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« on: <01-13-25/1208:41> »
So, I backed the Kickstarter for CBR+PNK Augmented a while back, and hadn't had the chance to look over the rewards until recently. It's an extremely light RPG (lighter even than SR:A) based on the Blades in the Dark engine by Jon Harper. One of the supplements for it (they're called plugins) is called +Weird, and it's specifically for adding supernatural elements to the game; it really feels like you can run extremely rules-light, narrative-based SR with this engine. The game itself isn't geared to campaign play -- it's for running a group of elite runners, called in for One Last Job with a Big Payoff (what can possibly go wrong?) -- but there's another plugin called CBR+PNK: re.SERIALIZED for adapting it to campaign play.

I've been digesting it but haven't had a chance to try it at the table yet. Has anybody else given this game a try? I'm particularly interested if anyone's run it with the +Weird plugin and if they felt it was an appropriately ShadowRunny experience. I know people who have always been intrigued by the lore, but are leery of any complex games. I was hoping to draw them in with CBR+PNK.


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« Reply #1 on: <01-14-25/0825:59> »
Ironically, I'm not a fan of Storyteller RPG designs. It feels too much like Improv and not enough like a Game to me.


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« Reply #2 on: <01-14-25/1045:58> »
Ironically, I'm not a fan of Storyteller RPG designs. It feels too much like Improv and not enough like a Game to me.
It's a fine line of balance between pure group storytelling and narrative gaming. But I've played in my wife's Blades in the Dark campaign, and it's got enough codification of give-and-take to work. But you do need a group willing to give it a try, and it's not for everyone!

I was more interested in other SR GMs who've gone the narrative route. SR has a great setting, with a lot of excellent lore and detail.

