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Scotophobia & Easy Come, Easy Go & Berlin Edition PDFs out!
--- Quote from: Michael Chandra on ---
--- Quote from: FastJack on ---I think it was just an issue for the initial release, it was $19 on DriveThruRPG when I purchased it last night.
Now, I do have to say, I'm enjoying the heck out of this book so far. :D
--- End quote ---
Found a Scotland-hater.
--- End quote ---
Chan e, tha gaol agam air Alba!
At the risk of being unfashionably enthusiastic, Scotophobia is already my single favourite 5e/6e plot book. There is a lot happening, and it is so easy to bring it into my home games. I'm planning on running Third Parallel first (I was already going to start it soon, but now it is also a good lead into the events in Scotophobia), but I'm already just about salivating at how I'm going to kick things off, some of the big names that are going to show up in our games (everywhere from a news brief to actually talking to PCs), some of the high stakes events that should provide a ton of motivation beyond just survival, profit, and the power of friendship.
It doesn't hurt that it aligns with a bunch of themes that were already in my home games, but even without that I think it is just such a useable book as a GM.
And it has cool toys at the end ;D
It's definitely my favorite book of the year...
OK, I just got to the Dissian magic section ... Oy! Back-converting this to 5e is going to be a pain. Once I get started I'll create a thread in the old editions sub-board of the rules board, but if anyone else is looking at this and beats me to it I won't complain!
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