Paydata [6E]

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« on: <03-05-23/0241:26> »
You're on a run, you got into a host, and you want to snoop around for something else you can sell while all the bullet sponges are sponging. What's the roll? Candidates I've come up with are Matrix Search (but the 10 minute interval hurts), Matrix Perception, and Hash Check (but we don't have anything to look for other than "shiny")


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« Reply #1 on: <03-06-23/1542:23> »
It is intentionally left undefined so the GM can do whatever they want ... but Hash Check works as well as anything if you need a roll.
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
Freelancer & FAQ Committee member
Former RPG Lead Agent
Catalyst Demo Team


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« Reply #2 on: <03-12-23/0022:35> »
If you want some precedent, here's an example from p. 36 of Free Seattle:

"With a successful Electronics + Intuition (3) test (see rules for Matrix Perception, p. 178, SR6), the hacker will identify paydata worth 2,000 nuyen. It is protected by rating 2 encryption. ... If the hacker’s Matrix Perception test got more than 5 hits, additional paydata is identified, valued at 5,000 nuyen."


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« Reply #3 on: <03-14-23/0320:29> »
Candidates I've come up with are Matrix Search (but the 10 minute interval hurts), Matrix Perception, and Hash Check (but we don't have anything to look for other than "shiny")
There are no rules around this so you are free to make it up on the fly as you go, but we resolve it with a Hash Check Major Action test where the hash is known and have a threshold of 1 IF the hacker (before the run) did their homework and researched the target host (which we resolve as a simple Matrix Search test that takes 10 minutes to complete) or otherwise unknown and have a threshold of 4.