Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign and Conventions
Gen Con Event Catalog Pre-Release
Lots of Missions on tap for this year. Almost 100 events slated for this year, including the Tournament, the Scramble, two GM Bootcamps (Basic Training and Advanced Training!), Who's Run is it Anyway?, Welcome to the 6th World (In depth introduction to the game, including creating your own characters using the new Runners Toolkit), plus the 2010 & 2011 CMP adventures and the first few Season 4 Missions!
Should be fun!
Wow. That's quite a list.
Yeah... I'll be there for the Championship, but have to work out the details for anything else. (Mind you, in between games I'll be in the Exhibition Hall buggin' all you guys. ;))
Since I'm going with Critias and his friends I will probably be running in a BT game as well as some wargaming. I think he wants to do the SR LARP, too, but If just as soon let him say. He wrote one of those Missions games, and it's awesome. I wanted to write Burn Notice, but didn't have the time, and so I'm exited to see that in play.
Honestly though I have no idea what to choose to sign up for yet.
--- Quote from: Crimsondude on ---Since I'm going with Critias and his friends I will probably be running in a BT game as well as some wargaming. I think he wants to do the SR LARP, too, but If just as soon let him say. He wrote one of those Missions games, and it's awesome. I wanted to write Burn Notice, but didn't have the time, and so I'm exited to see that in play.
Honestly though I have no idea what to choose to sign up for yet.
--- End quote ---
Gimme a week or two, and I will have written two of the CMP adventures (the second of which will also be awesome, of course). ;)
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