How would you create an adept hacker in 6E?

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« on: <04-10-23/1856:35> »
With the advent of the external version of the cyberjack (cyberhack) it may be possible to create an semi-effective AR hacker adept?  Right?  Although given the cyberhacks seem to be limited in scope would it be more cost effective to pair a deck with a high end commlink and not worry about the other benefits of a cyberjack?

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« Reply #1 on: <04-11-23/1150:58> »
Probably need Stolen Goods or a longer campaign for the nuyen needed, but sure.  Could have before too, losing 2 PP isn't to jam in a CyberJack isn't world ending depending on what you're trying to do with the Adept stuff.  Honestly Way of the Burn Out is pretty solid for a Hacker.

Really depends on what your build goals are, and what dice pools you're targeting.  Attributes are going to be a pain.  Some compromises required if you're trying to be a gun bunny plus hacker.


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« Reply #2 on: <04-11-23/1959:10> »
Not so much gun bunny plus decker, just want to try and build a decker that doesn’t have to follow the conventional builds… was possible in 4E and in 5E, 6E has made it harder with the cyberware requirements

Will have a go and see what I can come up with :)
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« Reply #3 on: <04-14-23/0943:43> »
If you want something slightly different, and don't mind not having the best deck in the sprawl, consider this.

Sum to Ten, with priority A Attributes and Nuyen, priority in D Metahuman and Magic, and Priority E in skills.  This gives you 5 Magic/PP (until we install some cyberware), tons of nuyen, and plenty of stats to divide up how you like.

Having only 10 skill points hurts, but we'll fix that with activesofts.  Buy the rank 6 versions of Skilljack and SkillWires, but get a Used version of the cyberware.  For only a little bit more essence cost, you cut the price in half, for a total of 1.32 Essence and a mere 120k nuyen.  Then, start with four Rank 6 activesofts at 30k nuyen each in order to give yourself some secondary skills depending upon what other roles you want your adept to fulfill.  Want to help in a firefight?  Choose Close Combat and Firearms.  Want to be the team's face?  Try Influence, Con, and Perception.  Want to drive/rig on the side?  Piloting!  Your starting 10 skills points should probably be 6 Cracking and 4 Electronics, or vice versa, so that you can still spend edge on them (with skillwires, you only get to spend edge if you're going wireless).  Or pick whatever fits your character's backstory and makes sense to you!  Maybe you pick 5 Athletics and 5 Con, and use activesofts to manage your Electronics/Cracking.

You'll need at least a datajack, and a delta grade one for .05 essence for 2.5k nuyen is a steal.

Your remaining 207,500 nuyen can then be spent on a combination cyberdeck and commlink/cyberhack (Cyberhacks have a better firewall, unless you're using Banshee's amazing unofficial rules, but they're also much more expensive, and there are commlink accessories in Hack and Slash that make the two almost even), as well as whatever secondary roles you've chosen. Medic, Face, Infiltrator, Sniper, etc.  If you want to be a solid but not expert decker/adept/rigger, consider a deltagrade Control Rig for .5 essence and 75k nuyen (This keeps you from spending more than 2 starting essence.)

Which is important because power points!  With 5 starting magic, and between 1 and 2 essence lost, you're down to 3 PP.  I'd strongly advise Improved Reflexes 3 for the +3 Reaction, +3d6 initiative dice, and 3 additional minor actions (5 total).  Best of all, these work with AR!  You'll lose these actions if you ever go cold or hot sim VR and leave meatspace, but you keep your AR focus.  The biggest drawback of this route is that while you might have the same number of actions as a decker with their very, very expensive cyberjack running in hot-sim, you won't get the edge advantages (consider the Jack Jockey positive quality from hack and Slash to compensate).

The last step is, of course, Karma.  You have a number of options here.  You can get more Power Points from Initiating a few times, or even just buying Rank 6 Magic outright.  You can get Specializations/Expertise for your starting two skills.  Buy yourself a 2nd or 3rd Edge rank.  15 karma gets you 30k nuyen which gets you another rank 6 activesoft.  Heck, maybe buy some foci for later bonding (3 magic limits you to Force 3 at a time).

In the end, you end up with a pretty reliable, versatile adept.  You won't be the best decker in the game, but you also won't be sitting on your butt for 90% of it while you wait for some Matrix spotlight.

