SRM 04-02: Extraction is now on sale, along with classic adventure Dreamchipper

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« on: <05-12-11/1322:34> »
A new Mission is out! SRM 04-02: Extraction has been released and is for sale at the Battleshop and at Drivethrurpg. Here are the basics:

Corporate Headhunting

Parker Acson is a hot property. Horizon has just hired him, but they’re the only ones who want him. Acson has gotten the attention of plenty of players in the magical arena, and several of them are interested in getting a piece of him. The runners have been hired to extract Acson by a mysterious Mr. Johnson, and they’re going to have to move quickly to get him out safely. There is plenty of competition out there, and not all of them are interested in Acson staying alive and intact.

SRM 04-02: Extraction throws runners into a den of lions and lets them claw their way out. Its novel structure presents plenty of possibilities and allows the players to choose who will become their allies while seeing what kind of enemies they can create.

Set in Seattle, Extraction continues the artifacts-related plot strand of the fourth season of Missions. It is intended for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

Also, if you’re interested in a deep delve into Shadowrun‘s past, we have a classic adventure on sale–Dreamchipper is now available! (Battleshop, Drivethrurpg).

The Year is 2050

Ladies of the night are being murdered and butchered with the skill of a surgeon.

The Gaslight Ghoul has returned, and he stalks the streets of Seattle!

In Shadowrun, the rampant substances of the 19th and 20th centuries are now as archaic as 8-track audio tapes. Now the escape of choice is the BTL, or Better Than Life chip. Plug it in and all physical pleasures, desires, and hopes suddenly pale by comparison. Some ‘experimental’ chips are missing, and you’ve been hired to find them. But an investigation of simple theft is turning into a grisly trail that seems to have no rhyme or reason. Now you are beginning to wonder … can these chips program someone to be a serial killer?
Jason M. Hardy
Shadowrun Line Developer

"The thing is, I’m serious about what I do, and the people with whom I associate are serious about what they do. We’re all serious people. Look, I can even make a serious face. See?" --Quinn Bailey