(5e) Street Samurai Tank Build?

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« on: <12-17-23/1229:23> »
Just wondering, does anyone know of a good Street Samurai Tank build? I'm new to Shadowrun and it seems pretty fun to play. Please don't go out of your way to make one though
« Last Edit: <12-17-23/1231:26> by Shadowrunner13 »


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« Reply #1 on: <12-17-23/1238:15> »
Most Troll Street Samurais are natural Tanks. Anything in particular you're looking for?


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« Reply #2 on: <12-17-23/1245:01> »
Well, based off of my character theme, an Elf would work nicely. It's also be nice to be quite good a guns and/or blades. But if other Metatypes would work better *shrug*


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« Reply #3 on: <12-17-23/1247:20> »
Most Troll Street Samurais are natural Tanks. Anything in particular you're looking for?

Agreed, Trolls do make the best tanks....
High body to soak damage, high strength for melee combat, fair enough agility for gunplay.

And, highly forgiving for new players!
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #4 on: <12-17-23/1249:06> »
Most Troll Street Samurais are natural Tanks. Anything in particular you're looking for?

Agreed, Trolls do make the best tanks....
High body to soak damage, high strength for melee combat, fair enough agility for gunplay.

And, highly forgiving for new players!

Ah ok, well a Royal Troll could work too... (As that's my character theme)
« Last Edit: <12-17-23/1256:15> by Shadowrunner13 »


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« Reply #5 on: <12-19-23/2205:48> »
Well, based off of my character theme, an Elf would work nicely. It's also be nice to be quite good a guns and/or blades. But if other Metatypes would work better *shrug*

Elves are King of the agility and reflex game. Which makes them good attackers. But elves come with some dangers too. Most people forget the 'Soak' part of defense, and focus on an elf's ability to dodge.... Forgetting that sometimes you can't... (AoE, surprised) or get caught in a bad roll... so that makes elves good, but dangerous 😳

Trolls can still dodge - just not as well, but it's the large body that allows trolls to be more 'forgivable' to new players. As that large body mean your 'oops' moment doesn't bite you as bad :D

But, you should also play the character YOU want to play... Otherwise, why are playing??

Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #6 on: <12-19-23/2243:40> »
Well, based off of my character theme, an Elf would work nicely. It's also be nice to be quite good a guns and/or blades. But if other Metatypes would work better *shrug*

Elves are King of the agility and reflex game. Which makes them good attackers. But elves come with some dangers too. Most people forget the 'Soak' part of defense, and focus on an elf's ability to dodge.... Forgetting that sometimes you can't... (AoE, surprised) or get caught in a bad roll... so that makes elves good, but dangerous 😳

Trolls can still dodge - just not as well, but it's the large body that allows trolls to be more 'forgivable' to new players. As that large body mean your 'oops' moment doesn't bite you as bad :D

But, you should also play the character YOU want to play... Otherwise, why are playing??

Fair enough. I think I decided on Ork for my character


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« Reply #7 on: <12-22-23/1153:11> »
If 'tank' (I read this as 'soaking damage') is what you are going for then (in this specific edition) cyberlimbs packed with armor will make you *very* hard to kill. Even just a couple of used feet with 3 points of armor each seem to be fully rules legal and will increase your worn armor by 6 points without causing encumbrance.

Also if you engage enemies in melee then you will trigger a bunch of modifiers that make it harder for them to use ranged attacks against your team mates (and if they try to disengage you get to intervene and hit them in the back out of turn for just 5 initiative score). Its not like a "taunt" that we often see in modern MMORPGs that force them to only attack you, but not far from it.