EDIT:  If you don't really care about secondary roles or skills, go Metahuman (C), Attributes (A), Skills (D), Magic (D), and Resources (C) and skip all the cyberware.  You get +4 Attribute/Edge points and +3 PP (starting magic 6 with no essence loss), in exchange for reduced skills (16 skill points instead of 34 or so) and 57k less nuyen.
« Last Edit: <04-14-23/1222:31> by MedicWolf »


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« Reply #4 on: <04-14-23/1816:18> »
Thanks!  Both excellent, and don't seem to rely on 'Stolen Gear' (arguably a broken quality)

I have two SR5 hacker adepts which I might try working up, one with each option... granted one of them is a pixie which will add some wrinkles (and I know they aren't everyone's cup of tea <runs from the flaming pixie hate> )

Generalists can sometimes fall short but I think the future versatility of being an adept mitigates that, and D pool requirements are generally less onerous in 6E so it should be doable :D
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« Reply #5 on: <06-21-23/0754:10> »
Well I made the first of the two adept hackers (VR hacker in the works)... so please take a look and tell me what you think!?

I could probably 'optimise' her more with higher activesofts but I went for bredth rather than specialism in this case...


Race D Attributes A Magic D Skills E Resources A                        

Body:   2   (   2   )            
Agility:   5   (   5   )            
Reaction:   5   (   8   )            
Strength:   2   (   2   )            
Willpower:   5   (   5   )            
Logic:   6   (   6   )            
Intuition:   5   (   5   )            
Charisma:   4   (   4   )            
Edge:   2                     
Magic:   3                     
Essence:   4.11                     
Initiative:   13+4D6                     
Matrix VR Initiative:   5+3D6      +1D6 HotSIM               
Phys CM:   9                     
Stun CM:   11                     
Surprise:   13                     
Composure:   9                     
Judge Intentions:   10                     
Memory:   11                     
Lift/Carry:   40kgs                     
Defence Rating   5                     
Bonus D Damage Res   0                     
Unarmed Attack   2S, 10/—/—/—/—                     

QUALITIES / RACIAL BONUSES                        
Buddy System   -7                     
Corporate Scapegoat   -5                     
Jack Jockey   11                     
SINer   -8                     

Active Skills                        
Athletics *   4   (   9   )            
Biotech   0   (   /   )            
Close Combat *   4   (   9   )            
Con   1   (   5   )            
Cracking   6   (   12   )   S:   Hacking      
Electronics   4   (   10   )   S:   Computer      
Engineering   0   (   5   )            
Exotic Weapons   0   (   /   )            
Firearms   1   (   6   )            
Influence   1   (   5   )            
Outdoors   0   (   4   )            
Perception *   4   (   9   )            
Piloting *   4   (   12   )            
Stealth *   4   (   9   )            
* Indicates Activesoft                        
Knowledge / Language Skills                        
Matrix Architecture                        
Computer Science                        
High Fashion                        
Seattle Club Scene                        

CYBER / BIOWARE                        
Cyberjack [Rt 2] (β)                        
Datajack (β)                        
Skilljack (Black Market)                        
Skillwires (Black Market)                        

ADEPT POWERS                        
Improved Reflexes [3]                        

Renraku Kitsune Cyberdeck [R4, A/S 7/6, P8] w. All cyberprograms, Agent [4]                        
Renraku Sensei [R3, D/F 2/0 (2/3), P1] w. Sim Module, Biometric Reader, Browse, Signal Scrubber                        
5x Activesoft [4]: Athletics, Close Combat, Perception, Piloting, Stealth                        
Micro Transceiver & Subvocal Mic, Metalink Disposable Commlink [R1, D/F 1/0, P0], Fake SIN [1] , Fake Licence [1], Trodes, AR Gloves, Local Area Mapsoft                        
Flashlight, Respirator [6], Bug Scanner, Tag Eraser, 10x Plastic Restraints, Medkit, 2x Stim Patch [4], Trauma Patch, 2x Tranq Patch [6], Survival Kit, Weapon Cleaning Kit                        
Fake SIN [4], 3x Fake Licence [4] w. Driver, Weapon, Concealed Carry                        
Fake Licence [4] w. Cyberjack                        
Contacts [2] w. Imagelink, Flare Compensation, Glasses [3] w. Lowlight, Vision Enhancement, Ear Buds [2] w. Sound Link, Audio Enhancement                         
Ares Light Fire 70 [2P, SA, 10/7/6/—/—, 16(c)] w. Laser Sight, Special Silencer, Concealable Holster, 2 Spare Clips, 50 Caseless Normal Rnds                        
Lined Coat [3] w. Electrochromic Modification, Chemical Protection [3] w. Racing Helmet [+1] w. HUD Image Link, Flare Compensation, Laser Range Finder, Trodes                        
Securetech SkinShield [2] w. Concealed Holster, Ruthenium [2], Electrical Resistance [2]                        
Suzuki Mirage  [H2/6, A29, I30, Sp260, B4, A2, P1, S1, St1] w. Tuned Suspension (on-road) w. Spoof Kit, xGuide Override, Electrochromic Paint                        
6K nuyen left…                        

