Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique

Question about Addiction (5e)


Just a quick question, if you have the Addiction quality, how does that change addiction tests? And if there's a difference at difference addiction levels, what are they? Thanks in advance

Each level of the Addiction quality determines how badly you are addicted.

* Mild You need to make a Withdrawal test once a month if you have not "gotten a fix".
* Moderate You need to make a Withdrawal test every two weeks.
* Severe You need to make a Withdrawal test once a week.
* Burnout You need to make a Withdrawal test daily.
The addiction rating and threshold depends on the addiction (SR5, p. 414), but a Withdrawal test is the same as an Addiction test, but, success means that you can get rid of the addiction. A normal Addiction Test is when you have gotten your fix and failure on this test means the Quality increases in severity without earning Karma from the quality. Hope this helps!


--- Quote from: FastJack on ---Each level of the Addiction quality determines how badly you are addicted.

* Mild You need to make a Withdrawal test once a month if you have not "gotten a fix".
* Moderate You need to make a Withdrawal test every two weeks.
* Severe You need to make a Withdrawal test once a week.
* Burnout You need to make a Withdrawal test daily.
The addiction rating and threshold depends on the addiction (SR5, p. 414), but a Withdrawal test is the same as an Addiction test, but, success means that you can get rid of the addiction. A normal Addiction Test is when you have gotten your fix and failure on this test means the Quality increases in severity without earning Karma from the quality. Hope this helps!

--- End quote ---

That makes sense, thanks for clearing that up!


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