Forum Squatters

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Usda Beph

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« Reply #30 on: <11-12-10/1424:29> »
Actually, any spambots that post are banned, and the banned list is removed from the members list, so any spammers that haven't posted are bad spammers anyway.
HOLY CRAP! Thats a lot of members for a forum so new!
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
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« Reply #31 on: <11-21-10/1951:39> »
Actually, any spambots that post are banned, and the banned list is removed from the members list, so any spammers that haven't posted are bad spammers anyway.

It doesn't work like that.

Sort members by website, and u gonna see, that lot's of spambots promote (positioning. SEO blackhat version) some sites. Some of them got links not in the 'website' but in 'signature' box.
Do you really want to check all users bb code in signature?

Of course, you can ignore the problem, but domain gets hurt in Google/bing/yahoo searches (dodgy links founded => search engine(s) don't trust domain)

Char limit suxx :/


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« Reply #32 on: <12-03-10/1241:28> »
Hey Guys

Sorry i'm posting this so late. Once I ifigured out someone was squatting my name (which had me oddly flattered) I PM'd Jason and he was kind enough to drop that person a note and they were kind enough to leave the name voluntarily. So if you see any posts by me the opinions are my own.

Truth be told I havn't been posting a lot on either forum lately as I did a lot of posting from work and they have instituted a games related web filter that I don't feel like troubling with subverting. So while I do browse around here I don't post unless something really catches my eye or I'm announcing a local game or something.
"And if the options are "talk to him like a grown up" versus "LOLOLOL murder him in his face until he doesn't come back," I know which suggestion I'm making." - Critias

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« Reply #33 on: <01-21-11/1142:53> »
I'd just like to jump in and note that, should there be a cull of low-post accounts, I am actually the same Adarael as on and everywhere else on the net. As far as I know, I'm the only person ever to have used or be using this handle. So please don't delete me, I just nabbed it to make sure nobody can masquerade as me!


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« Reply #34 on: <02-12-11/1548:14> »
It happens. When I read the post on DumpShock yesterday, LurkerOutThere couldn't get his name here (although looking at the members list, it may have changed since LurkerOutThere is now registered and logged in today).

And names like "The Laughing Man", "NetCat" and "NeonSamurai" have all been claimed and not logged in to since shortly after they were registered.

No offence Jack, but I expected Catalyst to do that anyway and give the names to employees. For a while I thought you were one not just a poster roped into mod work.  ;)


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« Reply #35 on: <02-12-11/1708:56> »
We talked about doing that, Loki.  But ultimately it would have been a lot of work to register all those accounts, we inevitably would have missed a few names anyway (How far back and obscure do we go?  Novels, 1st ed sourcebooks, any ShadowTalkers?). 

Plus, I'm a fan of using the same handle cross the web.  I use Bull damn near everywhere (and if I can't get that, Bulldrek, which is usually open), and I find keeping track of multiple "identities" to be a giant pain (For instance, with the exception of a couple of folks I know pretty well from outside the forums, if you use a different nick here and on Dumpshock, I probably don't realize you're the same person).  And some people use SR names as handles elsewhere.  So making them choose a new handle here because we locked theirs out would suck.  (though there's not much we can do if someone else grabs it first).

That said, I'm also a fan of creating your own identity rather than "borrowing" one from fiction.  I've given FJ crap about his handle once or twice :)



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« Reply #36 on: <02-12-11/1726:30> »
Well, if there's a filter for that, KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
I do like fire.....
Theres no place like
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« Reply #37 on: <02-12-11/2327:22> »
That said, I'm also a fan of creating your own identity rather than "borrowing" one from fiction.  I've given FJ crap about his handle once or twice :)

As I said, I originally did it on a lark, and I didn't really realize just HOW MUCH I'd be on the forums here (heck, on other boards, it took me over two years to get 2000+ posts). I guess I'm just trying to live up to the rep. ;)


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« Reply #38 on: <02-13-11/0445:02> »
Hey, he lives up to the handle. That's all that matters. Isn't it?
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« Reply #39 on: <02-13-11/0856:51> »
Hey, he lives up to the handle. That's all that matters. Isn't it?

I feel sorry for FJ's significant other. ^-^
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

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« Reply #40 on: <02-13-11/1105:48> »
Hey, he lives up to the handle. That's all that matters. Isn't it?

I feel sorry for FJ's significant other. ^-^
Alas, there isn't one right now. That might explain the free time to post as much as I do, but when there was a SO, it wasn't that different (and no, she didn't leave because of stuff like this...)


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« Reply #41 on: <02-14-11/2349:02> »
Hey, he lives up to the handle. That's all that matters. Isn't it?

I feel sorry for FJ's significant other. ^-^
Alas, there isn't one right now. That might explain the free time to post as much as I do, but when there was a SO, it wasn't that different (and no, she didn't leave because of stuff like this...)

Please. You'd be this insane on this board regardless of status. Shadowrun is to FastJack as cocaine/pornstars/hotel rooms/rehab/bad press is to Charlie Sheen.  ;D


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« Reply #42 on: <02-15-11/0023:56> »
Hey, he lives up to the handle. That's all that matters. Isn't it?

I feel sorry for FJ's significant other. ^-^
Alas, there isn't one right now. That might explain the free time to post as much as I do, but when there was a SO, it wasn't that different (and no, she didn't leave because of stuff like this...)

Please. You'd be this insane on this board regardless of status. Shadowrun is to FastJack as cocaine/pornstars/hotel rooms/rehab/bad press is to Charlie Sheen.  ;D
Remember kids, "Stay off crack, drink chocolate milk".

Usda Beph

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« Reply #43 on: <02-15-11/1245:48> »
Coming from Him that was Hil Larry Us ;D
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.