Downtown Loft [Neighbourhood: Middle, Necessities: High, Comforts: High, Security: Middle, Entertainment: High, Space: High, Bribed Security, Reliable Utilities]                        

Racial Costs   0                     
Qualities   11                     
Negative Qualities   -20                     
Attributes   30                     
Skills   25                     
Foci Binding   0                     
Resources   4                                       
Martial Arts / Driving Styles   0                                          
Initiation   0                                       
Contacts   0                     
Buy off negative Qualities   0
« Last Edit: <06-23-23/1739:20> by Aria »
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« Reply #6 on: <06-21-23/1313:44> »
And here's a VR hacker with a twist... again, maybe not the best but perhaps the boat load of D on hacking will be enough to make up for the lack of edge actions?!


And replicated here without pretty pictures:               
Race C Attributes A Magic D Skills D Resources C                                    

Body:   1   (   1   )      
Agility:   5   (   5   )      
Reaction:   4   (   4   )      
Strength:   1   (   1   )      
Willpower:   5   (   5   )      
Logic:   7   (   9   )      
Intuition:   6   (   6   )      
Charisma:   4   (   4   )      
Edge:   4               
Magic:   6               
Essence:   6.00               
Initiative:   10+1D6               
Matrix VR Initiative:   6+3D6      +1D6 HotSIM         
Phys CM:   9               
Stun CM:   11               
Surprise:   10               
Composure:   9               
Judge Intentions:   11               
Memory:   14               
Lift/Carry:   10kgs               
Defence Rating   1               
Bonus D Damage Res   0               
Unarmed Attack   1S, 5/—/—/—/—               

QUALITIES / RACIAL BONUSES                  
Addiction [VR]   -8               
Analytical Mind   3               
Astral Perception, Allergy (Iron, Medium), Concealment (Self), Movement: 2/5/+1 (Walk), 10/40/+2 (Flight), Vanishing   0               
Curiosity Killed the Cat   -5               
Data Anomaly   5               
Software Optimisation [Exploit]   10               
Trust Issues   -10               

Active Skills                  
Athletics   1   (   6   )      
Biotech   0   (   /   )      
Close Combat   0   (   4   )      
Con   0   (   3   )      
Cracking   10   (   19   )   S:   Hacking
Electronics   5   (   14   )      
Engineering   1   (   10   )   S:   Gunnery
Exotic Weapons   0   (   /   )      
Firearms   0   (   4   )      
Influence   0   (   3   )      
Outdoors   0   (   5   )      
Perception   5   (   11   )      
Piloting   1   (   5   )   S:   Anthroform
Stealth   1   (   6   )      
Knowledge / Language Skills                  
Wild Matrix Zones                  
Host Architecture                  
Seattle Matrix                  
Folk Rock Music                  
Teen Trid Shows                  

ADEPT POWERS                  
Adrenaline Boost [1]                  
Combat Sense [1]                  
Improved Logic [2]                  
Improved: Cracking [4]                  

