back I will start a second game for him and those who wish to play in that one.

Also note that I have changed some house rules. Mainly the security tallies and using programming attribute over program rating. We are just going back to the way it is done in the main rulebook.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't


*Play-by-Post color guide*


  • *
  • Prime Runner
  • *****
  • Posts: 3147
  • You called?
« Reply #11 on: <06-04-11/1851:38> »
He's got 5 months to kill between the last Road to Redmond mission and the next.  Plenty of time for work.
Link to main sheet

Name: Brian Crenshaw
Alias: "B. B." "Bee Bee" Fake SIN - Mike Patterson
Race: Gnome [25 BP]
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Formerly of Cal-free
Physical Description: Greasy chin-length black hair.  Vacant eyes.
Personality/background: B. B. is a kid who never grew up.  Quite literally so.  Les Enfants Terribles, in his way, he has little time for social mores. 
Karma earned:64
Reputation: 2
Notoriety: 3

Attributes [230BP] {30}

Body: 3 [10]
Agility: 4(6) [30]
Reaction: 2(4) {3(5)} [10] {15}
Strength: 3 [zero]
Charisma: 2 [10]
Intuition: 5 [40]
Logic: 5(7) [40]
Willpower: 6 [40]
Edge: 2 {3} [10] {15}
Magic: 5(4) [40]
Essence: 5.0
Initiative: 10 - 3IP

Physical Track: [ ][ ]-1[ ][ ]-2[ ][ ]-3[ ][ ]-4[ ]
Stun Track: [ ][ ]-1[ ][ ]-2[ ][ ]-3[ ][ ]-4[ ][ ]-5[ ]

Positive Qualities: [35 BP]
Adept [5]
Type-O System [30]
Thermographic Vision [Inn]
Arcane Arrester [Inn]

Negative Qualities: [-35 BP]
Media Junky (moderate) [-10]
Low Pain Tolerance [-10]
Scorched (Hacker) [-10]
Mild Addiction (Betel) [-5]
Neoteny [Inn]
Distinctive Style 1 [Inn]

Active Skills: [86 BP] {28}
Athletics Group: 1(4) [10]
-Climbing: 1(4)
-Gymnastics: 1(4)
-Running: 1(4)
-Swimming: 1(4)
Cracking Group: 4 [40]
-Cybercombat 4
-Electronic Warfare 4
-Hacking 4(6)
Electronics Group: 1 [10]
-Computer: 1
-Data Search: 1
-Hardware: 1
-Software: 1
Stealth Group: 1(2) {2(3)} [10] {10}
-Disguise: 1(2) {2(3)}
-Infiltration: 1(2) {2(3)}
-Palming: 1(2) {2(3)}
-Shadowing: 1(2) {2(3)}
Automatics {(SMG)}: 1(2) {3(4)} [4] {12}
Clubs {(blocking)}: 1(2) {2(3)} [4] {6}
Perception: 2 [8]

Knowledge Skills: 28 free {6}
Hangouts (Matrix): 3
Procedure (Matrix Security): 3
Astral Research: 1
Comic Books: 1
Computer Theory: 1
Conspiracy Theories: 1
Corp (Ares Macrotechnology): 1
Corp (Mitsuhama): 1
Corp (Renraku): 1
Corp (Security Companies): 1
Corp (Shiawise): 1
Criminal (Seattle Gangs): 1
Hangouts (Shadowrunner): 1
History: 1
Law: 1
Magic Knowledge: 1
Matrix Theory: 1
Music Theory: 1
Navigation (Public Trans. Routes): 1
Politics (UCAS): 1
Procedure (Security): 1
Regional (Seattle): 1
Regional (San Francisco): 1
Sci-fi Trids: 1
{Street Drugs: 1} {2}
{Parazology: 1} {2}
{Pirate Trid Broadcasts: 1} {2}

Language Skills: 2 free
English: N
Japanese: 1
Spanish: 1

Analytics (0.25)
Improved Reflexes II (2.5)
Improved Ability (Hacking) 2 (0.5)
Multi-Tasking (0.5)
Sustenance (0.25)

Path: The Artisan's Way

Expenditures: [50 BP]  250,000¥ on the dot

Cyber/Bio-ware:  177,150¥
Obvious Cyberhand (Used Std.) -2,500
+Customized Limb - agility 3 (Used Std.) -2,250
+Nanohive (2) (Used Std.) -10,000
+Radar (4) (Used Std.) -6,000
+Auto-Injector (4 dose) (Used Std.) -400

Cerebral booster (2) -20,000
Muscle toner (2) - 16,000
Reflex Recorder (automatics) -10,000
Reflex Recorder (clubs) -10,000
Reflex Recorder Group (Stealth) -25,000
Synthacardium (3) -30,000

PuSHeD -15,000

Neural Amplifier Nanites - Limbic (3) -15,000
Neural Amplifier Nanites - Neocortical (3) -15,000

