Shadowrun General > The Secret History

The Timeline of the Ages

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This is very cool!

I'll have to think about it some more, but I think I might make it canon in my home game. 

I presume that the elemental planes are the result of the very early developments, pre-life? (or when life was extremely simple).

And given the current meta-plot, thoughts on the origin of Dis?  I'm thinking perhaps from one of the earlier cycles that overlapped hominids (pre modern humans).  (although various books give conflicting descriptions of them, so it is not entirely clear)

(also, if you put it on Holostreets, I will buy it at some point.  Like with Fastjack's Shadowfiles, good meta-products are worth supporting!)


--- Quote from: Beta on ---This is very cool!

--- End quote ---
Thank you!  It was a lot of work.  :)

--- Quote from: Beta on ---I'll have to think about it some more, but I think I might make it canon in my home game. 

--- End quote ---
I'm flattered.

--- Quote from: Beta on ---I presume that the elemental planes are the result of the very early developments, pre-life? (or when life was extremely simple).

--- End quote ---
No, quite the opposite.  They would have come about probably around the 8th to 10th Ages.  Dividing the world up into the Classical Elements is a human point of view and would only have influenced the metaplanes enough to form planes around those concepts once there was a human civilization with a magical theory sufficiently advanced enough to envision them.

--- Quote from: Beta on ---And given the current meta-plot, thoughts on the origin of Dis?  I'm thinking perhaps from one of the earlier cycles that overlapped hominids (pre modern humans).  (although various books give conflicting descriptions of them, so it is not entirely clear)

--- End quote ---
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Dis.  4th Edition is my game, with select bits nicked from 5th Edition.  I own no 6th Edition books.

--- Quote from: Beta on ---(also, if you put it on Holostreets, I will buy it at some point.  Like with Fastjack's Shadowfiles, good meta-products are worth supporting!)

--- End quote ---
Thank you very much.  I'm working on that behind the scenes, but some things need to be straightened out first.

Interesting take on the elemental planes, and I guess it makes sense as they are not of the 'pushed way far away from earth' category, so can't be so old.

As for Dis, it is hard to say a lot without a lot spoilers ( a lot of the information is still what I would consider GM only), so I'll come up with my own thoughts on how this could fit into your scheme.


--- Quote from: Beta on ---As for Dis, it is hard to say a lot without a lot spoilers ( a lot of the information is still what I would consider GM only), so I'll come up with my own thoughts on how this could fit into your scheme.

--- End quote ---
"GM-Only Information" lasts about 10 seconds into a Google search.  I'd forgotten the names of the Mad Passions from Earthdawn.  Looks like at least one is making a comeback.  In my cosmology, human gods are many millions of years younger than the Horrors and would not be considered a real threat by them.


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