Nissan Oni  [H3/4, A10, I5/4, Sp30, B9, A10, P3, S2] w. 2 Cyberarms w. Standard Weapon Mounts, 2 Cyberlegs, Micro Rigger Cocoon                   
Ingram Smartgun XI [3P, SA/BF, 13/12/7/—/—, 37(c)] w. Gas Vent, Smartgun System, Integral Silencer, Foregrip, Personalised Grip, Extended Clip, 2 Spare Clips, 80 Caseless Explosive Rnds, 40 Caseless Gel Rnds                  
Honda Spirit  [H4/5, A15, I20, Sp150, B10, A3, P1, S1, St4] w. Spoof Kit, xGuide Override, Electrochromic Paint                  
Spinrad Falcon [R2, A/S 5/4, P4] w. Cyberhack [D2, F4] w. Cyberjack Initiative Booster [1], all programs, trodes                  
Transys Avalon [R6, D/F 3/1 (4/6), P3] w. Hot Sim Module, Biometric Reader, Editor, Browse, Signal Scrubber                  
Securetech SkinShield [2] w. Concealed Holster, Ruthenium [2], Electrical Resistance [2]                  
~5k nuyen left                  
Red Light Bolthole [Neighbourhood: Squatter, Necessities: Low, Comforts: Low, Security: Low, Entertainment: Squatter, Space: Low, Bolthole, Escape Route]                  

Racial Costs   10               
Qualities   18               
Negative Qualities   -23               
Attributes   0               
Skills   35               
Foci Binding   0               
Resources   10               
Martial Arts / Driving Styles   0               
Initiation   0               
Contacts   0               
Buy off negative Qualities   0               
« Last Edit: <06-23-23/1736:46> by Aria »
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« Reply #7 on: <06-22-23/1758:29> »
And for the more traditionalist I threw together a dwarf adept hacker, not my best work but still, he has the potential to grow exponentially (like many adept builds) and can capitalise on both karma and cash to get better

Race D Attributes A Magic D Skills D Resources B                     

Body:   6   (   6   )         
Agility:   2   (   2   )         
Reaction:   4   (   4   )         
Strength:   2   (   2   )         
Willpower:   6   (   6   )         
Logic:   6   (   10   )         
Intuition:   6   (   6   )         
Charisma:   1   (   1   )         
Edge:   3                  
Magic:   4                  
Essence:   5.08                  
Initiative:   10+1D6                  
Matrix VR Initiative:   6+4D6      +1D6 HotSIM            
Astral Initiative:   16+2D6                  
Phys CM:   11                  
Stun CM:   11                  
Surprise:   10                  
Composure:   7                  
Judge Intentions:   12                  
Memory:   16                  
Lift/Carry:   40kgs                  
Defence Rating   12                  
Bonus D Damage Res   0                  
Unarmed Attack   2S, 6/—/—/—/—                  

QUALITIES / RACIAL BONUSES                     
Addiction [HotSIM VR]   -10                  
Allergy: Common Mild [Hayfever]   -11                  
Analytical Mind   3                  
Quick Config   3                  
Surgical Strike   11                  
Thermographic Vision [Meta]   0                  
Toxin Resistance [Dwarf]   0                  
Uncouth   -6                  

Active Skills                     
Athletics   0   (   1   )         
Biotech   0   (   /   )         
Close Combat   0   (   1   )         
Con   0   (   0   )         
Cracking   6   (   16   )         
Electronics   5   (   15   )         
Engineering   5   (   15   )         
Exotic Weapons   0   (   /   )         
Firearms   1   (   3   )         
Influence   0   (   0   )         
Outdoors   0   (   5   )         
Perception   1   (   7   )         
Piloting   1   (   5   )         
Stealth   0   (   1   )         
Knowledge / Language Skills                     
Matrix Architecture                     
IC Programs                     
Computer Forensics                     
GOD SOP                     
Computer Science                     
Matrix Phenomenon                     
VR Games                     
Data Havens                     

CYBER / BIOWARE                     
Cyberjack [Rt 1] (β)                     
Datajack (β)                     
Sleep regulator                      

ADEPT POWERS                  
Improved Logic [4]                     

