Catalyst Game Labs > Catalyst's Shadowrun Products

Body Shop and Bestial Nature

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Only an anecdotal impression of Body Shop as I’ve been skimming through it but it feels more creative than previous editions have been… lots of fun stuff! Great work :)

Body Shop is very good so far.  I'm not exactly a 6e fan, but I have to give this credit for being a really well done book. 

Absolute hat tip to Bestial Nature for taking the lid off of Shifter options and letting people do whatever they want with Shifter characters.  I didn't play 5e, so I don't know if they did it there previously, but this was good to see. 

I need a second kitchen for the extra sink now.  Just wow.  Big Kudos to all those who worked on it.


--- Quote from: Typhus on ---Absolute hat tip to Bestial Nature for taking the lid off of Shifter options and letting people do whatever they want with Shifter characters.  I didn't play 5e, so I don't know if they did it there previously, but this was good to see. 

--- End quote ---

Thank you.  If you have any questions feel free to ask.


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