Aspect Peripheral under the Machinist description "... and the Sharing rating is equal to the machinist's Charisma." They can share up to Charisma in Autosofts with Drones.
Spend Nuyen for the Autosoft, load it in your RCC, Share with Drones. It does not matter that the RCC is part of the Living Persona because "...their living persona can function as an RCC, emulating all the abilities available to anyone using an RCC" Still need Living Network Echo to join/form a Network, but otherwise.
Technomancers have multiple ways of skinning this particular cat now.
Resonant Stream Machinist Plus Living Network Echo is the direct way. Boom, your Living Persona is an RCC, go!
Or build up to it via Echos. Machine Mind, Living Network, Living Command Console, and Software Emulator (or the Emulate (Program) Complex Form CRB 190).