[IC] Messy Biz

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« Reply #15 on: <04-27-11/2028:12> »
The first thing anyone will see, in AR at least, is the advert, it's damn hard to miss.

Just not as fast as you used to be? Getting called old one too many times? We're here to help.
With this new Cyberware Suite you'll reach you're true, upgraded potential! This Betaware Move-By-Wire system comes with the new Minute Man II Skillwire Expert System! HALF PRICE NOW.

There is a Troll in Actioneer business suit in the corner of the small reception and a young woman behind the glass protected counter. It doesn't look that far off a dentist waiting room.

She smiles and gesture's politely, it's a rehearsed reaction, "Please take a seat, he'll be ready to see you soon."

M-M II Suite

              Essance Cost  Price
Rating 1     1.323           95,400¥
Rating 2     1.953         158,400¥
Rating 3     3.213         320,400¥
« Last Edit: <04-27-11/2048:00> by Chrona »


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« Reply #16 on: <04-27-11/2128:53> »
Noise looks around the clinic, oblivious to the AR advert as her goggles sit on the top of her head at the moment rather than on her face.  She strides up to the receptionist, placing a hand on the edge of the counter, "I see Mr. Seejo?  Appointment is 8:00pm."

Getting the same story about waiting that Hank did, she walks over to the corner of the room and pours herself a cup out of the water cooler in the corner and waits, preferring to stand rather than sit.


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« Reply #17 on: <04-27-11/2200:32> »
Andromeda came in half running, half walking, even her breath was a bit off.

I ... here ... meet ... 20:00 o'clock ... bit late ... where?

When the receptionist point to the waiting corner Andromeda is confused

Does she think i want an OP?

I'm supposed to meet Mr. C. Joe here at 20.00, so ka? not to get some M&M built into me, so where to?

As the women points again to the waiting area Andromeda gives up,and goes to sit down and wait. She sees some other people who most likely will become her teammats.

Mind if i sit down? is the only thing she will give as a conversation starter,

if they want, we can speak, if not,then it's their loss.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #18 on: <04-27-11/2203:32> »
Hank is visibly getting annoyed by the ad. He grumbles to itself

- Pff Move-by-wire, what they think I am, some kind of paraplegic dude ? 

After a couple of minutes, Hanks remove his glasses and keeps grumbling

- I can run just fine, heck I'm betting a thousand the guy that made the ad could not even come close... and that price ! it's ridiculous, I bet its not even Betaware...

He is pulled out of his grumbling by Andromeda, looking kinda surprised, he put back his glasses.

-Yes, yes, my name ain't on that chair, anyway, these aren't made for people like me ! he sounds grumpy and look visibly irritated but try to behave in front of the lady.
« Last Edit: <04-27-11/2206:58> by Artighur »


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« Reply #19 on: <04-27-11/2209:13> »

- I can run just fine, heck I'm betting a thousand the guy that made the ad could not even come close... and that price ! it's ridiculous, I bet its not even Betaware...

Roll Cybertech

2 Hits - Betaware would definitely cost a lot more.. even in a suite, maybe it's a low stock?
« Last Edit: <04-27-11/2252:31> by Chrona »


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« Reply #20 on: <04-28-11/0105:44> »
Getting out of the shower I/O starts drying his hair as he walks into his bedroom, stepping over his busy buddy cleaning drone. As he enters the room he mentally adjusts the lighting to full brightness and has his closet start to rotate his clothing as he decides what to wear for the day. He calls up the news to get the weather and logs his com link to the Multi Media Mania social network to check for the latest gossip.
As the weather girl comes on he notices her hair Please, be less acidic today, oh a new post on the lucky 13 movie, nice. I have to remember to hack there feed. I/O pulls up his edit program on his com link and starts composing his todo list, Good, no acid, looks like it's casual for me today.
I/O instructs the closet to bring round section 14, and goes back into the bathroom to start brushing his teeth when a message from one of his warezhouse contacts. Good, a job. Time to get cracking as he starts to brush he makes a call to a grid guide cab to pick him up at his house and finishes getting ready.

