Final Bets is released!

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« on: <08-01-24/1029:57> »
On DriveThru (and no doubt other sites)

Anyone picked it up yet?  Is there crunch or is it all 'missions' like Assassin's Night?

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <08-01-24/1242:31> »
A bit over a dozen pages covering the Paris Shadows, 40 Missions (2.7 pages average), then about a dozen pages covering the various groups and people and monsters.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #2 on: <08-01-24/1313:02> »
Thanks!  One to pick up at some point, but not a huge urgency as I'm in the midst of Scotophobia inspired pbp...
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #3 on: <08-02-24/1744:38> »
The supplement almost named after me!

(I do need to get this at some point, but I've got things to run through at least the end of the year already.  After being so desperate for material in most of 5e, it is an embarrassment of riches in 6e!  Like already I think I'm only going to use about a quarter of the adventures in the Manhattan book, not because they aren't good but just that I'm trying to get through some stuff in order to launch into the early parts of Scottophobia, and there is so much stuff.)