MCT 360 [R3, A/S 6/5, P6] w. all Cyberprograms, Agent [3], Matrix Initiative Booster [2]                     
Transys Avalon [R6, D/F 3/1 (4/6), P3] w. Hot Sim Module, Biometric Reader, Editor, Browse, Signal Scrubber                     
Micro Transceiver & Subvocal Mic, Metalink Disposable Commlink [R1, D/F 1/0, P0], Fake SIN [1] , Fake Licence [1], Trodes, AR Gloves, Local Area Mapsoft                     
Flashlight, Respirator [6], Bug Scanner, Tag Eraser, 10x Plastic Restraints, Medkit, 2x Stim Patch [4], Trauma Patch, 2x Tranq Patch [6], Survival Kit, Weapon Cleaning Kit                     
Fake SIN [4], 4x Fake Licence [4] w. Driver, Weapon, Concealed Carry, Cyberjack                     
Contacts [2] w. Imagelink, Flare Compensation, Glasses [3] w. Lowlight or Thermo, Vision Enhancement, Ear Buds [2] w. Sound Link, Audio Enhancement                      
Ares Predator VI [3P, SA/BF, 10/10/8/—/—, 15(c)] w. Integral Smartgun, Silencer, Concealable Holster, 2 Spare Clips, 30 Caseless Normal Rnds, 20 Caseless Explosive Rnds, 10 Caseless APDS Rnds, 10 Caseless SnS Rnds (Clip load 10 Normal, 2 Explosive, 2 APDS, 1 SnS)                     
Armour Jacket [4] w. Programmable Camouflage Package, Shockweave [6], SecureTech Invisi-Shield [+2] w. Thermal Dissipation [2]                     
Ford Americar  [H4/5, A9, I20, Sp160, B11, A4, P1, S2, St4] w. Spoof Kit, xGuide Override, Electrochromic Paint                     
~5K nuyen left                     

Suburban Home [Neighbourhood: Middle, Necessities: Middle, Comforts: Middle, Security: Middle, Entertainment: Middle, Space: Middle, Houseplants]                     

Racial Costs   0                  
Qualities   17                  
Negative Qualities   -27                  
Attributes   35                  
Skills   15                  
Foci Binding   0                  
Resources   10                  
Martial Arts / Driving Styles   0                  
Additional CF    0                  
Initiation   0                  
Contacts   0                  
Buy off negative Qualities   0
« Last Edit: <06-23-23/1741:21> by Aria »
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« Reply #8 on: <06-23-23/1742:08> »
Added the stats to the three characters above for anyone who isn't keen on following links to other sites :)
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« Reply #9 on: <07-05-23/0849:04> »
Cyberhacks from Hack&Slash (Starting on p. 33) are a thing now.  Sum to 10.  Attributes A, Resources C, Skills D, Magic D, Meta C.  Decent Cyberhack, mediocre cyberdeck, basic runner gear.  Would make a good AR hacker.

Normal Priority gets tight as you're kinda stuck with Skills E, but it's still workable. 


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« Reply #10 on: <07-06-23/0757:07> »
Cyberhacks from Hack&Slash (Starting on p. 33) are a thing now.  Sum to 10.  Attributes A, Resources C, Skills D, Magic D, Meta C.  Decent Cyberhack, mediocre cyberdeck, basic runner gear.  Would make a good AR hacker.

Normal Priority gets tight as you're kinda stuck with Skills E, but it's still workable.
The pixie has a cyber hack (Spinrad Falcon [R2, A/S 5/4, P4] w. Cyberhack [D2, F4] w. Cyberjack Initiative Booster [1], all programs, trodes), bit hard to justify sticking ware in someone that small!!  ...although re-reading that maybe I can't use the initiative booster, will need to go and re-read that in H&S rather than relying on my excel file :P  EDIT: yep, the booster is incompatible with the cyberhack, ah well  ::)

I've noted that Song may need reworking now that Body Shop has introduced the used/omega ware sting in the tale with 'Bad Luck' ... that's an improvement for the better, although it's a bit of a blow for her :D
« Last Edit: <07-06-23/0800:35> by Aria »
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« Reply #11 on: <07-06-23/0830:51> »
And the Cyberhacks still require an implanted data Jack and can't swap attributes.  Many limitations on them. 

The other thought is to simply cheese it and take an RCC and stick it in the PAN and swap in the D/F attributes from the RCC.  And then stick both the RCC and Cyberdeck in a small drone that hides within wireless range.

Especially on a Pixie as they'd essentially be wearing a Cyberdeck and an RCC or Cyberhack are both larger than a Pixie.  : )


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« Reply #12 on: <07-06-23/1928:50> »
Can you use trodes with a cyber hack?? If not the pixie concept might be a stretch ::) … I did put her in a mini rigger cocoon on an anthro drone, which also carried the cyber hack in a backpack with the deck :)
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« Reply #13 on: <07-07-23/1152:17> »
IIRC Cyberhack specifically calls out the need for an implanted Data Jack.


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« Reply #14 on: <07-07-23/1731:16> »
Damn… right again… well there goes a once reasonable concept lol…
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