6E: Help me understand the Hawker Siddley Rescue Harrier, please :D

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« on: <08-17-22/2207:19> »
Maybe this is a developer question for the person who invented this machine.

So, tell me about the Rescue Harrier.  It's a large drone that appears to be for search & rescue.  For me, this implies medical care.  However, the drone does not have the Medevac Modifications nor the Valkyrie module.  It does have an "emergency litter system", though.

So, what exactly is the main purpose of this drone?  What is an "emergency litter"?  Is this a Valkyrie module with a cable attached?  Can the "emergency litter" accept the Ares-Docwagon First Responder drone litter? The First Responder says all emergency vehicles accept it.  If so, why doesn't the Rescue Harrier have a mini Valkyrie like the First Responder?

Can a Valkyrie Module be added in lieu of the "emergency litter"?

Speaking of wheeled drones, the Rescue Harrier says it can also carry a "medium-class ground rescue drone", in case the patient is "unconscious or unable to move".  This implies the medium drone should be able to get the patient into the "emergency litter".  So, what medium (or smaller) drone can lift a meta-human into the litter (especially a troll sized person)?  It almost sounds like the "medium-class ground rescue drone" IS the Ares-Docwagon First Responder drone, but that machine cannot lift a patient into the "litter" (or it's own Valkyrie module).

Plus, how does this medium drone get to the ground from it's custom rack?

Really interested in having this great drone in my game (the Rescue Drone), but I don't understand the intent and description in relation to the stat box and how it should work in-game.

Thanks for the input!


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« Reply #1 on: <08-18-22/0900:26> »
The Rescue Harrier is a pick up Drone that would work with a Rescue team of some kind. 

It picks up patients from places that are difficult or dangerous for typical first responders and brings the patient to an Ambulance or similar.

The Rescue Harrier is not intended to provide Medical care, or Patient Transport.  It plucks someone off a burning building, or mountainside and brings them to a proper medic.

An "emergency litter" is basically a cot with some straps.  If you want to carry additional drones like the First Responder drone litter you'd want to add a drone rack.  The Rescue Harrier can carry a medium sized Anthrodrone, so Nissan Samurai or one of the Shiawase Bi-Drones or similar.
  Sorry, it's just "Medium-class ground rescue drone" which isn't mechanically defined.  I would simplify it by adding a Medium Drone rack as Standard equipment.  I was totally not just sticking a pimped out Nissan Samurai gunner on my Rescue drone...

Its a Str 10 flying Winch that only costs 13,000 Nuyen.  If your Shadowrunner can't figure out what to do with something like that you're not trying.
« Last Edit: <08-18-22/0918:01> by Hobbes »


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« Reply #2 on: <08-19-22/1424:23> »
Thanks for the reply, Hobbes!
It picks up patients from places that are difficult or dangerous for typical first responders and brings the patient to an Ambulance or similar.

I get that (agree) this drone is used to access places that are difficult for first responders to get to themselves, which is why the fluff seams to indicate a medium sized drone tags along.  Still not sure what medium sized helper the author envisioned.  It would need to be able to get the rescuee into the litter, if the patient is unconscious.

The Rescue Harrier is not intended to provide Medical care, or Patient Transport.  It plucks someone off a burning building, or mountainside and brings them to a proper medic.

To which that medic may be miles away, as indicated by the sea search reply by Kane.  Based on the fluff, I envision this as an inexpensive rescue transport. 

By rescue I mean moving a person from someplace unhealthy to a safer place,.  This may not mean medical care is needed (like evacuating someone from a sinking ship or a lost hiker), but most times a rescue does involve some form of medical care.

From the description, I can see this being used by field medics to transport soldiers from the battlefield to a field hospital (some distance away).  Another version of this is for a mass casualty event, where a swarm of these swoop into a triage area to carry patients to the various hospital (cheaper and faster than ambulances).  It is also likely used by rural volunteer fire departments as a means of moving someone to the nearest hospital (miles away).  As you mentioned, mountain rescues are difficult and many times wilderness rescues involve a medical issue of some sort.

Given this, it is likely a popular upgrade is to attach a Valkyrie Module to the winch (maybe by the medium drone helper).  It is also likely the module on the Ares-Docwagon First Responder drone can be attached to the Harrier and flown out.

