6E: Is a cyberjack almost manadtory for every runner?

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« on: <07-24-22/1823:47> »
Hi everyone,

I was looking over matrix defense, and it seems like comlinks can no longer provide the matrix defense needed for a runner with ware or other personal items.  Is it almost mandatory for a shadowrunner to have at least a rating 1 cyberjack to get a decent matrix firewall?

Thanks for your help!


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« Reply #1 on: <07-25-22/0635:05> »
Most members of the team will likely just use a regular commlink and then instead slave their entire PAN to the technology specialist of the team to form a bigger network that is utilizing mental attributes of the team's technology specialist and the firewall rating of their PAN while defending against matrix threats. Some technology specialists (like drone operators and vehicle riggers etc) will probably use a RCC rather than a cyberdeck (and get their firewall ratings from there) while others (such as deckers) will probably get a cyberjack.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #2 on: <07-26-22/0452:26> »
Use a Decker or Rigger to slave to, have the team share the costs for an RCC operated by a smart character, use a Weapon Commlink, run silent and just hope you won't run into an enemy hacker, or be very careful in general and don't have risky gear run wireless when you're in a potential hackable situation.
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« Reply #3 on: <07-26-22/1421:49> »
Remember that networks in SR6 can now have sub-nets. Hook all your gear to your Commlink then connect the commlink to the decker's network for protection.


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« Reply #4 on: <07-30-22/0529:13> »
Sixth edition matrix rules allow you to rotate (non-zero) matrix attributes through your persona. When you want to emphasize matrix defense, you can swap data processing and firewall on a Transys Avalon commlink to make the firewall almost competitive to a rating 1 cyberjack. At substantial cost savings: lower price and zero essence loss. Commlinks also support matrix programs (which cyberjacks per-se do not). You can use that to bump data processing back up after swapping attributes and to increase your matrix defense rating (via toolbox and armor).

Slaving gear to a tech specialists PAN is the preferred way to go. Still, tuning commlink resilience may provide a somewhat decent second line of matrix defense at low cost.


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« Reply #5 on: <07-30-22/1026:36> »
Yes, cyberdeck + commlink seem to be a budget alternative.

But most Deckers will probably still go for a cyberdeck + cyberjack. Both because this provide better matrix attributes, but, perhaps more importantly, also because it give you additional initative dice and minor actions while in VR.

(Cyberprograms are typically running on the cyberdeck itself)


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« Reply #6 on: <07-31-22/1547:18> »
Scratch built Junk RCC.  Programs Encryption and Run Silent Run Deep (Double Clutch).  Firewall 4 (not that Firewall 4 will stop a dedicated hacker) and Sleaze up to 9 (which will keep most Hackers from finding you).  No essence, 5960 Nuyen.  About as good as any Non-Hacker character is going to get for a reasonable investment.

Best Hacker defense is don't have Wireless on.  Next best, have a Hacker on the team.  Third best, cobble some junk together on your own and hope the GM doesn't throw a good (or lucky) hacker at you.

Ultimately you're not going to be able to stop a hacker if you have wireless on.  They'll just keep rolling every 3 seconds until you put a bullet in them.  Eventually they'll get in.  You can slow them down a bit.  Keep the GM honest.  Really about it if you don't have a hacker of your own that can hack them back or at least trace them down for you to thump in meat space. 


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« Reply #7 on: <07-31-22/1606:37> »
A change from previous edition is that also wired devices that are part of a network will now be exposed just as much as wireless enabled devices. Once a hacker is inside the network they gain access on all devices that are part of the network. No matter if wireless enabled or if they are connected via wires.

Of course, if the entire network is disconnected from the matrix (rather than just a few selected devices) then the hacker can obviously not hack it (except perhaps via a direct connection).


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« Reply #8 on: <08-01-22/1502:47> »
The weapon commlink from firing squad is another cost-efficient way for just about anyone to further boost matrix defenses.

