It's quiet... Too quiet...

  • 19 Replies


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« Reply #15 on: <12-25-24/2157:58> »
I just popped back on the old Dumpshock forum to see if it still existed, and saw I had a thread in there from 20 years ago :)  Merry Christmas everybody.


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« Reply #16 on: <12-29-24/1539:24> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #17 on: <12-29-24/1731:24> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff
Welcome And Info category, server-info-roles channel, has a Game-line roles at the bottom.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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  • Omae
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« Reply #18 on: <01-02-25/2218:35> »
(although I just went to the Discord and saw the general CGL channels but not the SR ones?  But it looks like my Discord may be messed up somehow, that might just be me)
SR channels are opt-in, right?
How does one opt-in to these SR channels on discord? I only see the general CGL stuff
Welcome And Info category, server-info-roles channel, has a Game-line roles at the bottom.

I didn't realize that things that look like buttons are actually buttons in discord. I just thought they were weird emoji or something. Just goes to show how much I use this.

I mostly don't like discord because it's not open internet indexable, meaning all the knowledge just stays hidden inside the wall garden. But eh, if people be talkin' about the shadows, I love to be talkin about it too.

Thanks Michael for the crash course on discord.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #19 on: <01-03-25/0745:12> »
There's also a bunch of servers where you click an emoji to pick certain roles. Speaking of, avoid the EMP checkmark in the rules channel. It EMPs your server access as a bot-trap.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!