Arriving at the location 15 minutes prior to the meet time, as he gets out of the cab and is assailed by advertisement, Mental note get my spam filter checked out. he walks inside and up to the counteracts he is then redirected to the waiting area. With a nod of his head he turns to take a seat and notices all of the others waiting for there table. Moving to an empty seat he sits and continues to monitor his latest discussion on the merits of neal the ork barbarian with runner67.
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« Reply #21 on: <04-28-11/0605:47> »
[OOC:  Seattle area knowledge 7d6.hits(5) → [6,5,5,2,2,5,2] = (4)  Mafia knowledge 8d6.hits(5) → [5,2,4,5,2,2,6,6] = (4)

Little Joe sat in one of the crappy plastic chairs kicking her feet and rocking back and forth a little while she waited.  She'd heard about this shop before.  Was it one of the places Jimmy's gang helped supply?  She thought about it a little before she got bored.

Aaagh!  Am I going to have to wait for those fuddy-duddys outside to come in before we even get to the boring part?  Bleeeck!  And what's with these chairs!  Dumb doctors are selling stuff that costs as much as a jetplane, but they can't even give me a good chair to sit in!  I hope the job is just robbing this place if they move that kind of cash..  Hey, that might be a good way to kill some time.

[OOC: Con roll 6d6.hits(5) → [6,4,4,2,2,6] = (2)]

"Hello there everyone.  My name is Joe, and I'm glad you could all make it.  As you've seen by now, the business establishment you find yourself in does a good deal of business in high end wares. What I need is a good team, which is quick on its feet and able to adapt to situations as they happen.  To that end, will will be robbing this establishment, tonight.  Right now."

[OOC: Liar neg quality roll 1d6 → [2] = (2)]


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« Reply #22 on: <04-28-11/1007:32> »
Still Waters disappears in the alleyway and whispers out syllables of power, calling upon the line of blood stretching from his veins back through time to pierce the veil between truth and lie. He feels the Nipissing return his call, feels the fundamental truth in everything around exposed to his Sight.

Right as Still Waters approaches the clinic, some girl bursts across the street from the club line and makes a beeline for him. He spins, covered by the alley and rain from most observers but clear to the obviously well-put-together girl. His face is covered by a translucent, partially-manifested shamanic mask of an impossibly ancient native man with lines of blood rolling down his face to fade away in the raindrops. The shaman's body is tense and coiled as a viper, his will calling his spirit allies to him.

Have they found me already?

One hair's breadth away from commanding his allies to rend the girl's spirit from her flesh, Still Waters steels his will and quickly reassesses the situation. The fisher spirit bares its fangs at the girl from the astral and strains against its bonds. I hunger, it growls. The ancestor spirit is more calm, but comments, let me bend her mind and I can end this quickly.

Still Waters matches the girl in his mind with one of the runners mentioned in the job offer. She's flailing an arm at him, calling him Johnathan as she flags him down. Immaculately dressed for impact, her every motion is perfectly calibrated to make men soft in the mind and hard elsewhere, but Still Waters doesn't react in that way. Even as he relaxes at her approach, his body language clearly states that invading his personal space is not welcome. The shamanic mask dissipates quickly, replaced on his painted face by a polite smile.

"Hey you," he says in fake familiarity tinged with a heavy Quebecois accent. "I didn't spot you back there." Thank you for answering so quickly, my friends, he sends to his allies and dismisses them back to standby in the metaplanes.

Quote from: OOC
Composure test, 4 hits


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« Reply #23 on: <04-28-11/1121:05> »
"Oi oi now, Mr. Joe issa bit bigger 'un you Little Miss. Let's not have no trouble lest I be forced tah excruciate you from dah premises.

It's the Large troll in corner, he lifts one bulky finger to his ear and adds, "Er yeh extricate, i nu dat. Thanks Grant."


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« Reply #24 on: <04-28-11/1148:10> »
Silk had watched the shaman across the street scoping out the place, walking into the alley and casting a spell.
If that's not one of my new partners, I'm a troll. Let's see if he's willing to play.

His initial reaction to her approach wasn't what she'd hoped for or anticipated, people usually had a much nicer reaction to her.
Well, aren't you spooked easily? Wanted, powerful enemies, paranoid..? This guy better not get me in trouble.

Luckily he seemed to calm down and even managed to force a smile on his face -polite instead of friendly but it'll have to do, not everyone can be expected to have the same talents- and managed to get out an acceptable reply in time.
She managed to resist the urge to point out that such obvious spellcasting wasn't the best way to remain undetected, as well as the urge to see how close she could get to him before he would freak out entirely. New colleagues, play nice Silk.

"Well good, I was almost worried you were trying to avoid me." she said with pouting lips and overacted fake disappointment in her voice.
She skipped right past him and vanished in the shadows behind the car with a playful smile, a wink and a teasing and promising "And I had such a nice surprise hidden for you right here in these cold and lonely shadows."