Gear:   72,850¥

Form-Fitting Body Armor - shirt -500
+nonconductivity 6 -1,200
Industrious Line Coverall -900
+Chemical Resistance 2 (Intg)
+Fire Resistance 2 (Intg)
SecureTech PPP System Forearm Guards -200
SecureTech PPP System Shin Guards -150

AZ-150 Stun Baton -800
+Personalized Grip -100
FN P93 Praetor E -850
+foregrip -50
+sling -10
+Metahuman Customization -50
+Sound Suppressor -600
+Improved Range Finder -1000
-Gas Vent 3 (Barrel) -400
-Smartgun System, Topmount -400
=Electronic Firing (Intg)
=Folding Stock (Removed)
_Spare Clip -5
_100x Explosive rounds -500
Ceska Black Scorpion -550
+Extended Clip -500
+Firing Selection Change FA (from BF) -300
+Personalized Grip -100
+Melee Hardening -300
+Underbarrel Weight -25
-Gas Vent 3 (Barrel) -400
-Smartgun System, topmount - 400
=Folding Stock (Intg)
_3x Spare Clip -15
_176x Explosive rounds -880
_Quickdraw Holster -100

Medkit (6) -600
2x Medkit Supplies -100
4x Stimulant Patch (6) -600 [in autoinjector]
Fake SIN (r4) -4000
Fake License (r4) Security Consultant - 400
89x Betel -89
Handheld Sensor -1
+Radio Signal Scanner R6 -150

Goggles (5) -250
+Flare compensation -50
+Image link -25
+Smartlink -500
+Vision Enhancement (3) -300
+Vision Magnification -100
Earbuds (2) -20
+Audio enhancement (3) -300
+Select sound filter (3) -600

Novatech Airware -1,250
+Response 5 chip -4,000
+Signal 5 upgrade -1,000
+Optimization (Exploit) -500
+Skinlink -50
-Sim Module -100
-Trodes -50
-AR gloves -250
-Subvocal Microphone -50
-30x Datachip -30

Firewall 6 -3000
System 5 -2500

Armor 3 -1,500
+Ergonomic -100
Attack 5 -5,000
+Area 2 -1,500
Corrupt 3 -1,500
Decrypt 3 -1,500
Defuse 3 -1,500
Exploit 5 -5,000
+Mute -100
Medic 3 -1,500
Spoof 3 -1,500
Stealth 5 -5,000
+Optimization 2 -200
+Ergonomic -100
Track 3 -1,500
ECCM 3 -1,500

Analyze 6 -600
+Ergonomic -100
+Optimization 1 -100
Browse 6 -600
+Optimization 1 -100
Command 6 -600
+Optimization 1 -100
Edit 6 -600
+Optimization 1 -100
Encrypt 6 -600
+Optimization 1 -100
+Ergonomic -100
Scan 6 -600
+Optimization 1 -100
+Ergonomic -100

1 Month of Lifestyle -6,000
Starting cash +12 -1,200

Lifestyle: Custom high 6000/mo
-comforts: 3
-entertainment: 4
-necessities: 2
-neighborhood: 3
-security: 3
+Free Access [1]

Contacts: [9 BP] I'll write these guys up if you like.
Jimmy Locke (Warez geek): Loyalty 2 connection 2
Maurice Mothersbaugh (Fixer): Loyalty 1 connection 4

Starting cash {4d6 → [1,4,3,2] = (10) + 12} x 500 = 11000¥

Book keeping

Fiduciary Expenditures: 
1000¥  For Targeting Program option for Attack 5 and a cracked copy of Sniffer 5
500¥ for a Hardware kit
405¥ for 50 rounds of stick-n-shock ammo for the SMG and an extra magazine
405¥ for 50 rounds of stick-n-shock ammo for the Machine Pistol and an extra magazine
300¥ for 10 flash-bang grenades
200¥ for 10 hits of Betameth. (3R)
50¥ for 10 hits of Snuff (-)
60¥ for 60 hits of Betel (-)
50¥ for one hit of Nitro (2R)
50¥ for one hit of Long Haul (-)

Fiduciary Acquisitions:
11,000¥ Starting cash
200¥ credstick from Sam M.
12,500¥ from Germaine (advance)
12,500¥ also from Germaine

{Current cash reserves 33,180¥}

Physical Expenditures:
65 Betel (one every 30 minutes)  {ya see, Betel is cigarettes in disguise}
6x Ex ammo for ceska
9x Ex ammo for P93
1x Betameth

Karma Log: {0 points in pool}
+15 pts
-10 raising Automatics from 1(2) to 3(4)
-2 Specializing Automatics in SMG
-2 Acquiring Street Knowledge skill Street Drugs.
+1 pt (PARTY HARD)
+3 pts
+45 pts goooooaaal
-15 raise Reaction to 3
-15 raise Edge to 3
-10 raise Stealth group to 2
-4  raise Clubs to 2
-2  Specializing Clubs in Blocking
-2  Acquiring Professional Knowledge skill Parazoology
-2  Acquiring Interest Knowledge skill Pirate Trid Broadcasts