There are further complex forms from Hack & Slash that can improve a drone on auto pilot. Enlighten Automaton enhances pilot/sensor ratings, providing a contribution to dice pools that should be compatible with emulated autosofts. You can also use Enhance Autosofts to gain dice pool bonuses for autosofts
running on a device. (I presume that excludes shared autosofts.)
If you have access to the Sourceror resonance stream (Hack & Slash) and its Hyper Threading complex form you can avoid repeated -2 dice pool modifiers from sustaining multiple complex forms that have the same target. Since Enlighten Automaton and Enhance Autosofts would target the same device, they can be merged into a single complex form through Hyper Threading. To my understanding, multiple Emulate (Program) complex forms can be merged similarly, as Emulate (Program) targets the technomancer. When you reach sufficiently many submersions, you can offset all dice pool penalties by merging complex forms and using the Aspect Peripheral ability of the Sourceror resonance stream.
A cheaper alternative to Emulate (Program) in terms of karma cost is the Software Emulator echo (also from Hack & Slash). It allows you to run autosofts on your living persona. If you have the Living Network echo you should be able to share them with a single drone (as stated in the
FAQ). Keep in mind though that you would be running the copy that you purchased and absorbed (at its specific autosoft rating).
Whether using Software Emulator or Emulate (Program), several autosofts are specific for certain drone/weapon models (see the
FAQ). For example, you would have to learn Emulate ([Ingram Smartgun XI] targeting) and Emulate ([Aztechnology Crawler] maneuvering). You may want to choose your emulated programs carefully.
Cerebral Booster and Living Persona do NOT stack.
Could you please clarify why these do not stack? It was my understanding that improvements to mental attributes reflect on the living persona.
So, you could Emulate (Targeting) at 13, plus your drone's sensor, -2 dice for sustaining the program. So you get 11 dice, two more than building a rigger.
The -2 dice pool modifier for sustaining the complex form affects the technomancer, not the drone operating on auto pilot (which is when autosofts are of relevance).
[...] buying the autosoft for 4,500¥.
An autosoft with rating 9 also has availability 9 and may be extremely difficult to obtain (even more difficult than most delta-grade cultured bioware). In contrast, learning Emulate (Program) is independent of any rating.