Thus while the R. Harrier (as Kane calls it) isn't intended to provide medical care on it's own, the fluff does indicate the medium sized helper is supposed to do that and assist with the rescue in general (aka get the body into the litter).

An "emergency litter" is basically a cot with some straps.  If you want to carry additional drones like the First Responder drone litter you'd want to add a drone rack.

This is what I pictured, too.  A wire littler like search & rescue helicopters use today.  However, since it's a rescue winch, if there is a Valkyrie Module on the ground, it makes sense that can be attached, instead.  Also, it seems possible to use a Valkyrie Module instead of a littler (at an additional cost, of course). 

So, does the "custom rack on the side of the frame" come standard on the R Harrier?  If not (and it's an accessory that may be purchased), I assume it would just cost the same as a normal medium drone rack?

Sorry, it's just "Medium-class ground rescue drone" which isn't mechanically defined.  I would simplify it by adding a Medium Drone rack as Standard equipment.  I was totally not just sticking a pimped out Nissan Samurai gunner on my Rescue drone...

Oh yeah!!! Despite the implication that this thing is altruistic in nature, I think you hit on the real use for this drone: fire team support insertion! :D

If this thing can carry a "medium drone", along with the litter, how about this load out?

We have a Vulcan Systems Opossum Mk1 (med drone), which comes with a sat link and retrans unit, and the ability to varry 2 small drones (Hawker-Siddley Bats armed with SMGs or assault rifles, of course), and either 4 mini or 8 micro drones (4 EVO 'Roller Bombs', please).  If we stuff your Samauri gunner in the litter, we can readily deploy a small strike force, which can throw a wall of lead poisoning (or stick n shock/gas if this is crowd control) all to "rescue" the poor shadowrunner who found themselves in a pickle.  :P

I think that's what this "Rescue" Harrier is probably for.


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« Reply #3 on: <08-22-22/0853:25> »
The thing to keep in mind is that it's not enclosed.  You're not moving anyone injured any further than absolutely necessary.  But they're cheap, especially compared to a full on rescue helicopter.  So any Search and Rescue operation can have the capability in an emergency.  Coast Guard, Park Rangers, Fire and Rescue.  Even small outfits could have one.  Have you ever priced out a Fire Truck?  Things are really expensive.  13k or whatever for one of these is nothing and now you can pull people from burning buildings even if the ladder doesn't reach.

Anyway, the main thing about this drone is it's affordable.  It does one thing, really well, lifts someone up and moves them while dangling at the end of a rope. 

Docwagon and similar probably has a deluxe version with Medvac Modifications and a Valkyrie Module for an extra 6500 or so, which would be the thing.  But do note that drones that carry patients have their operating time reduced considerably.  Per the MedVac mod, they go from Six hours down to about 90 minutes.  Which is going to limit the range they can operate at.


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« Reply #4 on: <10-20-22/1910:32> »
The thing to keep in mind is that it's not enclosed.  You're not moving anyone injured any further than absolutely necessary.  But they're cheap, especially compared to a full on rescue helicopter.  So any Search and Rescue operation can have the capability in an emergency.  Coast Guard, Park Rangers, Fire and Rescue.  Even small outfits could have one.  Have you ever priced out a Fire Truck?  Things are really expensive.  13k or whatever for one of these is nothing and now you can pull people from burning buildings even if the ladder doesn't reach.

Anyway, the main thing about this drone is it's affordable.  It does one thing, really well, lifts someone up and moves them while dangling at the end of a rope. 

Docwagon and similar probably has a deluxe version with Medvac Modifications and a Valkyrie Module for an extra 6500 or so, which would be the thing.  But do note that drones that carry patients have their operating time reduced considerably.  Per the MedVac mod, they go from Six hours down to about 90 minutes.  Which is going to limit the range they can operate at.

I could see Docwagon employing one of these, even the basic model, alongside a fireteam to evac a target. The drone does the heavy lifting getting the target back to the bus for proper treatment while the fireteam covers. A runner team could use it for similar, evacing an extraction target they had to hit with chems or a stun weapon or even an injured teammate.