[SR6] Hack & Slash

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« on: <10-25-22/1220:06> »
I have a feeling there will be a lot in this book.

Pg.30, Subvert Infrastructure
The header says the roll is Electronics + Logic vs Willpower + Firewall , but the action text says Electronics + Intuition vs. Intuition + Firewall or 2x Firewall.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-25-22/1626:14> »
Huh, not the case in the german version, guess Pegasus press caught that one...
Oh boy, if the original is worsely edited than the translation, prepare for a rough ride  ::)

(Seriously, why even write the test into the description a second time? That just invites editing fuckups...)
« Last Edit: <10-25-22/1628:43> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #2 on: <10-26-22/1246:04> »
My guess is copy/pasting draft into an actual layout, with little to no editing passes


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« Reply #3 on: <10-27-22/2009:40> »
Custom Cyberdecks, Core Slots Pg 35

"Note how many core slots are taken up by all of your cyberdeck’s components, because this reduces how many wireless (and wired) devices you can connect to your deck’s PAN. "

PANs can support unlimited numbers of personal devices.  pg 173 CRB:  " ... the Matrix is built around the Personal Area Network (PAN). These are networks composed of a commlink and/or a deck, connected to any number of personal devices, along with the potential for a small number of devices slaved for remote operation."

The Hack & Slash author is definitely referring to personal devices counting against the device limit, not devices slaved for remote operation, because later on pg 37 they say " If you want a built-in accessory such as a trid projector, printer, sensor, or other gadget,  . . . built-in devices have the advantage of not counting against the device limit or core slots of a cyberdeck."
« Last Edit: <10-27-22/2032:28> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #4 on: <10-28-22/1014:45> »
Pg 47, Virtual Horizon

"The only Matrix action you take directly against any devices or icons “inside” a host while you’re on the outside is Matrix Perception. All inside devices are considered to be running silent using the Host Rating + Sleaze of the host as the opposed dice pool."

Honestly not sure if this is an error or not; Matrix Perception resistance is Willpower + Sleaze, using Willpower of the Spider.  Host Rating isn't used defensively anywhere in the rules.  I think this is a carryover from 5e.  If it's not an error: why is the author creating a special case for something as ordinary as a perception test?


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« Reply #5 on: <10-28-22/1048:45> »
TBH, I think that kinda makes more sense than Willpower + Sleaze. Its an effect of the devices being inside the host, and spotting them from outside should be hard regardless of a Spider being present. Intuitively, Device Raing + Sleaze that would have been my take as well.

That being said: Boy, the Attributes used for the different Matrix Actions really are all over the place, aren´t they? There´s no way of intuitively knowing what values are used under what circumstances. Sometimes its Firewall, but sometimes also Sleaze, Data Processing or Device/Host/Pilot Rating or even Attack, and most of the times there are multiple alternative defense tests against (presumably) Personas and Spider-protected hosts using any of the 4 mental Attributes. And to that, you have to add different Access Levels, Legality, Linked Matrix Attributes and Action Types. So much for Simplificition, it´s practically unusable without a flip-chart. Fragg, why can´t we just have Matrix rules that aren´t overly complicated?
« Last Edit: <10-28-22/1051:21> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #6 on: <10-28-22/1112:44> »
TBH, I think that kinda makes more sense than Willpower + Sleaze. Its an effect of the devices being inside the host, and spotting them from outside should be hard regardless of a Spider being present. Intuitively, Device Rating + Sleaze that would have been my take as well.

I agree that without a Spider, it shouldn't be a Sleaze-only roll. Firewall is usually the generic defensive stand-in for a defensive roll.  The only time Device Rating has been invoked for a defensive test is when you're dealing with a naked device with no ASDF of its own.


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« Reply #7 on: <10-28-22/1132:48> »
Pg 47, Virtual Horizon

"The only Matrix action you take directly against any devices or icons “inside” a host while you’re on the outside is Matrix Perception. All inside devices are considered to be running silent using the Host Rating + Sleaze of the host as the opposed dice pool."

