Living Shadowrun at Origins?

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« on: <05-17-23/1526:53> »
Hey all, not sure if this is the right place (or if anyone is actually reading this forum) but I am attending Origins this year, and its my first time since before the pandemic I've been able to attend.  I've been a shadowrun player in the past, love the system and wanted to use Origins to get to play.  I noticed there are a lot of shadowrun events, are those living campaign missions?  If so, where can I find the rules for character creation for a living campaign?  The old website seems to be defunct also.  Could someone kindly point me to where to get started and if there is still a living Shadowrun ecosystem at Origins?

Thanks a ton!



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« Reply #1 on: <05-17-23/1559:42> »
Catalyst is having a limited presence at Origins this year, with a limited Demo Team presence as well. There are a lot of Shadowrun Missions (the living campaign setting) listed, as well as "Build a Runner" workshops through the convention.

Catalyst announcement: link

Origins Missions Events: link


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« Reply #2 on: <05-17-23/2148:21> »
Thanks.  So those Shadowrun missions are living?  Bummer about the limited Catalyst presence at Origins.  I hope that is not a sign of trouble for Catalyst.
 I am familiar with the game, and have the rules, so I don't know that I need a "build a runner" workshop, just the rules (like what's banned, any differences for living character creation vs. the book, etc.) so I can mull over my character ahead of the event.  They used to be a download, but I can't find it anymore.  Any chance you have a link?

Thanks chummer



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« Reply #3 on: <05-18-23/0655:32> »
Here's the latest information for Shadowrun Missions.



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« Reply #4 on: <05-18-23/0848:55> »
Fastjack has you all setup with the link, but figured I would fill in the gaps.

Yes, all of the official CDT events are all part of the Missions living campaign.
Yes, CGL will nit be in attendance.. has nothing to do with the company struggling in anyway. They have chosen to attend another con to expand their influence.
However the CDT will be in full attendance... especially for Shadowrun
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
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Michael Chandra

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« Reply #5 on: <05-18-23/1018:56> »
Living Campaign: So Build-A-Runner is to build a runner and get a bit of a starting reward, First Tastes are smaller intro scenarios that also give some starting rewards, the SRMs are the official storyline (currently 2/3s into Seattle), while CMPs are packs of runs (so 13~16 and 17~20 are two separate packs) that you could consider a sidequest of sorts.

By the way, SRM Online has a few spots left for a free build+first combo on the 3rd of June (a saturday), so if it fits your schedule you could try that.

And yeah, Catalyst announced that they're attending Game Con Canada this year during that weekend.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #6 on: <06-08-23/1028:02> »
Forgot to come back and thank everyone for their help and responses, it was very nice of you all, I really appreciate it!  I am looking forward to Origins and loads of Shadowrun!