Holostreets question

  • 1 Replies

Michael Chandra

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« on: <04-30-23/0604:22> »
So I see a decent bit of activity on Holostreets and am wondering how it can be promoted? Should people just make their own thread in General if they want to promote something, should we have a separate Holostreets forum where people can post their own stuff (once per item or whatever rule would fit best), or have 1 big Holostreets thread where people respond with their own promo?
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #1 on: <04-30-23/0812:51> »
Good question. I think I'll create a sub-forum for it, allowing people to post their own thread for their projects.

And... done. It's now a sub-board of Catalyst Shadowrun Products, and I've moved my FastJack Shadowfiles post to there from Secret History.
