Catalyst Game Labs > Errata

[SR6] Body Shop errata

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[pg177] Cranial Containment Unit - Mentions a commlink is included, but not what model or rating.


[p95] Increased Myelination - Geneware not present in table on pg 97, so no costs, availability, etc.

Just a little Bump (especially for Increased Myelination) as it's been a few months and wouldn't mind knowing the costs for it.   ;D


--- Quote from: Dynamic_Reality on ---Just a little Bump (especially for Increased Myelination) as it's been a few months and wouldn't mind knowing the costs for it.   ;D

--- End quote ---

The german translation has data for it:
Treatment time: 2 weeks
Essence: 0.1
Availability: 4(L)
Cost: 13,000


Pg 41 - Internal Router states "add one die equal to the internal router’s rating", it is probably meant to say "add dice equal to the internal router’s rating".


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