Out of sight from the people across the street, all the pink in her hair and outfit immediately shifted to black. The perfect pearly white smile remained as she turned her head towards him. "Thanks, just needed to get away from there. Let's not be late."

As she entered the clinic she noticed the tension on some of the faces of the people in the waiting room. Damn, looks like I missed something fun.

FaceSpace Profile Update<3Aswan<3wonders why hospital waiting rooms always have so many weird people.
She set her commlink to hidden.
« Last Edit: <04-28-11/1523:16> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #25 on: <04-28-11/1336:34> »
Noise rolls her eyes at the poor gnome child man/she thing. Couldn't even get the name of the contact right. Though, the thought of trying to rob the place did intrigue her a bit, there's no way that Stasya would set her up for a job like this.

About to say something, the Troll in the corner speaks and settles the matter well enough for her.  She returned to her cup of water and the current waiting game.


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« Reply #26 on: <04-28-11/1425:02> »
Not long after you've all arrived, the clock hits 20:05, after Andromeda realises her chronograph is set just a little fast, a human man enters the clinic.

He's over 6 foot, just. Rain dripping off a lined coat, his shoulder length black hair has been matted down by the rain but looks quite greasy and he definitely didn't shave today. He gives off a strange vibe. He nods at the receptionist.

"Roight, ladies and gentle, sorry to keep you. Let's get on with this. Follow me."

He heads towards the back door of the reception, steps through and holds it open for you all. "Turn left, first door on your left, no funny business please."

Around the corner is a blonde, human, male guarding a room marked "Office", his cyberarms, katana and slight bow scream "Street Sammy". Letting you all inside first, the messy haired man follows. Sitting at the desk he offers you a seat on either the 7 chairs brought in for the meet, or the benches against the rooms walls.
"Let's do introductions shall we? I'm Creepy Joe."


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« Reply #27 on: <04-28-11/1449:42> »
As Little Joe offered to rob the clinic, Hank sprang on his feet, a bit surprised and wondering what to do. The troll warning reassure him and send a severe look to Little Joe.

When the real Joe show up, the dwarf let a slight sigh when he sees Little Joe following the man. He better not put the run into trouble or things will get ugly... He then follows the man into the room silently and introduce itself.

- Hank. Colleague I guess ?


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« Reply #28 on: <04-28-11/2259:14> »
Thread 1:
I/O looks at little Joe as she makes her play at becoming the Johnson. Cute, I hope this isn't our Johnson, the trolls interruption eases his nerves. I wonder how long she has been running the shadows. Looking around the room he takes in everything that he can, entrances exits, the people in the room, there profiles, and even the AROs in the room do not pass out of his scrutiny. As the Johnson walks into the room I/O looks up and does what he says, standing he waits for the others to walk after the man with as much politeness and curtsy as is dictated in this event. After they walk with the man into the room and takes whatever seat remains, waiting for the others to speak and noting there responses.

Thread 2:
Its times like this that I/O's ability to multitask comes in handy while watching the room I/O continues to interact with his virtual environment. His window to Multimedia mania remains active as he continues to rply to the various thread his is following, a second window displays the feeds from his audio and video recordings as his edit program features flash and activate, dancing to I/O's thoughts as he start to compile a file on the small childlike girl that started to talk to the group of people in the waiting room as if they where a team, or at least the team that he may be employed with very shortly. With that thought more windows start to open as files are started up on all of the individuals in the room. As the man that walks in and asks the group to follow him is the last to have a file started but this one is earmarked for file up in future.
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« Reply #29 on: <04-28-11/2358:52> »
Joe was pleased that at least one person was hot for a bit of action.  Too bad the rest probably wouldn't make it..
"Aww, I was just funnin' the stiffs big guy.  Looks like at least one of them is alive though.  Hi there!" 

Joe sat back in her seat and crossed her legs.  Moments later another two walked into the room, the mage who had been skulking around outside the loreshop and the lady from the line who seemed too posh for that 2nd-rate club.  That was exciting!  Complimentary covers is the best way to work.  Joe had walked into plenty of buildings pretending to be some woman's child.  Security never looks at a three-year-old...

When the greasy human guy started to usher everyone into the back, Joe followed dutifully.  It was time for the talking to start.  Passing by the Samurai in the hallway, she waved to him. "Heya Grant."