Honestly not sure if this is an error or not; Matrix Perception resistance is Willpower + Sleaze, using Willpower of the Spider.  Host Rating isn't used defensively anywhere in the rules.  I think this is a carryover from 5e.  If it's not an error: why is the author creating a special case for something as ordinary as a perception test?

At a different point in Hack and Slash the test in an unopposed threshold of 2 to spot a Wirelessly active Device that is part of a Host's network. 

It's on the Errata team's list. 

100% IMO, just treat it as a normal Matrix Perception test to find a Silent Running Icon and carry on. 


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« Reply #8 on: <10-28-22/2107:17> »
Pg 43
Are Decoy Pod Hacks missing a method to create them?  The other two hacks include one, and their cost makes sense because the commlink rating is relevant.  Decoy pod hacks don't seem to care about that, but commlink cost is still included though it isn't important.  (also its very cheap considering a jammer is one of the ingredients)
« Last Edit: <10-28-22/2111:32> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #9 on: <11-06-22/0719:48> »
Pg 124, Realignment

A different Matrix attribute can be optimized with a Free Action, but only one Matrix attribute can be optimized at a time.

Free Actions don't exist, but the Realignment action is a Major.


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« Reply #10 on: <11-06-22/0842:25> »
pg. 127, Optimized Restoration Code Mod

. . . and now requires only 1 hour of restoration instead of the normal 3 hours.

3 hours is only true if the AI has a home device or host.  If an AI is living on the streets, their normal restoration time is 8 hours.
pg. 124, Restoration and Realignment
If the AI is living on the mean streets of the Matrix, they must spend eight hours resting per twenty-four-hour cycle,


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« Reply #11 on: <11-06-22/0917:23> »
Pg. 123, Damage, Healing, Disruption, and Dying

They can also use the Heal Virtual Life complex form

The complex form that heals AIs is called Restore Continuity. (pg 66)


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« Reply #12 on: <11-06-22/0925:03> »
Pg. 62, Attack Attribution and Pg 66, Sleaze Attribution

First of all, these should be listed next to each other, not four pages away.  Another example of alphabetical sorting being insufficient.

Attack Attribution:
This persona may now use illegal Matrix actions that use the Cracking skill.
Sleaze Attribution:
This persona may now use illegal Matrix actions that utilize the Electronics skill.

Illegal use of Cracking and Electronics have never been linked to the Attack and Sleaze attributes.  Case in point, Spoof Command is illegal and uses Cracking skills.
This is probably supposed to read "This persona may now take actions and use programs linked to the Attack/Sleaze attributes."
« Last Edit: <11-06-22/1054:52> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #13 on: <12-23-22/2342:05> »
p130 - The "Machinist" Resonance Stream includes a virtual RCC, that it has a Sharing Rating is equal to the Technomancer's Charisma attribute.

But Sharing Rating isn't a thing in 6th Edition. RCCs can no longer shift points between extra Program Slots and Noise Reduction, each is a separate stat.

RCCs in 6E do have Program Slots, but that is normally equal to their Data Processing attribute. (Commlinks and Cyberdecks also have program slots, but for those devices it's a dedicated attribute not derived from other stats). RCCs have a Noise Reduction rating equal to their Device Rating - the Machinist virtual RCC has it's Noise Reduction rating equal to Willpower attribute instead.

Is the "Sharing" rating a typo, meant to be Program Slots? And do they replace the RCC Program Slots normally based on Data Processing?


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« Reply #14 on: <12-29-22/1414:54> »
p40 - The Arrow Tap notes a more expensive version that lasts 30 minutes instead of 5 is available, but that version does not appear in the Gizmos chart at the end of the section.

p44 - The Laser jack and Link Glove appear twice in the Gizmos chart.

