Shadowrun General > General Discussion
Posters in Berlin core?
I’m not sure why these posters were included, I thought maybe they were maps at first and I’d still rather them be separate, but at least that would have made sense. Nope just big art posters that would be incomplete and look weird if you took them out. But they’re also really annoying.
Has anyone else removed them from their books or have any insight why this was done in the first place? It seems like a really weird (bad?) idea. I’m just very grumpy about this (in case you couldn’t tell)
The posters are acutally meant to be used with the 6E GM screen, which allows you to take the images from the posters and use them in the screen inserts, thereby making your own unique GM Screen.
GM Screen link
How is that supposed to work? They don't have an easy perforation or whatever method to remove them from the book
--- Quote from: SINlessSlacker on ---How is that supposed to work? They don't have an easy perforation or whatever method to remove them from the book
--- End quote ---
That’s an incredibly bad product that I have to try to cut pages from my book. Not to mention if I cut those pages, it could destabilize the whole binding. I reiterate that this is annoying as hell. Absolutely shit idea. Wtf was Catalyst thinking?
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